Goodell Upholds 4 Game Suspension For Brady

They actually didn't prove they did anything; they ruled it was "more probable than not" and ruled based on that.

And what are the several other times they've been caught cheating?

Well they proved they illegally took footballs into the bathroom.....its not poor Brady or poor Patriots....the guys that got fired for it is the ones to feel sorry for...

I don't know what all they have cheated doing but its pretty obvious to me that they will do anything necessary to give themselves an advantage. I don't really think that there is anything wrong with that but when caught accept it and move on.
Well they proved they illegally took footballs into the bathroom.....its not poor Brady or poor Patriots....the guys that got fired for it is the ones to feel sorry for...

I don't know what all they have cheated doing but its pretty obvious to me that they will do anything necessary to give themselves an advantage.I don't really think that there is anything wrong with that but when caught accept it and move on.

I'm sure you're really broken up about the 2 guys getting fired.

Every team does "anything necessary to give themselves an advantage", so I don't get why that would even seem surprising to you. How many teams have been busted now for pumping in crowd noise?

As far as "getting caught, accepting and move on", why would you not make the NFL prove you did it? Do you automatically just accept when you're accused of something? Seems like that's an awfully weak stance to take.
And apparently Goodell can't get enough of being made to look stupid, so the NFL is appealing. This is comedy gold.
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Do you understand the definition of "proved"?

$1 million to Kraft is like $5 to you and me. And I don't recall him graciously accepting it, he basically said "whatever" and moved on.

Time to take the patriots glasses of my friend, they are clouding your common sense. So teams give up first round picks just as "whatever"? Its clear one owner, one coach and one player continue to cheat and continue to get away with it, hell I can't even blame them anymore they are above the league if you keep cheating and keep winning why stop?
I'm sure you're really broken up about the 2 guys getting fired.

Every team does "anything necessary to give themselves an advantage", so I don't get why that would even seem surprising to you. How many teams have been busted now for pumping in crowd noise?

As far as "getting caught, accepting and move on", why would you not make the NFL prove you did it? Do you automatically just accept when you're accused of something? Seems like that's an awfully weak stance to take.

Its a football should be ruled on by the commissioner.....appealed by the player and ruled by an impartial moderator.....this should never ever be a court issue. It doesn't affect me in a any way....I don't care one way or the other if Brady plays or not besides the fact I have him on most of my fantasy teams...It doesn't change the fact that the two guys getting screwed is the ones that got fired.
I say let him play. Let the pats continue to win meaningless titles The vast majority of NFL fans know the truth. Anyone that believes that this doesn't severely damage the integrity of the game is delusional.
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Time to take the patriots glasses of my friend, they are clouding your common sense. So teams give up first round picks just as "whatever"? Its clear one owner, one coach and one player continue to cheat and continue to get away with it, hell I can't even blame them anymore they are above the league if you keep cheating and keep winning why stop?

LOL, time to clear up your butthurt. I'm not even a Patriots fan, I just think it's funny how whiny people get about the Pats because they win.

You keep throwing out lines and calling it "facts", yet have very little of said facts to back up your claims. You're basically making assertions and you think repeating them and acting like "everyone knows" something happened makes it so.

Sorry buddy, you can repeat bulls### until you're blue in the face, but it doesn't make it anymore real.
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I say let him play. Let the pats continue to win meaningless titles The vast majority of NFL fans know the truth. Anyone that believes that this doesn't severely damage the integrity of the game is delusional.

Yes, we do....that this does nothing to the laughable "integrity" of the game.
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Color me shocked. I didn't think the judge would overturn the suspension. It's not over yet though. While Brady will be playing in the first game, he may not be playing later in the season if the NFL wins their appeal in the appeals circuit.
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Its a football should be ruled on by the commissioner.....appealed by the player and ruled by an impartial moderator.....this should never ever be a court issue. It doesn't affect me in a any way....I don't care one way or the other if Brady plays or not besides the fact I have him on most of my fantasy teams...It doesn't change the fact that the two guys getting screwed is the ones that got fired.

If the commissioner wasn't so bad at his job, then it wouldn't have needed to go to a court.
Color me shocked. I didn't think the judge would overturn the suspension. It's not over yet though. While Brady will be playing in the first game, he may not be playing later in the season if the NFL wins their appeal in the appeals circuit.

If I were a betting man, I'd put money that the NFL will lose the appeal. They already thought it was a slam dunk that this judge would side with them and lost badly.
Tom Brady obstructed the investigation by destroying his phone prior to meeting with the NFL. He then lied to the NFL as to why he destroyed his phone.

Message has been sent to everyone else, its ok to cheat just make sure you cover it up.
If the commissioner wasn't so bad at his job, then it wouldn't have needed to go to a court.

Goodell's incompetence doesn't alter Brady actively obstructing the investigation and lying.

If you're just now realizing Goodell is a bumbling fool, it doesn't appear you've paid much attention to the NFL punishments over the past 5 or 6 years.
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Goodell's incompetence doesn't alter Brady actively obstructing the investigation and lying.

If you're just now realizing Goodell is a bumbling fool, it doesn't appear you've paid much attention to the NFL punishments over the past 5 or 6 years.

Again....the judge didn't seem too concerned with what you keep asserting.
If I were a betting man, I'd put money that the NFL will lose the appeal. They already thought it was a slam dunk that this judge would side with them and lost badly.

they may win....the first time they argued the case but now Im sure they will argue their labor agreement with the players union.
Again....the judge didn't seem too concerned with what you keep asserting.

Brady testified in his interview with the NFL that he always destroys his phone when he gets a new one. Then his attorney stated in federal court that Brady destroyed his phone on the advice of his agent. Either Brady lied or his attorney did.
they may win....the first time they argued the case but now Im sure they will argue their labor agreement with the players union.

Daniel Nash brought up the labor agreement multiple times and Berman didn't buy it. Their chances of winning on appeal are close to zero.
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