HBO's "Game of Thrones"

I really need Bran to have more importance to the plot than just being bait for the NK. The 3ER is apparently an immortal being, or at least capable of extremely long life. Is he just gonna chill in his wheelchair forever while his family dies of old age/sickness/whatever else will kill them, long after this current irrelevant battle for the Iron Throne is over?

He has to play a bigger role. I think him being touched by the Night King still has huge implications beyond just the NK being able to more easily find him.
What role could be bigger than the implement used to destroy the army of the dead?
Nobody thinks Bronn would turn on Tyrion and Jaime. That would be an evil GOT thing to do.

That's pretty much my point.

Though I'm still of the mind Cersei didn't order the attack on the Lannister brothers. I think it was Clyburn going at it alone or, as I think about it more, Euron since Jamie is the only person alive that can speak any sense into his sister. Euron knows she hates Tyrion with a passion and would sleep very well if he gave her Tyrion's death as a "marriage" present. However, Jamie is also a threat to any advice he (Clyburn or Euron) would give Cersei and he was a "casualty of war" while taking out Tyrion. Whoopsie kind of thing.
That's pretty much my point.

Though I'm still of the mind Cersei didn't order the attack on the Lannister brothers. I think it was Clyburn going at it alone or, as I think about it more, Euron since Jamie is the only person alive that can speak any sense into his sister. Euron knows she hates Tyrion with a passion and would sleep very well if he gave her Tyrion's death as a "marriage" present. However, Jamie is also a threat to any advice he (Clyburn or Euron) would give Cersei and he was a "casualty of war" while taking out Tyrion. Whoopsie kind of thing.

Same here. Qyburn walking up with that proposition felt completely off. Cersei had the opportunity to take out Jaime via the Mountain not long before. And she let him go.

I hadn't given much thought to who it was, but I don't think it was Cersei. And I kinda doubt that Bronn actually goes through with it.

Euron is a very possible culprit. What you suggest makes sense. I have a hard time thinking Qyburn could be guilty or working with Euron. He really seems like the most loyal person she has since he started working for her. More so than Jaime. But how could Qyburn not know about shenanigans if he was the one that made the offer to Bronn.
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Ok, question: why is Sam (and Gilly, to some extent) alive?

He would have been a great “Aww, dang” death, but there he was, endangering his friends who had to rescue him while groveling on the ground.

The only thing that he brings to the final showdown is his brains and knowledge. Other than him pointing out the diary passage about the annulment, which anyone could do, what special role does he play?

Something is going to happen in E5 that will require maester knowledge. More supernatural critters? The Mountain plus perhaps a yet-unseen mountain range of additional Cersei zombies?

There were too many shots of him writhing under wights with good guys saving him to be just a background character for the rest of the season.

It’s quiet... Too quiet...
What role could be bigger than the implement used to destroy the army of the dead?

By implement you mean sitting duck bait. Sorry, that’s lame and lazy. I will be very disappointed if that’s all there is to his character arc of becoming the 3ER. Especially his warging abilities.
The prevailing theory was if Arya was to kill the Night King, she would take the face of a WW and do it that way. Big problem with that theory as one has to be dead in order to remove their face. Most people figured it would be Jon and NK in some epic battle where Jon prevails.

Arya was not expected. And even I held my breath for a moment when he caught her by the throat because I knew she was getting ready to be a memorial.

I thin most fans expected the NK to die. However, they weren't expecting the way it happened.
I didn’t think he would go out in such an easy fashion. I mean come on, We wait 8 seasons for that!?!i wanted him to survive until the end. Way to powerful to be taken out that easy. Do you think fans wanted to see the red wedding? No way most would but it was great after it happened. Just saying, this is more like King Arthur than GoT
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Ok, question: why is Sam (and Gilly, to some extent) alive?

He would have been a great “Aww, dang” death, but there he was, endangering his friends who had to rescue him while groveling on the ground.

The only thing that he brings to the final showdown is his brains and knowledge. Other than him pointing out the diary passage about the annulment, which anyone could do, what special role does he play?

Something is going to happen in E5 that will require maester knowledge. More supernatural critters? The Mountain plus perhaps a yet-unseen mountain range of additional Cersei zombies?

There were too many shots of him writhing under wights with good guys saving him to be just a background character for the rest of the season.

It’s quiet... Too quiet...
There would have been no Jorah to save Dany if he hadn’t gone outside Citadel protocol to treat his Grayscale. Without his oratory, I doubt Jon wins the Nightwatch...and the ensuing alliance with the Wildlings. He’s brilliant...and sucks as a warrior (as his father delicately pointed out). In modern times he’d be a power player in government.
I didn’t think he would go out in such an easy fashion. I mean come on, We wait 8 seasons for that!?!i wanted him to survive until the end. Way to powerful to be taken out that easy. Do you think fans wanted to see the red wedding? No way most would but it was great after it happened. Just saying, this is more like King Arthur than GoT

I'll just say "wait for it to unfold."

I'm prepared next episode to lose two more significant characters.
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IMO, the tv show has done stupid stuff with regards to what Arya can do. Taking a face not only allows her to look like her victim, but also change body size to match the victim, and take their voice as well? Dumb.

Spending a few months in Braavos getting her butt kicked by another faceless man trainee, and she's suddenly a super ninja assassin in Westeros? Meh.
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Person: GOT has gone downhill. I loved it because it was unpredictable

Same person: Arya coming out of nowhere to kill the NK is ridiculous and it should have been Jon as we were all predicting it
Not me bro, I wanted them both dead and the WW winning. Or at least one of the dead in the effort to kill the NK. Always have said GoT is t about the righteous winning, it’s about the struggle to live righteous in a world that is the exact opposite. Sometime, the good guys die and that makes good TV. Not this mainstream fantasy good conquering all crap
I'll just say "wait for it to unfold."

I'm prepared next episode to lose two more significant characters.
I get you, I just thought the WW/NK needed more than what they got...just a bad ending to THE story of the and ice
Battle of Winterfell was shot much like Battle of the Blackwater. I expect the final battle will be a daylight affair like Battle of the Bastards where you'll get to see snotbubbles, blood, guts and the rest of it.
Doubt we get a final battle like anything we have seen. Probably more cloak and dagger take over or whatever with the happy ending everyone wants.
IMO, the tv show has done stupid stuff with regards to what Arya can do. Taking a face not only allows her to look like her victim, but also change body size to match the victim, and take their voice as well? Dumb.

Spending a few months in Braavos getting her butt kicked by another faceless man trainee, and she's suddenly a super ninja assassin in Westeros? Meh.
Jaqen H'ghar (or whatever he's called)... could do the same. Her skills are at least consistent with his. No doubt the show requires a great deal of suspension of disbelief but if you've made it this far, last night shouldn't have been a problem.
By implement you mean sitting duck bait. Sorry, that’s lame and lazy. I will be very disappointed if that’s all there is to his character arc of becoming the 3ER. Especially his warging abilities.
I don't blame you, but with what they've made him, not Brandon Stark any longer, his role boiled down may just have been that. In the grand scheme, his role was to be the nk's undoing.

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When he marked Bran he was able to cross The Wall whenever Bran crossed The Wall.

Yes, but after he used the dragon to destroy part of the wall, he could have crossed no matter where bran was. In the books, there was a horn that was found, that was supposed to be able to destroy the wall when it was blowed. So, they got rid of the horn and gave the NK a dragon.
I get you, I just thought the WW/NK needed more than what they got...just a bad ending to THE story of the and ice

I'm not sure the NK represents the ice in fire and ice. Jon is both fire and ice. If the rumors about Tyrion are true then him and Sansa would be fire and ice and any kids they had would be also.

Could also be something that's yet to come.
Yes, but after he used the dragon to destroy part of the wall, he could have crossed no matter where bran was. In the books, there was a horn that was found, that was supposed to be able to destroy the wall when it was blowed. So, they got rid of the horn and gave the NK a dragon.

and created (the show writers) the NK in the first place
Jaqen H'ghar (or whatever he's called)... could do the same. Her skills are at least consistent with his. No doubt the show requires a great deal of suspension of disbelief but if you've made it this far, last night shouldn't have been a problem.
I'd guess he can since she can, but who all has he changed faces with? I remember him doing it back in season 4, but that guy was the same size. And he still had Jaqen's voice. He did it with the black guy that met Arya at the House of Black and White. But he was the same height. I can't remember him shrinking or growing several feet in height?

Basically that whole thing soured for me when Arya replicated herself as Walder Frey. Voice and body size. I get there's a level of fiction that goes with the show, but for me that was too much.
IMO, the tv show has done stupid stuff with regards to what Arya can do. Taking a face not only allows her to look like her victim, but also change body size to match the victim, and take their voice as well? Dumb.

Spending a few months in Braavos getting her butt kicked by another faceless man trainee, and she's suddenly a super ninja assassin in Westeros? Meh.

Well she did kill the trainer... While blind..

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