How concerned are you of violence at the inauguration?

How worried are you about Trump supporter violence disruption at inauguration?

  • Very. Trump is finding ways still to promote it

    Votes: 18 22.5%
  • Somewhat. The local authorities seem unprepared for this

    Votes: 20 25.0%
  • Not very. They will be ready this time and keep things from getting out of hand

    Votes: 21 26.3%
  • Not at all. People have had their say.

    Votes: 21 26.3%

  • Total voters
It really is funny, so funny that he was arrested! lmao right?! How about this- head on over to a government building carrying flex cuffs and you can totally have a laugh while the security on site arrests you!!
So his charges are:
High treason
Possession of flex cuffs while commission of a coup
Attempting overthrow of the most powerful government in the world


It couldn't be he was arrested for disorderly, criminal trespass, and vandalism could it? No one is disputing those occured.
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It really is funny, so funny that he was arrested! lmao right?! How about this- head on over to a government building carrying flex cuffs and you can totally have a laugh while the security on site arrests you!!
Why would I do that? I really don't care that he was arrested and it doesn't support your "overthrow the US govt" narrative anyways. Guy was an idiot and will pay. Thankfully he was an extreme outlier in the half hour siege and should be treated as such. He was not the norm
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I’d definitely make it a closed ceremony.

They still have plans for an inaugural ball and other parties? Gonna be tough to support that and a national lockdown, but I'm a firm believer dims would never see the hypocrisy.
So his charges are:
High treason
Possession of flex cuffs while commission of a coup
Attempting overthrow of the most powerful government in the world


It couldn't be he was arrested for disorderly, criminal trespass, and vandalism could it? No one is disputing those occured.

yes great point- law enforcement have never minded if you are carrying restraints. They omit that in the list of charges
yes great point- law enforcement have never minded if you are carrying restraints. They omit that in the list of charges
Can you get a stand alone charge for them or only when committing another crime?
This is why I rarely post on this board. You try to have a substantive discussion, and when the other participant can’t make a cogent argument they are reduced to memeing like 10-year olds.

You’re the one sounding like a child crying about zip ties. You make crazy claims like there was an armed militia trying to overthrow the government yet all they did was take some selfies and have some zip ties. Who gives s**t? This was nothing compared to the summer of rioting, looting, killing, and destruction of communities. That said what happened Wednesday was probably only small sample of what is to come as the left keeps pushing their idiocy.
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Why would I do that? I really don't care that he was arrested and it doesn't support your "overthrow the US govt" narrative anyways. Guy was an idiot and will pay. Thankfully he was an extreme outlier in the half hour siege and should be treated as such. He was not the norm

I explained my position in post #105. An inept attempt is still an attempt
Yes- law enforcement grade handcuff zip ties used for mass arrests- and by criminals for taking hostages. He wasn’t arrested for trying to corral hdmi cables
How do you know they are law enforcement grade? You can literally go to Wal Mart and buy them
yes great point- law enforcement have never minded if you are carrying restraints. They omit that in the list of charges
How the hell are they a charge? I've never heard of a place just possession is illegal. Looking suspicious, yes. Worth looking in, yes. Illegal, no.

It's no different than carrying a lighter into a theater, until you pull it out and light the curtains on fire.
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Chess. I hate it when people put nuts in perfectly good food.
OMG I absolutely love a good homemade Chess pie! I had never had it before I started dating my first girlfriend in high school and she invited me over for Thanksgiving. Her mother made the best Chess pie ever! Don't get me wrong though, I love me some pecan pie too!
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Can you get a stand alone charge for them or only when committing another crime?

Any criminal charge is going to have the context factored in. If you break into a building carrying restraints thats a bad look. There is a reason the veteran who was arrested said he regretted having them, he probably wouldn’t say that about something innocuous, like- “I really regret having my shoes laced”
A person shot. A cop died. Others died. Lots of destruction. The inner locations of government officialdom breached and occupied. Secret Service has to intervene, guns drawn, to protect the VP for doing his duty. Pipe bombs and molotov cocktails in place and more nearby.

Ummmmm, no. This was not minor compared to George Floyd related riots. This was far, far, FAR worse and much more serious.

Where are the pictures of all the destruction?

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