Herschel Walker channeling his inner Travis Henry

First, no one "supports abortion." Some people support abortion rights.

Second, you assume that religion has something to say about abortion. A lot of people -- most in fact -- do not believe it is an issue governed by faith.

The political and religious history here with abortion is really confounding. Initially, feminists were against abortion and the prevailing attitude among protestants seemed to be that anti-abortion was a catholic thing. Feminists changed their tune in the 50's and then protestants changed their tune in the late 70's (after Roe v Wade). Mormons didn't include anything about abortion in their handbook until 1976, and it's been a huge deal ever since. Pretty weird and feels like the political landscape determined the right's position moreso than religion did.

Nobody needed the Bible to tell us killing is wrong, but we got explicit instructions on that. Weird that the Bible leaves abortion up to interpretation, right?
First, no one "supports abortion." Some people support abortion rights.

Second, you assume that religion has something to say about abortion. A lot of people -- most in fact -- do not believe it is an issue governed by faith.

You don’t believe killing an innocent life is governed by faith?? List the things that are and I will hang up and listen.
The more I learn about Herschel the more I see why the GOP loves him: stupid, immoral, and impervious to truth.

Does anybody actually love him or do they just not want to lose the election to a D?

It's fun to make fun of the 2 parties over their worst and dumbest, but we got genuine idiots on both sides and focusing on the embarrassing 10% distracts from the more polished 90% who are fleecing us.
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The political and religious history here with abortion is really confounding. Initially, feminists were against abortion and the prevailing attitude among protestants seemed to be that anti-abortion was a catholic thing. Feminists changed their tune in the 50's and then protestants changed their tune in the late 70's (after Roe v Wade). Mormons didn't include anything about abortion in their handbook until 1976, and it's been a huge deal ever since. Pretty weird and feels like the political landscape determined the right's position moreso than religion did.

Nobody needed the Bible to tell us killing is wrong, but we got explicit instructions on that. Weird that the Bible leaves abortion up to interpretation, right?

You do realize there are many specific societal ills not mentioned in the Bible including but not limited to child molestation, gambling, pornography, sexual assault, domestic assault, etc. No serious person with an elementary teacher understanding of the Bible would argue that they are acceptable but for some reason since it doesn’t specifically say you can’t rip the head off of a child in the womb then it is a “grey” area lol
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You do realize there are many specific societal ills not mentioned in the Bible including but not limited to child molestation, gambling, pornography, sexual assault, domestic assault, etc. No serious person with an elementary teacher understanding of the Bible would argue that they are acceptable but for some reason since it doesn’t specifically say you can’t rip the head off of a child in the womb then it is a “grey” area lol

The point is that The Bible is flawed and failed to give us instruction on this important issue. You're just proving my point. Gambling...really?

I don't need the Bible to tell me that molestation, sexual assault, and domestic assault are wrong because I'd be hurting people that feel pain and have consciousness, emotions, feelings, and intelligence. It's not clear that abortion is wrong because I'm not sure a fetus at 6 weeks has any of those characteristics. If God had just said "a fetus has a soul at conception" there'd be no confusion but there's been a lot of confusion for a long time.
What a curious thing to say about a book written a couple of thousand years before abortion was a thing.

Wrong. We know that abortion existed at least 1500 years before Jesus.

And even if it didn't, the Bible was supposedly written by revelators who speak to God and it didn't exist as a book until a couple of thousand years after they started supposedly writing it. The Bible wasn't for them, it was for us.
You don’t believe killing an innocent life is governed by faith?? List the things that are and I will hang up and listen.

I was not commenting on what I personally believe. I was noting that the majority of people do not consider it a religious issue because they don't agree with your characterization.

The problem with religion governing your politics is no more starkly present than in this issue. Those that believe that religion DOES speak to this issue also feel that its an absolute. That is, your faith compels a political result and there is NO debate. It just is.

In a way, I envy folks that think like that because they don't have to struggle with the other sides of the coin(s). Its an absolute so no real thinking involved.
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I was not commenting on what I personally believe. I was noting that the majority of people do not consider it a religious issue because they don't agree with your characterization.

The problem with religion governing your politics is no more starkly present than in this issue. Those that believe that religion DOES speak to this issue also feel that its an absolute. That is, your faith compels a political result and there is NO debate. It just is.

In a way, I envy folks that think like that because they don't have to struggle with the other sides of the coin(s). Its an absolute so no real thinking involved.

I never pegged you as a religious man.
I was not commenting on what I personally believe. I was noting that the majority of people do not consider it a religious issue because they don't agree with your characterization.

The problem with religion governing your politics is no more starkly present than in this issue. Those that believe that religion DOES speak to this issue also feel that its an absolute. That is, your faith compels a political result and there is NO debate. It just is.

In a way, I envy folks that think like that because they don't have to struggle with the other sides of the coin(s). Its an absolute so no real thinking involved.

Sorta explains the type that gravitate to religion. There are some exceptions (e.g., Aquinas, Anselm), but they are definitely the exception.
Sorta explains the type that gravitate to religion. There are some exceptions (e.g., Aquinas, Anselm), but they are definitely the exception.
There are people that check their brain at the church door, but that’s such a lazy, dismissive take. There are plenty of nuanced, thoughtful positions among the religious and you don’t have to be Thomas Aquinas lol.
Sarcasm (I think?) noted but a bit unfair because perhaps my view of Chrstianity (I'm Presbyterian) is simply different than your own.

I'm not a particularly religious man. I believe in G-d but don't believe the bible is the literal word of G-d nor everything attributed to Jesus was actually said or done by him. I detest organized religion and those that profit from it. With that said I oppose both abortion and the death penalty and neither is due to a religious belief.
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There are people that check their brain at the church door, but that’s such a lazy, dismissive take. There are plenty of nuanced, thoughtful positions among the religious.
I never said there aren't exceptions (I pointed to two great scholastic philosophers), but there of plenty of studies out there showing religiosity negatively correlated with intelligence.
I never said there aren't exceptions (I pointed to two great scholastic philosophers), but there of plenty of studies out there showing religiosity negatively correlated with intelligence.
Be leery of any study that paints people you disagree with as dimwits.
I'm not a particularly religious man. I believe in G-d but don't believe the bible is the literal word of G-d nor everything attributed to Jesus was actually said or done by him. I detest organized religion and those that profit from it. With that said I oppose both abortion and the death penalty and neither is due to a religious belief.

I oppose the death penalty because I think it is so expensive to actually achieve. All the appeals, and on and on. Cheaper to just house them for life.
I oppose the death penalty because I think it is so expensive to actually achieve. All the appeals, and on and on. Cheaper to just house them for life.
I totally agree. Plus, it’s a punishment that we can’t backtrack on if new information becomes available.
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Lets just say HW paid for an abortion? What is the Dem problem with that as they support such?
He's an off the plantation American

Just saying..seeing them call him immoral.

Like I said..it comes to character assassination and no discussion of policy.

US voter participation is like 15% in the primaries..we complain about the quality, yet dont vote. The parties give all the money to their candidates, maybe decent people that cannot get their voice out are washed away.
Lets just say HW paid for an abortion? What is the Dem problem with that as they support such?
Did you really need to ask this question? Of course, it's the epic level of hypocrisy.

Herschel Walker has touted an extreme position against abortion rights. He has said that he is against abortion exceptions being made for pregnancies which resulted from a rape. Do you remember the controversy from a few months ago, over the 12 year old rape victim in Columbus, Ohio, who traveled to Indianapolis to have an abortion? Herschel Walker was asked by Ainsley Earhardt of Fox & Friends point blank if he would support abortion exceptions for cases such as that ... and he said, "Absolutely not." ... and added that no exceptions should ever be made to allow for an abortion.

During a campaign rally last month, Herschel told a crowd of his supporters that he opposed abortion rights because, "God told me, 'Thou shalt not kill.' Abortion is a woman killing her baby."

This wouldn't just be your run-of-the-mill hypocrisy by a politician. If Herschel Walker did, in fact, pay for his mistress to have an abortion in 2009? This is hypocrisy to an abnormal extreme.

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