Harry Reid Dead At 82

Romans Chapter 9 covers that. But you don’t want the answer.

Different debate for a different time I suppose.

So god can give its "mercy" to whomever it likes and Pauls response to the reader who questions the fairness of that is 'tough sh*t, who are you question god?"

Does that about sum up Roman's 9 in this context?
So god can give its "mercy" to whoever it likes and Pauls response to the reader who questions the fairness of that is 'tough sh*t, who are you question god?"

Does that about sum up Roman's 9 in this context?

Not completely accurate but close enough. Considering that without God, you wouldn’t even exist (nothing would), seems kind of silly that you would stand before Him and question anything. He is High, Mighty, and All-Knowing. We are low, weak, and ignorant. It’s Pride that keeps people from admitting that fact.

I commend you for reading the chapter. I sincerely mean that. Now go read the book of John and Romans 5 to get the good news 😉
Not completely accurate but close enough. Considering that without God, you wouldn’t even exist (nothing would), seems kind of silly that you would stand before Him and question anything. He is High, Mighty, and All-Knowing. We are low, weak, and ignorant. It’s Pride that keeps people from admitting that fact.

I commend you for reading the chapter. I sincerely mean that. Now go read the book of John and Romans 5 to get the good news 😉

Lots of supposition to back into what your presenting as truth. I'm unconvinced in the premise that an unseen, unheard sky person that's responsible for the vastness of the universe would be concerned with asking Harry Reid to explain himself while maintaining a straight face.
Lots of supposition to back into what your presenting as truth. I'm unconvinced in the premise that an unseen, unheard sky person that's responsible for the vastness of the universe would be concerned with asking Harry Reid to explain himself while maintaining a straight face.

I don’t suppose you would be. But I appreciate the conversation.
Crashed his brand new Porshe in a single car wreck with no witnesses and no mechanical defects found. This was a guy that had been driving high performance cars on and off the track for years, helicopter pilot and former AG of the NV NG.

Bob Herbert remembered as ‘patriarch of the Guard in Nevada’

Retired 2-Star General, longtime Nevada Guard advocate Maj. Gen. Robert T. Herbert dies

Atleast they are trying now.

No more OD in solitary confinement or suicide gun shot head to the back of the head or opposite side of dominant hand.

I mean by the end of White Water they weren’t even trying to hide it.
Every nasty thing McConnell does, he learned from Reid.
But one thing McDonell had that Reid didn’t is foresight. From the Democrat point of view, eliminating the judicial filibuster, as Reid did, was the most monumentally STUPID thing imaginable. That is the direct reason that Trump was able to push through three reliable conservative jurists over the now ineffectual Democrat opposition.
Stupid, stupid, stupid
But even STUPIDER would be if Schumer gets his way and eliminates the legislative filibuster. With the Republicans highly likely to take back the Senate in 11 months, it would prevent the Democrats from stopping ANY legislation the Republicans wished to pass.
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Crashed his brand new Porshe in a single car wreck with no witnesses and no mechanical defects found. This was a guy that had been driving high performance cars on and off the track for years, helicopter pilot and former AG of the NV NG.

Bob Herbert remembered as ‘patriarch of the Guard in Nevada’

Retired 2-Star General, longtime Nevada Guard advocate Maj. Gen. Robert T. Herbert dies
Very interesting. Reminds me a lot of this incident

Michael Hastings (journalist) - Wikipedia
Even God Himself says he takes no pleasure in the Death of the wicked. It is better if we try to emulate that. That is what I hate about politics. It makes people mean (myself included if I am not careful). It becomes a winner take all game with no mercy and no empathy
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