Everytime I come on here, you or Spartacavolus or one of your ilk are talking up Vanderbilt's talent level. I'm sure you have more posts about Vanderbilt than I do. Who is "obsessed"?
Link me to all of those posts you made criticizing our coaches for that loss. I remember no more than one. For every "criticism" you've ever made, I can show you numerous posts you've made suggesting our coaches were simply out-talented by those mighty Vanderbilt forces. It seems there is nothing you won't say to prop up rival programs or denigrate our players as long as it gives your beloved coaches an extra excuse or removes some more responsibility from them.
I guess 3 players having good workouts cancels out everything else. If only we could have had those 3 guys instead of our 15 4 star starters or our homefield advantage or our senior laden O-line and D-line or our 5 combine invited big men or our training facilities or our highly paid trainers and staff, poor Butch might have had a chance.
Can't decide if you're willfully ignorant, delusional or just a liar. Coin flip IMO. Although the part about being able to find posts authored by me saying Vandy has more talent than UT is an f-ing lie.... I have never, EVER, posted that, I don't believe that and the only way you're ever gonna produce a post that says that from me is if you alter it/edit it/FYP it.....which for the record, I wouldn't put past you. That's a bald faced lie, pure and simple.
Additionally, if you somehow went back to the night of the Vandy game you would find multiple, as in more than a dozen posts of me absolutely ripping the coaching staff, in particular Azzani for not having a single creaking WR capable of getting open on any route, at any time, which led to the loss. So you've lied about that too.
What I have said is that the talent gap, which once was cavernous is no longer. It has closed considerably to the point that it's relatively close as Tennessee became a slow, relatively unathletic team by SEC standards compared to Vandy which has significantly improved their overall talent during the same time period. Hell, it was you who constantly harped on Butch for signing a worse class than Vandy last year after being on the job all of 8 weeks. So by your own *****ing and moaning, there's one class of Vandy players that was better than UTs. Are you really gonna argue that UTs was much better the year before. Hell, the players I talked about showing out in the combine were recruited by Bobby Johnson iirc. And their performances at the combine had nothing to do with scheme or game plans, but had everything to do with their ATHLETIC ABILITIES.
So I've posted in this thread about 2 matters... 1. Missouri had more players invited to the combine, fact and 2. Vandy's players have performed very well at the combine which has reflected well on their football talent, vs UTs players who have performed very poorly at the combine, have seen their draft prospects plummet, which has reflected poorly on their football talents. Again, this is reported fact. Neither of these posts were remotely aimed at you yet here you come, as you normally do, like a bat out of hell with snarky-ass comments in hand to show how stupid a conflicting opinion to yours is.
Poor wittle Oregon got his feeweengs hurt because somebody, anybody, poked holes, even a little bit, in his blind, rage fueled theory that UTs roster was bounding with talent but those idiot Big East-bred, SEC wannabe coaches can't coach for shiite, leaving the Vol football program mired in failure and doomed for all time.
Go ahead, regale us with more of your BS. We all know it's coming.