House of the Dragon

Wonder how much of that is bc HBO doesnt have many marquis/marquee events or shows loaded in the queue?

Was very surprised they let Mighty Eighth go to Apple TV, was really dissappointed. They teased their fall and winter lineup for 22, needless to say was very underwhelmed.

Amazon, Apple, and even NF are giving them a content run for their money.

Tried the new Prequel. Held my attention for about 10 minutes.

It held your attention for 10 mins? Lol okay...well I guess there's no need for you to come back in this thread again.
It held your attention for 10 mins? Lol okay...well I guess there's no need for you to come back in this thread again.
Edit: Stuck it out to end of Epi 1.

Thought they did a much better job of delving into characters than even in GoT. I think focusing on one family as central characters as opposed to bouncing around will pay dividends.
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2 things:

1) They could not have picked a better actress to play a young version of someone who is an ancestor to Danaerys. Her attitude and mannerisms are absolutely spot on.

So obviously she has several reasons to be upset about learning Alicent will marry her father. It’s her BFF, the meetings were kept secret from her, and now her closest friend threatens her position if she gives the king a son. But are we meant to be getting the impression the two girls are love interests as well? I can’t decide if the show is hinting at that or not
2 things:

1) They could not have picked a better actress to play a young version of someone who is an ancestor to Danaerys. Her attitude and mannerisms are absolutely spot on.

So obviously she has several reasons to be upset about learning Alicent will marry her father. It’s her BFF, the meetings were kept secret from her, and now her closest friend threatens her position if she gives the king a son. But are we meant to be getting the impression the two girls are love interests as well? I can’t decide if the show is hinting at that or not
I've wondered the same on the latter.

It's GOT. You KNOW they are setting up huge conflicts, intra-family rivalries, and probably some weird sex stuff.

Really good first two episodes. I know tonight's was a little slower, but this was the off-speed pitch before the high heat. Guarantee it.
2 things:

1) They could not have picked a better actress to play a young version of someone who is an ancestor to Danaerys. Her attitude and mannerisms are absolutely spot on.

So obviously she has several reasons to be upset about learning Alicent will marry her father. It’s her BFF, the meetings were kept secret from her, and now her closest friend threatens her position if she gives the king a son. But are we meant to be getting the impression the two girls are love interests as well? I can’t decide if the show is hinting at that or not
I haven't watched the 2nd episode yet, but I absolutely agree with 1. I noticed from the "cast" list on imbd before it started that there was going to be a change at some point. After the first episode I'm going to hate to see her go.
2 things:

1) They could not have picked a better actress to play a young version of someone who is an ancestor to Danaerys. Her attitude and mannerisms are absolutely spot on.

So obviously she has several reasons to be upset about learning Alicent will marry her father. It’s her BFF, the meetings were kept secret from her, and now her closest friend threatens her position if she gives the king a son. But are we meant to be getting the impression the two girls are love interests as well? I can’t decide if the show is hinting at that or not

To answer your last they're not. Dont expect them to be friends for too much longer either.
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So far Im just not feeling it. Besides the standoff at Dragonstone, nothing so far that's happened is all that interesting and I find most of the episodes so far to be just one boring scene of dull dialogue after another. The whole show just feels less gritty and "real" than GOT. And besides Daemon I dont find any of these characters particularly interesting. I'll keep watching of course to see if it gets any better but so far its a C+
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So far Im just not feeling it. Besides the standoff at Dragonstone, nothing so far that's happened is all that interesting and I find most of the episodes so far to be just one boring scene of dull dialogue after another. The whole show just feels less gritty and "real" than GOT. And besides Daemon I dont find any of these characters particularly interesting. I'll keep watching of course to see if it gets any better but so far its a C+
Did you watch the preview of ep 3?
Episode 2: lacking in the boob department but the
crab people and hand in the maggots
covered the gore department.
Episode 2: lacking in the boob department but the
crab people and hand in the maggots
covered the gore department.

After the delivery scene and slinging the balls up on the block in Episode 1, ain't nothing gonna bother me .
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It's no GOT, but better than most of the slop coming from hollywood these days.
King will die leaving her with a best firend who is pregnant with her rival.
And am uncle that would benefit from all of them kicking the bucket.

They've set a pretty good stage so far. I'm betting business is about to pick up.

I recently re-watched got, and there's no arguing season 8 was a let down when compared to the rest of the seasons. There were still great moments tho. That said, I still think that show was fantastic and it didn't deter me one bit from this show.
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