Harry Reid Dead At 82

If you can't figure out that Rush Limbaugh was a public figure, you have a problem. He's open to the same criticism as a politician.
How much taxpayer money did Rush control and give to his friends? There are tons of examples for Reid if you bother to look. No matter how much you want them to be the same, they are not.
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The political forum exposes the idiots among us. And then they double and triple down to the point it’s just hilariously sad.
You're wrong, again. You have not accurately encapsulated my position or preference. I have offered clarity several times and others understood.
Apparently refusing to play his game his specific way means you’re actively doing something you aren’t. Oh well 🤷‍♂️
@McDad @volfanhill So the basic position is that if you are a politician who someone disagrees with, you deserve anything you get when you die... but if you're a media figure someone disagrees with, you should be immune from trash talk when you die?
@McDad @volfanhill So the basic position is that if you are a politician who someone disagrees with, you deserve anything you get when you die... but if you're a media figure someone disagrees with, you should be immune from trash talk when you die?
No one made that claim. But keep being bad at reading . I never once claimed it was ok to trash anyone.
It was you trying to force a specific answer thinking you were being cute. I don’t remember if I called anyone out on RBG or not but I know what I said and that’s all I’m responsible for. And I know what I said about Reid too. He’s trash. I’ll neither dance on his grave or mourn his passing.

Frankly John Madden is a greater loss to the nation than Harry damn Reid.
Here's your first post on RGB from her RIP thread:
Displaced Hillbilly
Sep 18, 2020

Helluva lady. Hated her politics but have tremendous respect for her. RIP Justice Ginsburg.
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Apparently there some posters who think Mike the Situation from Jersey shore should be held equally accountable as elected officials. Good god.
Or maybe some of you are just to dumb to figure out that being a politician or a media tool is not that different, and it's kind of shifty to trash the dead.
@McDad @volfanhill So the basic position is that if you are a politician who someone disagrees with, you deserve anything you get when you die... but if you're a media figure someone disagrees with, you should be immune from trash talk when you die?
You have a reading comprehension challenge. Your post does not convey my thoughts.
Here's your first post on RGB from her RIP thread:
Displaced Hillbilly

Sep 18, 2020

Helluva lady. Hated her politics but have tremendous respect for her. RIP Justice Ginsburg.
Thanks for looking that up. I knew I didn’t speak disparagingly on her death as I did respect her as a person. I have no idea if I felt the need to specifically play manners police as CV is demanding I must do
Oh it's vastly different. Rachel Maddow doesn't write laws. How you don't see that is more of a reflection on you then me.
Once again, you guys seem to be arguing that it's OK to trash RBG when she dies because she a "public figure" but Limbaugh is not. So whe. Maddow goes, she's off limits?
Once again, you guys seem to be arguing that it's OK to trash RBG when she dies because she a "public figure" but Limbaugh is not. So whe. Maddow goes, she's off limits?
No one has said that. Good god. You need help. And none are off limits. But I have no problem with people shatting on politicians. All of them .

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