Have any of your Biden voting friends

Slice, LG has you on this one. Trump was never part of the political elite, fringe hanger on, donor yeah but the reality is he pretty much was a 3rd party candidate when he ran for the nomination.

How so? Which issues was he left leaning on?

Trump just told people what they wanted to hear and confirmed the biases of the base. That's it. I'm not sure he has a single stance he genuinely holds.

There is also a significant number of people who voted for him just because the left didn't like him and I'm not sure they cared one iota of what he actually stood for. JMO.
No, he was terrible as a leader. We're basically debating Dooley vs Pruitt. Eventually we need to push to do better than these morons

No matter what your definition of terrible is, his terrible is about 5 rungs up the ladder from the disaster we have now. Never been a fan of Trump, too arrogant for me, but he didn’t do that bad a job as POTUS, much better than I thought he would do when he was elected. Biden on the other hand is sadly just what I knew we would get, just plain horrible.
People are flipping on Biden for mishandling Afghanistan...so did people flip on Obama and Trump for mishandling Afghanistan?
Depends on perception. I view Trump's behavior, childish as it may have been, as the necessary evil to expose DC and all that is wrong with it. Even if he was a part of it. None of that should ever overshadow, or be confused with the work he actually accomplished to better America. Because we sure as heck were better off 12 months ago.

You can defend yourself and policies without coming across as a complete douchebag
As to the OP, I don’t have a huge amount of friends that voted for Biden (the overwhelming majority of them are much too smart for that) but of the ones that profess that they did it’s about 50/50 between those that acknowledge their decision was a bad one and those that do not (and probably never would, regardless of job performance). I voted for Bill Clinton his first go around and I am man enough to say I regret it (and he wasn’t nearly as awful as the so called leader we have now). My approach is to vote your conscience and go with what you feel is the best candidate for the job and hope and pray that they perform well, if they do then it’s great, if not, admit their shortcomings and try to elect a better candidate. The last 4 elections didn’t offer much in the way of quality candidates with a shot in hell of winning in my opinion.
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People are flipping on Biden for mishandling Afghanistan...so did people flip on Obama and Trump for mishandling Afghanistan?

Seriously, are you mentally handicapped? Let me know when either of those two had thousands of people amassed at the airport with little to no security, extraction plan, and led directly to the loss of 13 troops. We will never know how many are being abandoned and slaughtered. I don't think the Taliban is "sharing" that intelligence with us
How so? Which issues was he left leaning on?

Trump just told people what they wanted to hear and confirmed the biases of the base. That's it. I'm not sure he has a single stance he genuinely holds.

There is also a significant number of people who voted for him just because the left didn't like him and I'm not sure they cared one iota of what he actually stood for. JMO.

Left leaning? What is this supposed to mean? Trump never campaigned on abortion, gay marriage, family values any of the typical BS topics Rs base their campaigns on.

As for the "left didn't like him" the left doesn't like anyone not running as a D. If Hillary would have ran as an R the left would have tore her to shreds too. And let us not forget the Rs didn't like Trump either. All Trump did was rally the people that had been sitting out the primaries because they were sick of the same 'ol same'ol the Rs were pushing down our throats.
Seriously, are you mentally handicapped? Let me know when either of those two had thousands of people amassed at the airport with little to no security, extraction plan, and led directly to the loss of 13 troops. We will never know how many are being abandoned and slaughtered. I don't think the Taliban is "sharing" that intelligence with us

Biden admin however is great at sharing large lists of ally and American names with the Taliban. Just trying to butter them up like Corn Pop would.
Left leaning? What is this supposed to mean? Trump never campaigned on abortion, gay marriage, family values any of the typical BS topics Rs base their campaigns on.

As for the "left didn't like him" the left doesn't like anyone not running as a D. If Hillary would have ran as an R the left would have tore her to shreds too. And let us not forget the Rs didn't like Trump either. All Trump did was rally the people that had been sitting out the primaries because they were sick of the same 'ol same'ol the Rs were pushing down our throats.

You said basically a third party. What does that mean?
I agree. Biden is an empty suit from Men's Warehouse

I had a plant manager one time that put it into perspective, and a perspective I employ when "defending" Trump. You can get your job done being an A**, or you can get your job done being a stand up guy. Both are doable. But, if your an A**, you better make D**n sure you do get your job done. That's Trump. He is a Narcissistic A**. And he made sure he got things done for the betterment of America. Doesn't matter if he did it out of earnest, or to toot his own horn being the despicable person Luth says he is...bottom line he got results.
Maybe but many were just useless insults and poorly put together thoughts. I don't feel a true leader needs to stoop to that level, especially when they've achieved the highest level around.

The disappointment is that he never changed from candidate Trump to President Trump. I liked his policies which were important.
Biden admin however is great at sharing large lists of ally and American names with the Taliban. Just trying to butter them up like Corn Pop would.

LOL...Hello...Taliban Leader...Since you promised to play nice now, here's our list of people to let thru the gates...
That wall would really come in handy now though, wouldn't ya say?
No, real immigration reform would be handy. The wall is falling down and was as effective as the Maginot line
Again, I think the time for celebrating the political consequences of the tragedy yesterday is down the road.

Don't use the political consequences of what has happened to dance on the graves of thirteen dead American soldiers.
Every single school shooting and you come running out to dance on the graves of children.


Your lack of self awareness is astonishing at times

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