I May need a lawyer Friday night

Okay looks like this thread took off like wildfire.....Just wanted to touch a base on a few posts.....

* My son is 24, I wouldn't take a "child" to something like this and my son is the one that told me about it...

* Am I going to change anyone's mind by being there? Most likely not, but we are going to show support for the LEO's and ICE officers that will be there at the event.

* We aren't or would I ever take part in a violent protest against any group....Well, okay maybe the ANTIFA douchebags or run over some BLM members blocking a road :)

* Part of our plan is to take the LEO's and other CCSD and jail staff drinks that are outside dealing with these morons. I have no issues with protesters acting responsibly regardless of their opinions or stances. In return I feel like I have every right when they do so to show my support for the opposition.
Be prepared to fight, the left are very radical and violent
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As a fiscal conservative who doesn't think that fiscal responsibility should be used as a buzzword to score political points, I do think the ROI is important.

99% of the "build it at any cost" folks are also the ones who love to talk about the "tax and spend libtards."

Suddenly your sacred cow is more important than the libtards sacred cow of federally funded planned parenthood, for example. Funny, that.
He has a point
As a fiscal conservative who doesn't think that fiscal responsibility should be used as a buzzword to score political points, I do think the ROI is important.

99% of the "build it at any cost" folks are also the ones who love to talk about the "tax and spend libtards."

Suddenly your sacred cow is more important than the libtards sacred cow of federally funded planned parenthood, for example. Funny, that.

If "our sacred cow" costs less than the "libtard's sacred cows", I'd say it's a winning proposition.

UT has gates at the entrances to Neyland and passes ticket holders on game day. How do you suppose things would work out if nobody had tickets and the stadium had open borders? Consider staff salaries, scholarships, equipment, facilities, etc.; how long do you suppose UT athletics would last? Everything comes at a cost; good management requires figuring out what is acceptable and how best to pay.
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I don't really think they need help, they just need to be left alone. You don't usually see illegal immigrants panhandling and/or homeless.

Why don't we make people personally pay for more stringent immigration policy? If you support closed borders, counterproductive immigration policy, and crackdowns on visas and all this stupid **** that Trump is doing, you should have to pay for it. You should also bridge the wage gap you're forcing employers and consumers to pay. How about that?

You lib's live in a plastic bubble and think things happen in a vacuum like one thing doesn't impact other things. Simple mindedness.

Two illegal immigrants charged with stealing more than $8K from ATM in Tennessee
You seem to have a problem grasping examples.

Anecdotal evidence? Ironically, it's for the simple-minded. Anybody can grasp them and then conclude stupid things because they're scared. I understand big data and statistical significance, which is why I'm not scared of illegal immigrants anymore than I'm scared of an American who can trace his lineage back 5 generations.
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Follow Septic's advice. Unfortunately, no one's mind will be changed, and this little get together isn't worth your time.

What should be done is a registration of all that view doing away with ICE and open borders to go ahead and put their names down to guarantee they will take in any and all illegal aliens for them to take care of when and if they show up in your small town. If anything, put up a sign up sheet for them and leave.

Sounds like a real feasible plan (rolls eyes, makes gagging motions.)
Anecdotal evidence? Ironically, it's for the simple-minded. Anybody can grasp them and then conclude stupid things because they're scared. I understand big data and statistical significance, which is why I'm not scared of illegal immigrants anymore than I'm scared of an American who can trace his lineage back 5 generations.

If you’re here illegally and commit a crime(s) it should’ve never happened. Every resource available should be used no matter the cost to protect true American citizens and their property.
If "our sacred cow" costs less than the "libtard's sacred cows", I'd say it's a winning proposition.

UT has gates at the entrances to Neyland and passes ticket holders on game day. How do you suppose things would work out if nobody had tickets and the stadium had open borders? Consider staff salaries, scholarships, equipment, facilities, etc.; how long do you suppose UT athletics would last? Everything comes at a cost; good management requires figuring out what is acceptable and how best to pay.

Using your analogy, I'd simply not have a game. They can come, but there would be nothing to watch.

No potential employment = no reason to come. EZPZ
Using your analogy, I'd simply not have a game. They can come, but there would be nothing to watch.

No potential employment = no reason to come. EZPZ

I’ll give you a 2 for the answer and 10 for complete deflection. Not all want to come here and find gainful employment.
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I’ll give you a 2 for the answer and 10 for complete deflection. Not all want to come here and find gainful employment.

Are we talking about the MS13 stroller battalion of guatemalan pregnant raperz again?

Pretty sure that argument fizzled like a fart in the wind after the 2018 midterms. Not even Fox could keep a straight face...

It's fascinating watching you guys move the goalposts from "they're takin' our jerbs!" to "they're rapin' our daughterz" and back as the argument suits you.

Pick an argument and stick with it.
Are we talking about the MS13 stroller battalion of guatemalan pregnant raperz again?

Pretty sure that argument fizzled like a fart in the wind after the 2018 midterms. Not even Fox could keep a straight face...

It's fascinating watching you guys move the goalposts from "they're takin' our jerbs!" to "they're rapin' our daughterz" and back as the argument suits you.

Pick an argument and stick with it.

You’re the one moving goalposts. I lump them all under the same blanket and want to keep them all out. I have no problem with them coming legally and if that’s too difficult....well, it should be.
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You’re the one moving goalposts. I lump them all under the same blanket and want to keep them all out. I have no problem with them coming legally and if that’s too difficult....well, it should be.

Watching you twist amuses me.
Anecdotal evidence? Ironically, it's for the simple-minded. Anybody can grasp them and then conclude stupid things because they're scared. I understand big data and statistical significance, which is why I'm not scared of illegal immigrants anymore than I'm scared of an American who can trace his lineage back 5 generations.

As @AM64 pointed out this is just an example doofus. Do we really have to get into what it does to the public school system and other struggling government funded programs? Do I need to give you violent crime examples. Clearly illegal immigration is a democratic voting block. They are allowed to get driver's licenses in some places which means they are probably voting too.

You girls have some of the dumbest logic I've ever seen and a head in the sand mentality.
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As @AM64 pointed out this is just an example doofus. Do we really have to get into what it does to the public school system and other struggling government funded programs? Do I need to give you violent crime examples. Clearly illegal immigration is a democratic voting block. They are allowed to get driver's licenses in some places which means they are probably voting too.

You girls have some of the dumbest logic I've ever seen and a head in the sand mentality.

My point is clearly going over your head. Run scared bro, illegal immigrants are everywhere. It's amazing you've survived this long.
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