Grand jury seated and investigating Trump

Idk. How many different states does he pay taxes to the state? How many audits have been done before? What is new this time?

Again if he is guilty charge him. If he isnt, let it go.
He was already audited but I’m sure they’ll correct the errors they missed the first time 👍
I think it's a horrible practice to only go after someone bc you disagree with them politically. We all know Trump isn't being looked into if he weren't POTUS. I think it's an embarrassment of office to run for office on the claim that you will investigate person x if elected. I would hope people in the legal profession would agree. Trumps a POS. But we can be better then this.

Wonder how many people that liked this post smiled and nodded approval when the Trump stumped about "locking her up?
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I have not read that before, but I agree with the premise that there are lots of people in jail, and lots of people that deserve to be in jail more than the ones currently in jail. A lot that is on the people making the laws, not those enforcing them. I still can't remember which felonies I've committed.

I have not read that before, but I agree with the premise that there are lots of people in jail, and lots of people that deserve to be in jail more than the ones currently in jail. A lot that is on the people making the laws, not those enforcing them. I still can't remember which felonies I've committed.
We have the highest rate of incarceration in the world. Hands down. Due to our bloated and stupid and overly oppressive legal code.
Give me a break. A supposed patriot who wants to make America great and his base loves him because he puts "America first" that allegedly dodged paying millions upon millions in taxes he owed to that very same country. Yeah we all speed and park illegally sometimes but this is not that level of a crime. If true.
If true has become the rally cry for so many expeditions on Trump.
We have the highest rate of incarceration in the world. Hands down. Due to our bloated and stupid and overly oppressive legal code.

I don't necessarily disagree with you. I don’t have data to back this up, but I feel like a lot of serious grifters/white collar criminals and real criminals like Hastert (mentioned in your link) walk or have minimal sentences, while a lot of the petty criminals are sitting in jail. I don't feel like putting in the effort to prove or disprove that right now.
Wonder how many people that liked this post smiled and nodded approval when the Trump stumped about "locking her up?
I didn’t smile and laugh anywhere near as hard as I did when I heard Comey’s prosecutor, judge, and jury speech of that helps for reference 😂
I don't necessarily disagree with you. I don’t have data to back this up, but I feel like a lot of serious grifters/white collar criminals and real criminals like Hastert (mentioned in your link) walk or have minimal sentences, while a lot of the petty criminals are sitting in jail. I don't feel like putting in the effort to prove or disprove that right now.
I don’t disagree with your assertion. Justice is blind but acquittal actually has a fee structure.
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That's false

He and his organization were the subject of multiple investigations and fines prior to ever even thinking of running for office.
Sure they have. And now none of this is politically motivated. You are 100% correct. Hell people running for office promising to investigate him no matter what is totally normal. Come on. You are going to biatch and moan when the tables are turned on Biden/Harris by a GOP state. Mark it down.
If hes gone thru this audit topic before I am sure it's another easy layup for Team Trump over the Dims.

He's claimed he's been through an IRS audit, but this is New York, there could be different issues. From what I've seen this could be related to deflating the value of property for state property tax and insurance purposes while inflating the value for banking/loan purposes. If this is true, it could be a state issue. I'm not saying it did or didn't happen, but that's the distinction. The bank and insurance fraud could be federal issues, but that doesn't mean there aren't state issues as well.

Edit: this should have said income tax, not property tax.
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If hes gone thru this audit topic before I am sure it's another easy layup for Team Trump over the Dims.
This one is really special. It’s a GJ convened to see if the Trump Organization “misled” lenders on property valuations resulting in loans backed by properties not worth the loan amounts. There is so much wrapped up in this farcical theater I don’t know where to start. Like why not go after the lenders for not doing their jobs to start with. This is banana republic level crap best I can tell.
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He's claimed he's been through an IRS audit, but this is New York, there could be different issues. From what I've seen this could be related to deflating the value of property for state property tax and insurance purposes while inflating the value for banking/loan purposes. If this is true, it could be a state issue. I'm not saying it did or didn't happen, but that's the distinction. The bank and insurance fraud could be federal issues, but that doesn't mean there aren't state issues as well.
Where does the burden lie for actual valuation determination in BOTH of those cases.

My house is worth $3M trust me. Unless you want to tax me then it’s worth $300k
This one is really special. It’s a GJ convened to see if the Trump Organization “misled” lenders on property valuations resulting in loans backed by properties not worth the loan amounts. There is so much wrapped up in this farcical theater I don’t know where to start. Like why not go after the lenders for not doing their jobs to start with. This is banana republic level crap best I can tell.
Banana republic stuff to finally go after the rich?

Again if there is a law he broke, punish him. Not banana republic at all.

If this is about loans, why the previous defense of "not his first audit"?
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Where does the burden lie for actual valuation determination in BOTH of those cases.

My house is worth $3M trust me. Unless you want to tax me then it’s worth $300k

I think it probably depends on what he's reporting. The things that could probably come up would be things like reporting different occupancy rates to entities like the bank and the state tax valuation authority.
Banana republic stuff to finally go after the rich?

Again if there is a law he broke, punish him. Not banana republic at all.

If this is about loans, why the previous defense of "not his first audit"?
I read an article earlier that he has basically been under continual audit for years. That is the basis for my comment.

And yes. It is absolutely banana republic to go after a political rival solely on political motivation. I don’t care that the rival is Trump but he is the target patsy for these political prosecutions. These were all previously reviewed issues that were reopened in 2018 by the state of NY to get around the federal tax records not being released. It’s laughable to claim it’s anything other than political.
I think it probably depends on what he's reporting. The things that could probably come up would be things like reporting different occupancy rates to entities like the bank and the state tax valuation authority.
That’s falsifying data. Why wouldn’t that have been found before? It’s awfully convenient to claim lazy for expediency before but now we must take a closer look.
This one is really special. It’s a GJ convened to see if the Trump Organization “misled” lenders on property valuations resulting in loans backed by properties not worth the loan amounts. There is so much wrapped up in this farcical theater I don’t know where to start. Like why not go after the lenders for not doing their jobs to start with. This is banana republic level crap best I can tell.

Lying to a bank to get a loan really is a crime. I touched on it in my previous post, but falsifying occupancy rates, value of fixtures, equipment, etc. on loan documents is not cool. When you say, "why not go after lenders," you ignore the fact that somebody (potentially) committed fraud in the first place. Banks should know better and pay the price, but a fraudster shouldn't walk either. I am not saying Trump committed a crime, but, if so, he shouldn't get a pass because the bank is stupid. The bank's regulators can come down on them too.
Lying to a bank to get a loan really is a crime. I touched on it in my previous post, but falsifying occupancy rates, value of fixtures, equipment, etc. on loan documents is not cool. When you say, "why not go after lenders," you ignore the fact that somebody (potentially) committed fraud in the first place. Banks should know better and pay the price, but a fraudster shouldn't walk either. I am not saying Trump committed a crime, but, if so, he shouldn't get a pass because the bank is stupid. The bank's regulators can come down on them too.
Falsifying data to a bank is a crime. If he did that it should have been discovered before during the loan process correct. He received the loans so.....?
That’s falsifying data. Why wouldn’t that have been found before? It’s awfully convenient to claim lazy for expediency before but now we must take a closer look.

Thats a question you'd have to ask the State of New York and the IRS. I dont like a partisan witch hunt, but I also don't like a grifter getting away with gift. It's a conflict for me and I don't know if there's a legitimate basis for the investigation or not. For all we know, people could have turned a blind eye to it in the past because he was prominent and thats why is wasn't investigated. Is that any better than prosecuting it now? Its ******, but if a GJ and jury decide it, let it be. I dont think Beria used either of those.

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