Helmet sticker on the way?

I do not like the helmet stickers - it junks up the helment.

I think CBJ is trying to hard now - players should not need to be motivated by a helmet sticker.

Again, it's one small sticker on one player's helmet each week. It isn't junking up anything, it's merely a way to reward a player of the game each week.
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So NO stickers
NO running
NO changes to uniforms

What else is CBJ not allowed to do?

He just needs to float any ideas he might have by this board...they will let him know what has merit and what doesn't. He just needs to be aware that VN is especially good when it can fully exercise hindsight...
So NO stickers
NO running
NO changes to uniforms

What else is CBJ not allowed to do?

Sharing an opinion on whether you like or dislike something is hardly the same as saying CBJ is not allowed to do something.

I personally don't like helmet stickers regardless if it one or one dozen. That's just my personal preference. But if CBJ believes it is the way to motivate or reward a player with a weekly sticker then he damn sure don't need anyone posting on VN permission to do so.

However I see naming a player(s) as Co-Captain(s) as a better method to reward than a sticker. Let them call the toss or pick the side.
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Who is the HC? Oh yeah..Butch Jones

As the HC isn't it his choice/decision what goes on the helmets? Oh yeah..IT IS

For all of you complaining about helmet stickers, uniform changes, so on and so forth. Give it a rest. CBJ is the best thing to happen to UT since winning the National Championship. The guy obviously has his finger on the pulse of this team and program. Just let him do his job and be supportive. You don't have to agree with his methods but be supportive and see what the results are before voicing your displeasure before you even know what the end result is.

If plastering stickers on helmets motivates players to want to perform at a higher level and helps bring UT back to competing for national titles then plaster away Coach Jones.
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i don't mind helmet stickers,but i don't like it being a 63,it should be a picture of old Smokey on it instead,with a white background,maybe a small 63 on it somewhere ,or a power T,with a 6 on one side and the 3 on the other
It is crazy how different this staff has been compared to previous ones. There seems to be a lot more going on.
If the players have to sprint to put a 63 sticker on the DJ booth between quarters there may be a riot on volnation.
I'm willing to bet if this wasn't announced or got any media play, very very few people would have even noticed the sticker.

I agree completely. Or, everyone would be wondering what happened to #63 and why are only a few VOLS honoring him. Ha!
Winning a game should be motivation to play well. Not a damn sticker.

And winning a war should be motivational enough that there is no need for medals or other decorations, right?

Sometimes people need to be recognized for their effort. It provides inspirado for those who don't have it and satisfaction for those who do. It might not matter in the proverbial heat of battle, but for the 99.999% of time that you aren't on the field, that sort of recognition does help identify who is the example to be followed.
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They don't call us the chair force for nothing.

I've always wondered why the airforce wore camo that is supposed to blend in with anything outside. Shouldn't their BDUs just have like a power point presentation, a desk and a cup of coffee across them? That would help them blend in, in their natural habitat. :)
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We wore a green shamrock on our helmets in '93 in rememberance of Tim Kerin. I thought they looked nice.

That was '92 I believe, but you're right about the shamrock. Then again, can we prove that the sticker wasn't responsible for the three losses?
It just sticks to the helmet, it doesn't get involved on the field of play.

:eek:lol: Had to give you a like for this gem......before it gets lost amongst the crap post of VN. Funniest response I`'ve read in a long time. Kudos.
With some of the responses to this thread and the uniform change threads, you would of thought they had announced an end to internet porn!

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