You should read the Amendment that just passed in North Carolina.
I am for civil unions. Marriage has two parts. Legal and that established by the church. Unfortunately, that has never been spelled out before because I guess we never thought that it would get to this. Civil Unions are fine, just don't call them marriage.
Churches should pay taxes.
Why? People with your beliefs (or lack thereof) believe in the separation of church and state. Via that set of beliefs, churches should be outside the purview of the government.
Pledge should be banned, and my stance has nothing to do with the fact that "God" was added to it in the 1950s. The pledge should be banned because we should not be forcing our children to pledge blind loyalty to anything.
Sorry, but if you aren't loyal to the U.S. and what it stands for (or used to stand for before it didn't stand for anything), you really should consider a major relocation. French Canada or France would love to have you.
Really? Barry has been trying to legislate acceptance of homosexuality since he has been in office. The removal of don't ask don't tell in the military is a fine example. Why is it important in the military to be able to proclaim to the world that you are gay? Being able to stand up and say I am gay and proud somehow makes you a better soldier? I think not. Don't ask Don't tell was tolerance, removal is legislating acceptance.