Goodell Upholds 4 Game Suspension For Brady

From page 9 of the Wells report:

Similarly, although Tom Brady appeared for a requested interview and answered
questions voluntarily, he declined to make available any documents or electronic information
(including text messages and emails) that we requested, even though those requests were limited
to the subject matter of our investigation (such as messages concerning the preparation of game
balls, air pressure of balls, inflation of balls or deflation of balls) and we offered to allow Brady‟s
counsel to screen and control the production so that it would be limited strictly to responsive
materials and would not involve our taking possession of Brady‟s telephone or other electronic
devices. Our inability to review contemporaneous communications and other documents in
Brady‟s possession and control related to the matters under review potentially limited the
discovery of relevant evidence and was not helpful to the investigation.

Yes, and it said they didn't need his phone. So you may now stop whining about the destroyed phone.
He is an idiot, but fact remains the leagues flagship team over the last decade plus has been caught cheating several times.

It's pathetic really, and today the cheater Tom Brady gets to celebrate for it. It's a sad day for the NFL today and a federal judge got a luxury suite out of it all.
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Normal people don't destroy their phones but since he is a celebrity and celebs had their phones hacked, he can use it as an excuse

Then why did his attorney have a different story in court? Someone lied about why the phone was destroyed. And it was just a coincidence he destroyed it on or about the day of his interview?

In my life experience, people with nothing to hide don't lie.
Brady initially testified he destroys his phone every 8 months:
Tom Brady claims he smashes his cell phone every 8 months or so -

"Brady testified that it is his practice to destroy (or give to his assistant to destroy) his cellphone and SIM cards when he gets a new cellphone."

Now he destroyed based on the advice of his agent:

Deflategate hearing begins with judge Richard M. Berman yet to decide on Tom Brady settlement case

Kessler claimed that the quarterback got rid of the phone on the advice of his agent to protect his privacy but had otherwise cooperated with the inquiry. However, in hindsight, "You're right, it could have been done a different way,'' the lawyer said of the phone.

You do realize what you just posted isn't actual proof of lying, right? You do know what "lying" is, right?
Are you unable to read what you just posted?

I can read this :

Our inability to review contemporaneous communications and other documents in
Brady‟s possession and control related to the matters under review potentially limited the
discovery of relevant evidence and was not helpful to the investigation.

Give me the quote where it says they didn't need his phone
Looks like he will play in the opener. I still think his legacy takes a pretty big hit with many fans.

Only the biased haters will think this. Any sane, objective football fan will think nothing of deflategate. It was a totally ridiculous thing to begin with.
I can read this :

Our inability to review contemporaneous communications and other documents in
Brady‟s possession and control related to the matters under review potentially limited the
discovery of relevant evidence and was not helpful to the investigation.

Give me the quote where it says they didn't need his phone

From page 9 of the Wells report:

Similarly, although Tom Brady appeared for a requested interview and answered
questions voluntarily, he declined to make available any documents or electronic information
(including text messages and emails) that we requested, even though those requests were limited
to the subject matter of our investigation (such as messages concerning the preparation of game
balls, air pressure of balls, inflation of balls or deflation of balls) and we offered to allow Brady‟s
counsel to screen and control the production so that it would be limited strictly to responsive
materials and would not involve our taking possession of Brady‟s telephone or other electronic
Our inability to review contemporaneous communications and other documents in
Brady‟s possession and control related to the matters under review potentially limited the
discovery of relevant evidence and was not helpful to the investigation.

Like I said, you keep picking out what you want to help the narrative you created. Unless you don't understand what "taking possession" means.
Two different stories explaining the same event smells like a lie to me.

Well a federal judge dusagrees with you. If you wish to believe that Brady still cheated, even though there is zero evidence that he did, please do. Just know that that opinion looks incredibly silly now.
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Are you kidding me? What does that have to do with lying?

Your ability to think and reason appears to be as shallow a puddle. You JUST SAID:

Two different stories explaining the same event smells like a lie to me.

I guess you disregard the Gospels then; same event, different stories explaining the same events, including different details.

Let me guess.....that's different. InB4 "are you seriously trying to compare the Gospels with Tom Brady?"
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Like I said, you keep picking out what you want to help the narrative you created. Unless you don't understand what "taking possession" means.

Correct. They didn't need physical possession of the phone but could have used copies of the relevant texts. However Brady provided neither.

Which is why the next sentence says "Our inability to review contemporaneous communications and other documents in
Brady‟s possession and control related to the matters under review potentially limited the
discovery of relevant evidence and was not helpful to the investigation."
If this same thing had happened to Peyton Manning, most of the ones bashing Brady would be calling for Goodell to be fired. But because its Tom Brady, he HAS to be a cheater. Pretty sad.

I think this ruling is a win for the players. It shows that Goodell and his moronic cronies are not the end all when it comes to huge decisions like this. It also shows that making suspensions without any evudence to support them, is a huge mistake. Hopefully one that Goodell has learned his lesson on.
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Well a federal judge dusagrees with you. If you wish to believe that Brady still cheated, even though there is zero evidence that he did, please do. Just know that that opinion looks incredibly silly now.

And you apparently don't understand what the federal ruling was about. It had nothing to do with deflated balls or Brady's conflicting stories. It was about if the NFL followed the process laid out in the CBA about disciplining players.
I read that polls and surveys indicate 70% say he cheated and lied. I guess only 30% are sane and objective

I would love to see a link for this. In sports, when you are a dominant dynasty, you will always come under fire. So saying only 30% is sane and objective is not shocking. If these 70% think he cheated, then by all means let them produce the evidence that supports their claims.

If you are one who believes he cheated, then please submit your proof that a federal judge couldnt find.
And you apparently don't understand what the federal ruling was about. It had nothing to do with deflated balls or Brady's conflicting stories. It was about if the NFL followed the process laid out in the CBA about disciplining players.

so why have you been harping so much about Brady "lying?"
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Correct. They didn't need physical possession of the phone but could have used copies of the relevant texts. However Brady provided neither.

Which is why the next sentence says "Our inability to review contemporaneous communications and other documents in
Brady‟s possession and control related to the matters under review potentially limited the
discovery of relevant evidence and was not helpful to the investigation."

WTF are you even arguing now? So you admit that they didn't need his phone, therefore pissing and moaning about destroying the phone is pointless?
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I would love to see a link for this. In sports, when you are a dominant dynasty, you will always come under fire. So saying only 30% is sane and objective is not shocking. If these 70% think he cheated, then by all means let them produce the evidence that supports their claims.

If you are one who believes he cheated, then please submit your proof that a federal judge couldnt find.

I completely understand that patriot fans are an angry and vocal minority. His legacy is tarnished and pats titles will always have an asterisk. They simply need to deal with reality and try to work towards playing in a fair and legitimate way to salvage some little scrap of respect. May not happen for several years.
I completely understand that patriot fans are an angry and vocal minority. His legacy is tarnished and pats titles will always have an asterisk. They simply need to deal with reality and try to work towards playing in a fair and legitimate way to salvage some little scrap of respect. May not happen for several years.

I'm not a Pats or Brady fan, and I can tell you only only deranged nuts like you will put an asterick by their titles.

Go cure that major case of anus pain you have and put your big boy pants on.
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