Herschel Walker channeling his inner Travis Henry

Well if it's not "enthusiastic" then it takes away all the inflation, and all around idiotic decisions that he continually makes on a daily basis lol
Sorry to tell you this, but re-electing Trump would not have prevented hyper-inflation ... His fiscal policy was highly inflationary.

... and what has the American political landscape devolved into, in most elections since 1992? A choice between the lesser of two evils.
800+ posts and unless I missed it, have not seen one reference to policy. Got two bad characters...so seems the tie breaker would be policy. But lets not kid ourselves.
800+ posts and unless I missed it, have not seen one reference to policy. Got two bad characters...so seems the tie breaker would be policy. But lets not kid ourselves.
This really is one of the worst choices I've ever seen in a statewide general election. The 1991 Louisiana Governor's race, which pitted David Duke (R) vs Edwin Edwards (D), was worse than this ... but I'm hard pressed to think of another.
This really is one of the worst choices I've ever seen in a statewide general election. The 1991 Louisiana Governor's race, which pitted David Duke vs Edwin Edwards, was worse than this ... but I'm hard pressed to think of another.

Look no further than PA this year. Just garbage candidates everywhere.
I could see these being House positions..maybe..but Senator?
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Never underestimate the average Georgia voter's ability to pick an idiot but I would walk over hot coals to vote for Walker over Al Sharpton Jr. any day of the week!

Warnock is a pastor that supports abortion. Let that sink in.
Sorry to tell you this, but re-electing Trump would not have prevented hyper-inflation ... His fiscal policy was highly inflationary.

... and what has the American political landscape devolved into, in most elections since 1992? A choice between the lesser of two evils.

Is this how you cope for voting for a dementia patient?
Warnock is a pastor that supports abortion. Let that sink in.
At a campaign rally, Herschel Walker said that he opposed abortion, because " God told me, 'Thou shalt not kill.' "

... after he had paid for his mistress to have an abortion performed in 2009. Let that sink in.
At a campaign rally, Herschel Walker said that he opposed abortion, because " God told me, 'Thou shalt not kill.' "

... after he had paid for his mistress to have an abortion performed, in 2009. Let that sink in.

Moses was a real SOB heathen, people change.
Maybe it is time to increase the number of House Reps.
So the USC limits one Rep for at least 30K, which is a minimal, but no maximum.
We are at each Rep averaging 750,000 citizens.
That is poor representation of such a large number.
It would help avoid gerrymandering and be more consensus of the people.
Maybe it is time to increase the number of House Reps.
So the USC limits one Rep for at least 30K, which is a minimal, but no maximum.
We are at each Rep averaging 750,000 citizens.
That is poor representation of such a large number.
It would help avoid gerrymandering and be more consensus of the people.

Are you fing nuts? You seriously suggest more politicians?
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At a campaign rally, Herschel Walker said that he opposed abortion, because " God told me, 'Thou shalt not kill.' "

... after he had paid for his mistress to have an abortion performed in 2009. Let that sink in.

And I used to be a democrat.

Whether or not your assertion is true, there is power in redemption.
I cope with voting for Joe Biden, by remembering that the alternative was Donald Trump.

Thank you for taking the blame for this cluster F we are in . Life was easier when market was up, gas was down and mean tweets triggered soft people.
Are you fing nuts? You seriously suggest more politicians?

Well when you put it that way.
But if government cannot limit itself to its USC duties only and trim down, it would be better representation and maybe dissolve some issues and maybe a little better consensus.
And I used to be a democrat.

Whether or not your assertion is true, there is power in redemption.
Much more likely :

Herschel Walker's hardline anti-abortion stance is attributable to political expediency, rather than through a divine revelation or introspective discovery.
Well when you put it that way.
But if government cannot limit itself to its USC duties only and trim down, it would be better representation and maybe dissolve some issues and maybe a little better consensus.

It would just make things worse.
Much more likely :

Herschel Walker's hardline anti-abortion stance is attributable to political expediency, rather than through a divine revelation or introspective discovery.

Come on..that happens all the time.
Just a few years ago, Dems were bent out of shape with electronic voting systems, against same sex marriage, securing the border, ad nauseam
Warnock is a pastor that supports abortion. Let that sink in.

First, no one "supports abortion." Some people support abortion rights.

Second, you assume that religion has something to say about abortion. A lot of people -- most in fact -- do not believe it is an issue governed by faith.

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