Helmet sticker on the way?

Threads like this make me really glad I'm not a football coach.

Just to be safe, are you guys OK with me handing out stickers, temporary tattoos, and other treats after I examine my patients?

Give me a freakin' break and let the coach do his job.

Not gonna lie. I laughed and spit out a little coffee.

My 2 1/2 year old put a star sticker on my hand this morning, because he thought "daddy was a good boy this morning". I was proudly wearing and displaying it to everyone when I dropped him off at daycare.
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I do not like the helmet stickers - it junks up the helment.

I think CBJ is trying to hard now - players should not need to be motivated by a helmet sticker.
Hate to break it to Sport but no one can really give more than 100%. I said no stickers not no recognition. Isn't 102,000 Volunteer fans all clad in orange cheering for you enough?

Things happen on the field because of teamwork. Last week Neal scores on his long run because of the blocking at the point of attack and down field.

Neal, who had the longest run of his career on the 46-yard TD run in the first quarter against Austin Peay, credits that success not to himself, but to his teammates for helping him get there.

Redshirt freshman wide receiver Jason Croom saw that gratitude firsthand.
"He thanked me for that block," said Croom. "If you look you can see he gave me a long hug in the end zone."

You're just bitter because no one gave you a sticker.
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New traditions start somewhere...new traditions are born. CBJ is not peeing on Neyland's statute. He is motivating his players. You all have to remember that these players have been through 3 years of DD. They may need extra motivation.
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I know this is a silly out-of-the-box idea, but what if fans got some kind of recognition for giving their all? For example, if the loudest fans in the student section got a sticker or something, do you think the competitive spirit would lead to a more animated crowd?

I'll hang up and listen.
IMO nothing wrong with recognizing an individual who had an outstanding week of practice, game, etc.

If the staff was worried about players being deemed "better than everyone else" then we would just have 4 co-starters at every position to ensure everyone feels equal.

its a team sport is what i way trying to say bad choice of words when i said "better than everyone elase"
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Threads like this make me really glad I'm not a football coach.

Just to be safe, are you guys OK with me handing out stickers, temporary tattoos, and other treats after I examine my patients?

Give me a freakin' break and let the coach do his job.

I know, right? Threads like this take away from discussing important issues like the pace at which our players run from one side of the field to the other at the end of each quarter.

Priorities people.
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Look guys, I'm all for keeping our traditions, but sometimes things change. We "traditionally" ran a single-wing offense. It won lots of games in its time, but eventually, we had to move on.
Besides, we're not talking about 50 stickers littering up a helmet like tOSU, we're talking about ONE sticker to recognize an outstanding performance. No one seems to mind the Vol Scholar patch for excellence in the classroom, why is this any different?
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People that say "shouldn't the crowd be enough motivation" or "shouldn't the T be enough motivation" couldn't be more wrong. That's the same as me going to go to work tomorrow and telling my sales people "Ok guys no more commission and stack rankings, from now on shouldn't our company logo be enough motivation?"

Butch is a born leader and it is little things like this that push people. A sticker on your helmet may not seem like much to you but to a 19 year old on a team (or to most adults), getting personal recognition in front of your peers is a HUGE motivator in any form or fashion. Well done Butch.
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I know this is a silly out-of-the-box idea, but what if fans got some kind of recognition for giving their all? For example, if the loudest fans in the student section got a sticker or something, do you think the competitive spirit would lead to a more animated crowd?

I'll hang up and listen.

You're right, your idea is silly. Keep that one in the box.
Like it or not its happening. He has a very business type approach. This reminds me of what most corporations do. They will give their employees incentives. It may be a badge for employee of the month , or it may be a bonus. This is nothing more than trying to get his all from the player. None of these players were rewarded under Dooley. The post game shows were full of insults. Heck the pre games were full of insults. People want to say that Dooley took over the program in worse shape. I have to disagree. The kids Dooley got knew what it meant to win something. The kids Butch got have no clue what to be other than losers thus far in college.
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I do not like the helmet stickers - it junks up the helment.

I think CBJ is trying to hard now - players should not need to be motivated by a helmet sticker.

1 small sticker on the back of the helmet junks it up? We are talking like a quarter sized sticker with the number 63 on it. Just the one, not multiples, and possibly only on one persons helmet at a time.

I think our fans are trying too hard to complain about something. It's been stupid around here this week.
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I'm willing to bet if this wasn't announced or got any media play, very very few people would have even noticed the sticker.
I know this is a silly out-of-the-box idea, but what if fans got some kind of recognition for giving their all? For example, if the loudest fans in the student section got a sticker or something, do you think the competitive spirit would lead to a more animated crowd?

I'll hang up and listen.

Or, we could invent some kind of "tee shirt cannon" to blast into the loudest section...hmm...
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The no stickers crowd are the same guys who would turn down performance bonuses at work, right?
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The no stickers crowd are the same guys who would turn down performance bonuses at work, right?

I would agree, but I think they are they guy's who get jealous when someone gets a promotion or is recognized for achievement and come up with the conspiracy theories as to why they were past over...... and to whomever made the statement about 102,000 people cheering should be enough motivation....... eff that, more like 60,000 old turds saying " down in front "
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