GT - Why cut block?

How do you know it was on purpose? How could he have even seen and thought fast enough to do it intentional when the center wasnt suppose to be blocking the NT. The guard cut block at the snap, so how would he have even know the center and NT were locked up when his eyes weren't even looking that way. It's like you are trying to see something that's not there. But I'm not going to argue about it. I'll say it again if it happens 60 times a game go find 1 game when it happened 5 times. You ignored this challenge last time I asked.

Ok two things. You have no idea if the C was suppose to get to the second level. For all you know the play called for him to block.

Secondly lets say the C was suppose to get to the second level. So when the ball is snapped the C comes off the line. The gaurd just dives at an angle to the right at DL knees and ankles and you think that is some kind of blocking skill? That PJ is a genious for this 🐎💩 style of play and that the C is suppose to be at the second level so that makes it ok for the guard to dive at a players knees as soon as the ball is snapped??

Ok two things. You have no idea if the C was suppose to get to the second level. For all you know the play called for him to block.

Secondly lets say the C was suppose to get to the second level. So when the ball is snapped the C comes off the line. The gaurd just dives at an angle to the right at DL knees and ankles and you think that is some kind of blocking skill? That PJ is a genious for this 🐎💩 style of play and that the C is suppose to be at the second level so that makes it ok for the guard to dive at a players knees as soon as the ball is snapped??


I know what our blocking scheme is and what the center is to do. And I never said he was a genius or anything, but I will say if the guard keeps the NT out of the play with a cut block idc how stupid/easy it is. Like I said, we see it two different ways. There are actually some UT fans that understand it and it doesn't bother them. And then there are some GT fans who hate it and don't like the system we run, it goes both ways. No biggie.
Cut block = block below the waist
Chop block= two guys engaged high and another guy comes in low.
so they are not the same.
The poster above showed a video of a CHOP block, but I said I had not seen a guy injured by a CUT block.
BTW UT cut blocks.

keep spinning your semantics.
Nearly every play the DL is being blocked in some fashion (thus the high component) add a cut block and its a freaggin chop block. They just get missed all the time.
You guys do this crap for the exact reason- players have to worry about this BS scheme so you get to "get in their heads" which y'all love. you know its shady, even if legal.

yes every team has a cut block every once in while, you guys use it as a mainstay! BIG DIFFERENCE!!!
either way I think it should be banned for all.
I went to Chapel hill for training. In the bars every Duke and UNC fan vocalized their disdain for your dangerous blocking style. I now live in Miami, and all the fans say the same thing. Everyone thinks your scheme is skirting the rule book (as all the previous quoted articles and interviews expressed). Everyone thinks your play is dirty even if legal.
Nuff said. Im out. Cut block dominant schemes is chicken crap football and you guys make your living on it. Will be glad when your coach goes so you can play based upon your team and coaches ability and by creating advantage by opposing players having to fear for their careers.
good day, and i hope we kick the crap out of you. If you burn one of our DL's knees with your BS then i will curse your entire team forever! you know what you guys are doing. Id have more respect if you simply owned up to it and allowed us to move on.
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keep spinning your semantics.
Nearly every play the DL is being blocked in some fashion (thus the high component) add a cut block and its a freaggin chop block. They just get missed all the time.
You guys do this crap for the exact reason- players have to worry about this BS scheme so you get to "get in their heads" which y'all love. you know its shady, even if legal.

yes every team has a cut block every once in while, you guys use it as a mainstay! BIG DIFFERENCE!!!
either way I think it should be banned for all.
I went to Chapel hill for training. In the bars every Duke and UNC fan vocalized their disdain for your dangerous blocking style. I now live in Miami, and all the fans say the same thing. Everyone thinks your scheme is skirting the rule book (as all the previous quoted articles and interviews expressed). Everyone thinks your play is dirty even if legal.
Nuff said. Im out. Cut block dominant schemes is chicken crap football and you guys make your living on it. Will be glad when your coach goes so you can play based upon your team and coaches ability and by creating advantage by opposing players having to fear for their careers.
good day, and i hope we kick the crap out of you. If you burn one of our DL's knees with your BS then i will curse your entire team forever! you know what you guys are doing. Id have more respect if you simply owned up to it and allowed us to move on.
I will say it again if it's so dangerous show me the multitudes of players being injured by GT because of cut blocks. Everyone says it's dangerous because they don't like to face it which is understandable, but that doesn't mean people don't have a misconception about it. So if you can prove to me it's dangerous with facts, I'm all ears.
And I'm not spinning semantics, I clearly stated FACTS that there is a difference between a cut and a chop block.The reason I won't own up to anything is because no one has brought me facts. So tell me this, if someone says something to you but they cannot prove it in anyway, do you still believe them if you asked for proof? I also spoke with a LB from Miami that went undrafted and is now on a practice squad in the NFL (I believe) about GT football and not one time did he complain about the cut blocks, he just said GT won't win anything major with that offense.
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Let's take a different approach.

GT seasonal opponents who don't cry about cut blocking:

GT seasonal opponents who cry like crazy about cut blocking:

GT seasonal opponents too busy drinking Zima to know what cut blocking is:

Too new to the ACC to have enough data:

I'm not telling y'all which bucket you should jump in. You pick that yourselves.
I will say it again if it's so dangerous show me the multitudes of players being injured by GT because of cut blocks. Everyone says it's dangerous because they don't like to face it which is understandable, but that doesn't mean people don't have a misconception about it. So if you can prove to me it's dangerous with facts, I'm all ears.
And I'm not spinning semantics, I clearly stated FACTS that there is a difference between a cut and a chop block.The reason I won't own up to anything is because no one has brought me facts. So tell me this, if someone says something to you but they cannot prove it in anyway, do you still believe them if you asked for proof? I also spoke with a LB from Miami that went undrafted and is now on a practice squad in the NFL (I believe) about GT football and not one time did he complain about the cut blocks, he just said GT won't win anything major with that offense.

Spin it again Sam!!!!!

Bottom line it's cheap trick football and honestly you should be ashamed of it.
The players have to spend more time watching their knees than playing real football.
It's legal, it's crap, and it's your teams bread and butter! Without that chicken crap a team wouldn't even think twice about you. That's why you still employ the shady at best tactics
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Spin it again Sam!!!!!

Bottom line it's cheap trick football and honestly you should be ashamed of it.
The players have to spend more time watching their knees than playing real football.
It's legal, it's crap, and it's your teams bread and butter! Without that chicken crap a team wouldn't even think twice about you. That's why you still employ the shady at best tactics
So you can't prove it's dangerous? That's probably because it's not. Who's the one twisting it? If it's not dangerous what's your argument? That you don't like it because it's hard to prepare for and works. I don't blame that at all. Very few want to admit that though and so they say it's dangerous with no proof.
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If you pull that bush with me I'mma shove one hand in your eye balls and the other is going to rip out your tongue, because you did it, not me.
I think that the triple option creates a lot of movement between the tackles that is difficult on the knees of big bodies. Every time the direction is reversed, all forward momentum must be stopped and put in reverse.

Fast forward to 44:50 and you will see two penalties called for CHOP blocks in the span of 44:50 and 47:00 minutes.

I'm sitting here lmao watching the GT lineman not even stand up at times out of their 3 point stance but just dive straight at the DL knees when the ball is snapped.
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The 1st was no chop block... flag yes... but zero chop block. They called an illegal block below the waste, which is normally a block outside the 10 to 2 area. I believe this was called on 79 (left side OT) for falling and tripping a defender.

The second was a chop block as the true freshman full back cut an engaged defender. He did this in the tax slayer bowl as well.

Still no injuries and none that I can recall from 2 years of watching.
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Fast forward to 44:50 and you will see two penalties called for CHOP blocks in the span of 44:50 and 47:00 minutes.

I'm sitting here lmao watching the GT lineman not even stand up at times out of their 3 point stance but just dive straight at the DL knees when the ball is snapped.
The 2nd play was definitely a chop block. But go back and watch the clip at the 44:50 mark, it wasn't a chop, nor was it even called a chop. There was only one player involved, he was blocking high and got pushed by a vandy player which made him slide down low on his block. You must have just seen the flag and not the actual play. Please go back and watch it and tell me what you see.
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Did you score less than Vandy in 2016? I know a technique you could try this year to help.

The 1st was no chop block... flag yes... but zero chop block. They called an illegal block below the waste, which is normally a block outside the 10 to 2 area. I believe this was called on 79 (left side OT) for falling and tripping a defender.

The second was a chop block as the true freshman full back cut an engaged defender. He did this in the tax slayer bowl as well.

Still no injuries and none that I can recall from 2 years of watching.

You've been watching all of two years? Lol

Look these guys up against GT and come back and talk injuries.

UNC defensive tackle Nazair Jones

UGA defensive end Deangelo Tyson

Duke linebacker David Helton

Maryland linebacker Demetrius Hartsfield
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The 2nd play was definitely a chop block. But go back and watch the clip at the 44:50 mark, it wasn't a chop, nor was it even called a chop. There was only one player involved, he was blocking high and got pushed by a vandy player which made him slide down low on his block. You must have just seen the flag and not the actual play. Please go back and watch it and tell me what you see.

Also those guys on the ground actually beat Vandy.....

Lol, atleast you admit it. I think you all should change your name to the Georgia Tech Carp. It would match your OL all diving and flopping around on the ground.
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You've been watching all of two years? Lol

Look these guys up against GT and come back and talk injuries.

UNC defensive tackle Nazair Jones

UGA defensive end Deangelo Tyson

Duke linebacker David Helton

Maryland linebacker Demetrius Hartsfield

You said cut block not at the Los is ok so you might need to take Helton and Hartsfiekd out of your guys. Also were these from cut blocks or chop blocks? No one is arguing the fact that chop blocks are dangerous.
You said cut block not at the Los is ok so you might need to take Helton and Hartsfiekd out of your guys. Also were these from cut blocks or chop blocks? No one is arguing the fact that chop blocks are dangerous.

Idk you tell me. I don't watch GT. I quit going to high school games years ago.
Yes people get hurt in football... Most DL get hurt in the scrum just like the 3 in the UK game.

Yes I can see that DLs want to dance like polar bears/chicken fight versus facing run blocking schemes. I can also see how this causes less injuries overall. Good point.

I have a good memory, but I will not commit to longer than 2 years. But, I can say I do not remember a cut block or chop block injury since CPJ has been at GT.
Well since you don't know, your argument is invalid. Thanks for clearing that up.

Why don't you go look them up and post your video of ea h to back your proof up. I'm not on your board trying to persuade you that when our guys high/low block that it isn't chicken shat and dirty.

The two defensive tackles listed were chop blocks. Just because the other two are linebackers doesn't mean they are in the ooen field one on one and got cut. They could have moved up to tbe line to blitz and got chopped.

So go find the video of the linebackers and let us know.
Yes people get hurt in football... Most DL get hurt in the scrum just like the 3 in the UK game.

Yes I can see that DLs want to dance like polar bears/chicken fight versus facing run blocking schemes. I can also see how this causes less injuries overall. Good point.

I have a good memory, but I will not commit to longer than 2 years. But, I can say I do not remember a cut block or chop block injury since CPJ has been at GT.

You sure you're a fan of GT or you just get that drunk on gamedays? 7 posts up at the 47:00 minute mark in the youtube video is a chop block. This was 2016. PJ just get hired in 2017?

Here's another of a GA DL.


That's from 2012, but considering you have only been a fan for two years, you might have missed it.
Why don't you go look them up and post your video of ea h to back your proof up. I'm not on your board trying to persuade you that when our guys high/low block that it isn't chicken shat and dirty.

The two defensive tackles listed were chop blocks. Just because the other two are linebackers doesn't mean they are in the ooen field one on one and got cut. They could have moved up to tbe line to blitz and got chopped.

So go find the video of the linebackers and let us know.
Because I'm not the one saying they are injuring people from cut blocks lol. I have no reason to look it up. And you are right they could have moved up to the LOS. lB's actually do that to us often. Also my argument hasn't been about chop blocks, which I have stated many many time that I understand chop blocks are dangerous. Im saying cut blocks are not dangerous and I doubt you can find any proof of cut blocks being dangerous, as many have said cut blocks are dangerous.
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