House of the Dragon

And am uncle that would benefit from all of them kicking the bucket.

They've set a pretty good stage so far. I'm betting business is about to pick up.

I recently re-watched got, and there's no arguing season 8 was a let down when compared to the rest of the seasons. There were still great moments tho. That said, I still think that show was fantastic and it didn't deter me one bit from this show.

It's hard to beat GOT seasons 2-4.
Show is awesome so far.

I loved the juxtaposition of the king struggling to slaughter the hart and the princess going prison message on the boar.
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Honestly had forgotten about Tyland before Rhaenyra mentioned Jason had a twin
A little help needed, here. So the new dragon rider was Laenor, and he's the older brother of the little girl Valaryon they tried to convince Viserys to marry? And their parents are Corlys and the "Queen who never was," jilted in ep 1?
Show is awesome so far.

I loved the juxtaposition of the king struggling to slaughter the hart and the princess going prison message on the boar.

Agreed. But if you are paying attention, at least some of the outcomes are known. Which I find a bit disappointing.
Agreed. But if you are paying attention, at least some of the outcomes are known. Which I find a bit disappointing.

Yeah, I'd appreciate no spoilers ITT. I don't remember stuff. Somebody earlier said, "We know that no _____ has ever ______ from GOT." and I'm thinking, "Thanks, dude. I didn't want to remember that."
have to admit, slow out the gates. dare I say better than the first?
Better than the first episode? I think it was the third season of GOT before we got an actual large battle. You won't have to wait that long...
have to admit, slow out the gates. dare I say better than the first?
Too early to tell. Been enjoying it so far but it doesn’t have the depth of GOT, which is understandable given the source material differences. Still a great show for sure.
Too early to tell. Been enjoying it so far but it doesn’t have the depth of GOT, which is understandable given the source material differences. Still a great show for sure.
Yeaaah, I think it has MORE depth (at least character wise) because it isnt trying to view the whole Colony with one microscope lens. Focus on one thing, tell it well.

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