Harry Reid Dead At 82

Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? Ezekiel 33:11.
Hey, I've completely abandoned the red vs blue dichotomy but the man did lead an interesting life and could probably whoop most of the denizens of this board at 70...

Harry Mason Reid Jr. was born on December 2, 1939, in Searchlight, Nevada, the third of four sons of Harry Reid, a rock miner, and Inez Orena (Jaynes) Reid, a laundress for local brothels.[2][3] At that time, Searchlight was a small, impoverished town.[4][5] His father died of suicide in 1972, at the age of 58, when Harry was 32 years old.[6][7] His paternal grandmother was an English immigrant from Darlaston, Staffordshire. Reid's boyhood home was a shack with no indoor toilet, hot water or telephone.[6][8]

Since Searchlight had no high school, Reid boarded with relatives 40 miles (64 km) away, in Henderson, so that he could attend Basic High School,[6] where he played football and was an amateur boxer.[9] While at Basic High, he met future Nevada governor Mike O'Callaghan, who was a teacher there and served as Reid's boxing coach. Reid attended Southern Utah University and graduated from Utah State University in 1961, where he double-majored in political science and history.[10] He also minored in economics at Utah State's School of Commerce and Business Administration.[11] He then attended George Washington University Law School while working as a police officer for the United States Capitol Police, and he earned his Juris Doctor in 1964.[4]
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Kind of funny considering your post in the Rush thread huh hypocrite?
For what it's worth, although @lawgator1 has posted many negative comments concerning Rush Limbaugh going all the way back to 2008, he did not post anything at all in the thread which announced Limbaugh's death from February 17, 2021, which was entitled "Rush Limbaugh has passed". I ran a search.
Anyone influenced by LG's post is advised to go read the Rush Limbaugh thread
Haha!! Rush Limbaugh and Harry Reid are an apples to oranges comparison. One was a long-standing United States Senator and majority leader, while the other was a right-wing talk show host and media personality, who never held an elected office in his entire life.
Just calling a spade a spade. You are celebrating the death of a US Senator.

There is an old saying that applies to you:

You don't know your rear-end from a hole in the ground.

1. Pelosi is a US Representative
2. She isn't dead yet.
3. So I have not started celebrating the death of that lying POS.

However, to assuage your potential embarrassment over your ignorance, I will also celebrate when Chuck Shumer (US Senator from NY) moves on to the Great Beyond with a Stella because he isn't quite the lying POS Pelosi is.
Haha!! Rush Limbaugh and Harry Reid are an apples to oranges comparison. One was a long-standing United States Senator and majority leader, while the other was a right-wing talk show host and media personality, who never held an elected office in his entire life.

One was a crook and the other made an honest living, care to guess which is which?
Haha!! Rush Limbaugh and Harry Reid are an apples to oranges comparison. One was a long-standing United States Senator and majority leader, while the other was a right-wing talk show host and media personality, who never held an elected office in his entire life.
Cool story bro.

I guess though that you are still of a mindset that politicians are special in some way. All they do, is convince enough people that they are, and thus manage to keep fooling them into believing it enough that they keep their "phoney baloney jobs". If you need any proof of this, look at the debt clock. THAT is what these 'special' people are doing, and have done. Congratulations. You are one of the great unwashed fools that they laugh about behind closed doors. None of them are worth a ****.
Evil? Disagree with him all you want but that seems a little over the top
Just on example: Lied about Mittens' tax returns which destroyed his candidacy. When finally called out on it, admitted. "Well, it worked". Just one layer of that despicable onion. No great loss.
For what it's worth, although @lawgator1 has posted many negative comments concerning Rush Limbaugh going all the way back to 2008, he did not post anything at all in the thread which announced Limbaugh's death from February 17, 2021, which was entitled "Rush Limbaugh has passed". I ran a search.

I didn't remember doing so and asked him to point out which post he meant. No response.
Haha!! Rush Limbaugh and Harry Reid are an apples to oranges comparison. One was a long-standing United States Senator and majority leader, while the other was a right-wing talk show host and media personality, who never held an elected office in his entire life.
Correct. One held power, crafted legislation, passed laws, and forced thier ideas onto the public.
The other had a radio show.
I didn't remember doing so and asked him to point out which post he meant. No response.
If you've ever posted to a thread, you should see your bikini boobed avatar in the lower right corner of the OP's avatar on the page of each forum. If you go back and look at the "Rush Limbaugh has passed" thread, boobs shouldn't be there.

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