Higgs boson?

this wasn't in yahoo,it was in dubovsky.it was talking about the phases of gravity in a higgs.

I'm not familiar with what you're talking about. The theory I know is simply that particles are infinitesimally small, and the amount of mass they possess is dependent on how they interact with the Higgs boson as they pass through them.

No clue what this has to do with black holes or how you're relating it to dark energy, but I'm open to learn. I'm not as educated on all the various theories as I'd like to be.
I'm not familiar with what you're talking about. The theory I know is simply that particles are infinitesimally small, and the amount of mass they possess is dependent on how they interact with the Higgs boson as they pass through them.

No clue what this has to do with black holes or how you're relating it to dark energy, but I'm open to learn. I'm not as educated on all the various theories as I'd like to be.

me neither,i'm just asking questions.
Who created the "strings"? Where did mass, space, time, energy etc. Come from? Those who feel that science and God are mutually exclusive are always stuck on this one. In order to believe there is no God you must assume that at some point, "everything" came from "nothing" for exactly no reason whatsoever as no designer set the wheels in motion. Good luck with that. The best analogy I've heard for my God is the wind. I can't see the wind, but I see its actions and they leave no doubt as to the cause. I see leaves rustle, clouds move, and tornado destruction. I also see miracles, answered prayers, judgment and redemption. I have no doubts as to the cause of these things. At the same time I love science. Always have. I read as much as possible about it with the fascination of a child seeing something for the first time. I grow weary of the intellectual elitism that is now so common. Many today feel that if you believe in the God of the bible you must be uneducated or just stupid. There are many very intelligent folks who serve God...and many scientists who believe.
Who created the "strings"? Where did mass, space, time, energy etc. Come from? Those who feel that science and God are mutually exclusive are always stuck on this one. In order to believe there is no God you must assume that at some point, "everything" came from "nothing" for exactly no reason whatsoever as no designer set the wheels in motion. Good luck with that. The best analogy I've heard for my God is the wind. I can't see the wind, but I see its actions and they leave no doubt as to the cause. I see leaves rustle, clouds move, and tornado destruction. I also see miracles, answered prayers, judgment and redemption. I have no doubts as to the cause of these things. At the same time I love science. Always have. I read as much as possible about it with the fascination of a child seeing something for the first time. I grow weary of the intellectual elitism that is now so common. Many today feel that if you believe in the God of the bible you must be uneducated or just stupid. There are many very intelligent folks who serve God...and many scientists who believe.

The prevailing wisdom now is that our universe came from another or other universes and that our universe or at least parts of it will make or help create another universe when our universe no longer exist. So in essence, it didn't come from nothing. However, it opens up a can with the cosmological argument for God's existence.
Who created the "strings"? Where did mass, space, time, energy etc. Come from? Those who feel that science and God are mutually exclusive are always stuck on this one. In order to believe there is no God you must assume that at some point, "everything" came from "nothing" for exactly no reason whatsoever as no designer set the wheels in motion. Good luck with that. The best analogy I've heard for my God is the wind. I can't see the wind, but I see its actions and they leave no doubt as to the cause. I see leaves rustle, clouds move, and tornado destruction. I also see miracles, answered prayers, judgment and redemption. I have no doubts as to the cause of these things. At the same time I love science. Always have. I read as much as possible about it with the fascination of a child seeing something for the first time. I grow weary of the intellectual elitism that is now so common. Many today feel that if you believe in the God of the bible you must be uneducated or just stupid. There are many very intelligent folks who serve God...and many scientists who believe.

Quantum physics has a theory for how something can come from nothing. It's what I'm reading right now. You should read it.

There is no point in trying to argue over a creator that has always existed, as opposed to an eternally existing universe without a creator.
Yes I do...the Bible says Noah was told to put 2 of every KIND of animal, not 2 of every individual species. Nearly every religion in the world has a flood story and its not by accident. Isolated island cultures such as native Hawaiians even have a tale of the great flood. Scientific evidence even supports this belief if you choose not to accept various forms of carbon dating. There are giant clam shells an top of some of the tallest mountains in the world. There are petrified trees found UPSIDE DOWN passing through several strata of bedrock supposedly hundreds of millions of years different in age. Did these trees stand upside down for millions of years while everything around them turned to stone and coal? Research multi-strata fossils. They are irreconcilable with the fossils around them which supposedly date millions and millions of years apart. There are huge holes in the accuracy of dating methods currently used. Some fossils when dated by the same method twice give readings that vary by millions of years. I believe there is as much or more scientific evidence for a flood than against, including the grand canyon. Did you know that even though scientists say it took millions of years for the canyon to be formed, the elevation above sea level for the beginning of the canyon is more than 1000 ft BELOW where the canyon ends? That means water would have had to flow UP HILL for the first few million years until it established a downhill path through erosion. I believe it was created in a great flood. Research these things and see if its not interesting at the very least.
You know better OE. Even your irrational disdain for Paul doesn't strike the flood from the old testament. Nearly every religion in the world documents the flood, not just the Abrahamic 3.
Yes I do...the Bible says Noah was told to put 2 of every KIND of animal, not 2 of every individual species. Nearly every religion in the world has a flood story and its not by accident. Isolated island cultures such as native Hawaiians even have a tale of the great flood. Scientific evidence even supports this belief if you choose not to accept various forms of carbon dating. There are giant clam shells an top of some of the tallest mountains in the world. There are petrified trees found UPSIDE DOWN passing through several strata of bedrock supposedly hundreds of millions of years different in age. Did these trees stand upside down for millions of years while everything around them turned to stone and coal? Research multi-strata fossils. They are irreconcilable with the fossils around them which supposedly date millions and millions of years apart. There are huge holes in the accuracy of dating methods currently used. Some fossils when dated by the same method twice give readings that vary by millions of years. I believe there is as much or more scientific evidence for a flood than against, including the grand canyon. Did you know that even though scientists say it took millions of years for the canyon to be formed, the elevation above sea level for the beginning of the canyon is more than 1000 ft BELOW where the canyon ends? That means water would have had to flow UP HILL for the first few million years until it established a downhill path through erosion. I believe it was created in a great flood. Research these things and see if its not interesting at the very least.

Many biblical scholars believe the story comes from a fairly big, but fairly local flood in the fertile crescent (present day Iraq, Mesopotamia, between the Tigris–Euphrates). If I remember correctly, a local wealthy merchant started to gather two of different kinds of animals to save them from the raising waters.

The problem with what you posted is that archaeologists and geologists from all over the world since the beginning of academia have been looking for the evidence of the biblical flood. To date they have found nothing. There is a great deal of evidence for local flooding all around the world, but nothing which connects flooding around the world to a particular point in history. It's just not there.
Many biblical scholars believe the story comes from a fairly big, but fairly local flood in the fertile crescent (present day Iraq, Mesopotamia, between the Tigris–Euphrates). If I remember correctly, a local wealthy merchant started to gather two of different kinds of animals to save them from the raising waters.

The problem with what you posted is that archaeologists and geologists from all over the world since the beginning of academia have been looking for the evidence of the biblical flood. To date they have found nothing. There is a great deal of evidence for local flooding all around the world, but nothing which connects flooding around the world to a particular point in history. It's just not there.

I disagree. Though we cannt pinpoint exactly when the flood occurred there is a lot of evidence to support it happening. There are also many things which demonstrate the circular reasoning and leaps of faith involving the geologic column and fossil dating. I recommend "dinosaurs and the bible" by Creation science evangelism. You should check it out. Multi strata petrified trees absolutely destroy the credibility of the geologic column.
I disagree. Though we cannt pinpoint exactly when the flood occurred there is a lot of evidence to support it happening.

There is no evidence of a worldwide flood. None. There is plenty of evidence of other floods virtually everywhere around the world; however they are all localized and at various times in history. That's the problem.

There are also many things which demonstrate the circular reasoning and leaps of faith involving the geologic column and fossil dating.

I am not sure what this has to do with geology. Geological dating is generally a lot easier than fossil dating. Most geologists don't use fossils to date soil and rock formations/layers. The opposite is generally true through.

I recommend "dinosaurs and the bible" by Creation science evangelism. You should check it out. Multi strata petrified trees absolutely destroy the credibility of the geologic column.

I'm not sure petrified trees destroy the geologic column. If you are implying that they prove the earth is radically younger than the conventional wisdom, then I believe you are mistaken. They are certainly intriguing mysteries though.
The flood. It makes perfect sense every animal kind on earth lived within walking distance of the ark.

It's embarrassing that educated people living in the 21st century actually believe this fairytale.
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This just opened up a huge can of worms.

PKT honest question...if this universe came from another universe could that be throwing off the carbon dating age of "the" material as it pertains to its time in this universe in your opinion?

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