Got an email from CBJ and the SEC Network

Every cable channel should have its own price per month rate so that you can customize what's on your TV, and only pay for what you want to watch. As it stands right now, we subsidize garbage TV that would never make it on its own because of these ridiculous packages. Cable TV does not work on a free market business model and I'm sick of it. Just my thoughts.

Many things need to be set straight in this thread.

1. S&L scandal was all Reagan and Thatcher. Regulation has a lot of merits.

2. Clinton, as almost his last act, and on the advice of Robert Rubin, did enable the fiasco of the Bush the Lesser years. Chaney and company though picked up that fumble and ran with it as far as they could. They are culpable for not nipping it in the bud early when they had every chance.

3. I actually think sports fans are the most heavily subsidised cable demographic. ESPN is the most costly package for any cable network. If millions of households who don't want ESPN dropped it, no telling what we would have to pay.
All I really hope is that someone will be streaming all of the games for me this year since I don't have cable (haven't for over 2 years). :)
Every cable channel should have its own price per month rate so that you can customize what's on your TV, and only pay for what you want to watch. As it stands right now, we subsidize garbage TV that would never make it on its own because of these ridiculous packages. Cable TV does not work on a free market business model and I'm sick of it. Just my thoughts.

The main reason I got rid of it 2 years ago. Paying for channels I would never watch and it just wasn't worth it anymore.
If insurance companies are required to pay for illnesses you acquired prior to signing up for insurance, then it ceases to be insurance, its just another form of welfare. The definition of insurance is paying into a system for protection from FUTURE greater financial liability.
BTW - before Obamacare, 76% of people were satisfied with their insurance coverage and cost. What do you think it is now after the implementation of this colossal mess? Whatever it is, it's much lower than 76%.

In a nut shell (very abbreviated explanation):

Personally, I like Dr Ben Carson's idea. Give everyone a Tax Free Medical Savings account from birth. Let it accumulate over time. Most will not need the money until their later years when the accumulation will be more than enough to cover expenses. For those that need it earlier, the Government could provide a role.

This will allow patients to shop for health services like they do for everything else causing more free market competition with lower prices for the consumer and more pay for the physicians and keeping the insurance companies and the Government from setting prices and determining what is covered and what is not.
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Many things need to be set straight in this thread.

1. S&L scandal was all Reagan and Thatcher. Regulation has a lot of merits.

2. Clinton, as almost his last act, and on the advice of Robert Rubin, did enable the fiasco of the Bush the Lesser years. Chaney and company though picked up that fumble and ran with it as far as they could. They are culpable for not nipping it in the bud early when they had every chance.

3. I actually think sports fans are the most heavily subsidised cable demographic. ESPN is the most costly package for any cable network. If millions of households who don't want ESPN dropped it, no telling what we would have to pay.


In a nut shell (very abbreviated explanation):

Personally, I like Dr Ben Carson's idea. Give everyone a Tax Free Medical Savings account from birth. Let it accumulate over time. Most will not need the money until their later years when the accumulation will be more than enough to cover expenses. For those that need it earlier, the Government could provide a role.

This will allow patients to shop for health services like they do for everything else causing more free market competition with lower prices for the consumer and more pay for the physicians and keeping the insurance companies and the Government from setting prices and determining what is covered and what is not.

I love this idea too because it empowers people and minimizes the role of the government.
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Fade, don't forget to mention how in the 1980's and 90's HMO's and PPO's took your premium money and payroll deductions but denied coverage for preexisting conditions. And too often denied coverage for cancer and any treatments that required long term or extensive and aggressive approaches. Even refused to authorized removal of a deep rooted wart I had. I got it done later at my own expense via a non-plan doctor who was done in 10 minutes. Or refusing coverage that resulted in people being either crippled or blinded for life or died while in legal battles to force them to authorized treatments while the companies were still taking premium payments from the same. Basically, all this was breach of contract but few people had the financial resources to fight insurance companies in a pitched court battle so lost by default. They learned this tactic from the tobacco industry which the government allowed to kill folks for decades after the proof of tobacco's death inducing was well-known. Now tell us again how great the system was. I strongly dislike Obamacare myself, big time, but I give him props for trying to level the playing field. He should have done a better job of structuring the system instead of rushing it to legislation. Likely wouldn't have mattered. Special interests and their lobbyists would have watered it down into being meaningless if he did. Probably would have ended up being as much or a bigger mess than it is now due to opposition by special interests of any true citizen friendly healthcare. That's the history of this country when it comes to such things. Tell us about that, Fade & co. Naw, forget it. Waste of time anyway. Special interests make sure that none of us make policy so what's the point?

I'm a loyal voting Republican but right with you pinko lib commies on this..."preexisting conditions" is a travesty perpetuated by our soulless insurance companies...would personally tie the straps of Obama's steel boot kicking this crap in the back to your beating of cute schoolchildren trying to pray :thumbsup:
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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If insurance companies are required to pay for illnesses you acquired prior to signing up for insurance, then it ceases to be insurance, its just another form of welfare. The definition of insurance is paying into a system for protection from FUTURE greater financial liability.
BTW - before Obamacare, 76% of people were satisfied with their insurance coverage and cost. What do you think it is now after the implementation of this colossal mess? Whatever it is, it's much lower than 76%.

My last post on this particular sub-topic. I don't buy the 76% were happy. I worked for three employers in different states. Most workers were literally cussing out their insurance plans and companies. Read too many articles about people being denied coverage despite being policyholders for years and never needing to use the insurance beyond physical checkups. Then getting sick and insurance refusing to pay. Even categorizing breast cancer as cosmetic not covered by the policy and worse. Personally watched something you ignore in your response. People who developed ailments while insured, denied coverage and were permanently disabled due to not getting the care or died while waiting for or seeking authorization of the needed procedure. The prevailing claim during the time was that the problem was HMOs but the PPOs did the same thing. Like you, the companies had a very Romeyesque view of their policy holders.

We're not going to agree, Fade. And I enjoy too many of your posts on football to drag this on and become a chasm between us as Vols fans. So over and out. :hi:
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I'm a loyal voting Republican but right with you pinko lib commies on this..."preexisting conditions" is a travesty perpetuated by our soulless insurance companies...would personally tie the straps of Obama's steel boot kicking this crap in the back to your beating of cute schoolchildren trying to pray :thumbsup:
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Straw man. Straw man.

The Straw man came with a tongue.
There was a job to be done.
And so they sent for the bugger, yes, that one.
The Straw man.

And as he snidely roved,
Where his pal violently ploved
They knew he'd live or he'd die by the code
Of the Straw man.

The man who never rides alone
And all that he'll ever own,
Is just his tongue, and he's known
As the Straw man.
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If insurance companies are required to pay for illnesses you acquired prior to signing up for insurance, then it ceases to be insurance, its just another form of welfare. The definition of insurance is paying into a system for protection from FUTURE greater financial liability.
BTW - before Obamacare, 76% of people were satisfied with their insurance coverage and cost. What do you think it is now after the implementation of this colossal mess? Whatever it is, it's much lower than 76%.

Where is the gop health care plan? Their plan is for everyone to get sick and die young . :yes:
Just got off phone with Direct TV. They are adding the SEC Network to their lineup the first week in August at no extra charge!!!!


Pressure is on Comcast -- I will dump them in a whim, July 1st if it isnt added -- and go Direct -- although it says Direct hasnt got a deal with the SEC yet
What led you to do this?

I live in Chattanooga and EPB Fiber Optic is superior to Comcast in every way! MUCH faster internet, a larger channel package for the same price, better customer service, plus it's nice having my internet, channels, and electric bill all consolidated into one payment.
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My last post on this particular sub-topic. I don't buy the 76% were happy. I worked for three employers in different states. Most workers were literally cussing out their insurance plans and companies. Read too many articles about people being denied coverage despite being policyholders for years and never needing to use the insurance beyond physical checkups. Then getting sick and insurance refusing to pay. Even categorizing breast cancer as cosmetic not covered by the policy and worse. Personally watched something you ignore in your response. People who developed ailments while insured, denied coverage and were permanently disabled due to not getting the care or died while waiting for or seeking authorization of the needed procedure. The prevailing claim during the time was that the problem was HMOs but the PPOs did the same thing. Like you, the companies had a very Romeyesque view of their policy holders.

We're not going to agree, Fade. And I enjoy too many of your posts on football to drag this on and become a chasm between us as Vols fans. So over and out. :hi:

No chasm here, Woods! We just happen to disagree on some non-football issues, that's all. I'm confident in what I believe, but I also acknowledge that others don't feel the same way and are equally as confident in what they believe.

BTW - Insurance companies are not perfect, and have made many knucklehead decisions, as have republicans. I'm as frustrated with them as I am with democrats, but for different reasons. It was a good debate, Woods. Enjoy your weekend!
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I may end up switching to Comcast if they could get a better DVR system in place. I'm liking the 5 Tuner DVR from DirecTV. It's great for recording several games at once. As far as I know, Comcast only has the 1 with 2 tuners. I could get two DVRs but then I would incur extra charges as well.

Comcast has upgraded their DVR , before you could only record about 40 shows and now I probably have over 150 stored and still have 52% free. I can't complain with Comcast , right now anyways.
The point is the very same party that fought Social Security and Medi-Care at their inceptions are up to the same old tricks. Washington could use a good old fashioned enema.

And republicans out-voted democrats for the civil rights act of 1964, so what's your point?
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Is a dish that much cheaper than cable after the introductory period? I've never had a dish.

When I had dish it was suppose to be $69 the first year but after 3 months I was paying $129 and really did not have nothing worth $129. I won't do satellite again. By the time you pay that and find a Internet provider then you will be paying more than you would if you just went to a cable provider. Jmo
When I had dish it was suppose to be $69 the first year but after 3 months I was paying $129 and really did not have nothing worth $129. I won't do satellite again. By the time you pay that and find a Internet provider then you will be paying more than you would if you just went to a cable provider. Jmo

Comcast has upgraded their DVR , before you could only record about 40 shows and now I probably have over 150 stored and still have 52% free. I can't complain with Comcast , right now anyways.

I did see online where they have something called the X1 but it does not appear to be in my area. This was supposedly launched a year or more ago in some markets. I believe it has at least 4 tuners. It may prove to be a viable choice for me sometime down the road.

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