Goodell Upholds 4 Game Suspension For Brady

I'm not a Pats or Brady fan, and I can tell you only only deranged nuts like you will put an asterick by their titles.

Go cure that major case of anus pain you have and put your big boy pants on.

As evidenced. The irrational blind anger continues. Why don't you move to Ferguson or Baltimore? It could provide an outlet for you.
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As evidenced. The irrational blind anger continues. Why don't you move to Ferguson or Baltimore? It could provide an outlet for you.

What's funny is people like you claimed "Spygate" would forever tarnish the Pats' legacy. Years later, you know who the only ones who talk about "Spygate" are? People like you; regular NFL fans couldn't give a flip.
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What's funny is people like you claimed "Spygate" would forever tarnish the Pats' legacy. Years later, you know who the only ones who talk about "Spygate" are? People like you; regular NFL fans couldn't give a flip.

Yep ur right. Nothing to that spygate stuff. Those lost draft picks and the hefty fines levied for that just because people hate champions. Why is it none of the other teams that have built dynasties ( Steelers. Packers,49ers) have been subjected to that kind of scrutiny? Those teams are admired and celebrated. You don't want to admit it but just the mention of the words patriots, Belichick, or Brady immediately prompts thoughts of cheater. Yes most nfl fans do think that. Only the most rabid pats Homers and brady worshipers think otherwise.
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Yep ur right. Nothing to that spygate stuff. Those lost draft picks and the hefty fines levied for that we're just because people hate champions. Why is it none of the other teams that have built dynasties ( Steelers. Packers,49ers) have been subjected to that kind of scrutiny? Those teams are admired and celebrated. You don't want to admit it but just the mention of the words patriots, Belichick, or Brady immediately prompts thoughts of cheater. Yes most nfl fans do think that. Only the most rabid pats Homers and brady worshipers think otherwise.

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.
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I completely understand that patriot fans are an angry and vocal minority. His legacy is tarnished and pats titles will always have an asterisk. They simply need to deal with reality and try to work towards playing in a fair and legitimate way to salvage some little scrap of respect. May not happen for several years.

I actually despise Tom Brady and the Patriots and you know why? because they have beaten Peyton Manning led teams so much.

Your asinine assumptions are pretty weak. Obviously you fall into the ignorant, biased Patriot haters club. Thats cool. There are many of you and you guys can stay on your playground and complain all you want.
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I completely understand that patriot fans are an angry and vocal minority. His legacy is tarnished and pats titles will always have an asterisk. They simply need to deal with reality and try to work towards playing in a fair and legitimate way to salvage some little scrap of respect. May not happen for several years.

Also I would love to see your link that supports your claims. Again, I would also love to see the evidence that you have that a federal judge didnt see that proves Brady/Patriots guilt.

I will promptly retract my stance if showed some evidence that cheating has actually occured.
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Also I would love to see your link that supports your claims. Again, I would also love to see the evidence that you have that a federal judge didnt see that proves Brady/Patriots guilt.

I will promptly retract my stance if showed some evidence that cheating has actually occured.
It's sad that you're unable to look past your man crush for Tommy to see the truth. Hillary deletes 30000 emails and Brady destroys evidence on his phone yet they're both completely innocent. It's just laughable the lengths that folks will go to to protect a liar and and a cheat.
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It's sad that you're unable to look past your man crush for Tommy to see the truth. Hillary deletes 30000 emails and Brady destroys evidence on his phone yet they're both completely innocent. It's just laughable the lengths that folks will go to to protect a liar and and a cheat.

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It's pathetic really, and today the cheater Tom Brady gets to celebrate for it. It's a sad day for the NFL today and a federal judge got a luxury suite out of it all.

One organization is above the rules, time after time. It really does pay to cheat and yes I am sure that judge get well compensated for his decision.
Should a Colts fan really be complaining about cheating when they have continually pumped in crowd noise for years and years and years?
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Should a Colts fan really be complaining about cheating when they have continually pumped in crowd noise for years and years and years?

Which makes the Colts soooooo much worse because they also whine incessantly about what other teams trying to skirt the rules.
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It's sad that you're unable to look past your man crush for Tommy to see the truth. Hillary deletes 30000 emails and Brady destroys evidence on his phone yet they're both completely innocent. It's just laughable the lengths that folks will go to to protect a liar and and a cheat.

As I have said, I hate Tom Brady. I am a Peyton Manning fan. But I am also a football fan. Whats truly laughable is your assumptions. They are based in the same things as the NFLs allegations, speculation and stupidity.

As I have stated before and you have conveintly avoided, please provide your proof that Brady cheated.
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We'll laid out argument about the golden boy and company. Please know that this ruling had nothing to do with guilt or innocence. Only about the procedure used by the league for punishment.

Wait so its really not about Brady being guilty of cheating. Yet you have called him a cheater and have yet to provide any evidence that backs up your claims.

Somewhere Brady is laughing at you and every other jealous hater. Keep on with the ignorant hate though.
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Wait so its really not about Brady being guilty of cheating. Yet you have called him a cheater and have yet to provide any evidence that backs up your claims.

Somewhere Brady is laughing at you and every other jealous hater. Keep on with the ignorant hate though.

Not to mention that article looks pretty silly now since what has come out since then DOES make the whole thing look like a witch hunt.

If I were this writer, I'd take down this editorial much like Mortensen took down his original tweets.
People defending Brady and the Patriots really should take a hard look at themselves and just be embarrassed. Let's look historically at just what groups of liars and deceivers that Brady belongs in:
Lance Armstrong
Pete Rose
Richard Nixon "I am not a crook"
Barry Bonds
Mr an Mrs William Jefferson Clinton "I did not have sex with that woman"
Nick Saban
Sammy Sosa
Mark Mcguire
Manti Te'o ( I'm sure he'd like to hang out with Tom )
Alex Rodriguez
The list goes on but little Tommy fits in well with this group of peers. This is the way he'll be remembered like it or not
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Wait so its really not about Brady being guilty of cheating. Yet you have called him a cheater and have yet to provide any evidence that backs up your claims.

Somewhere Brady is laughing at you and every other jealous hater. Keep on with the ignorant hate though.

Wow. I really don't hate him personally. Just the behavior that puts a big stain on a game that I enjoy. On the other hand I believe you posted that you hate him just yesterday.
As I have said, I hate Tom Brady. I am a Peyton Manning fan. But I am also a football fan. Whats truly laughable is your assumptions. They are based in the same things as the NFLs allegations, speculation and stupidity.

As I have stated before and you have conveintly avoided, please provide your proof that Brady cheated.

I'm the hater?

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