I May need a lawyer Friday night

In what way do we have open borders? The post right after the one you quoted specifically says that they don't get to vote.

We will never do away with entitlements. You might as well say "I'll support human rights when the sun explodes"

Open borders can be a solution to funding entitlements.

why would I want to fund entitlements. If entitlements are here forever, the only way to reset the nation is to go bankrupt.
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The news media didn't mention the part where the Mexican Congressman (?) fell off the wall & broke his neck in 6 places & was paralyzed from the waist down....I used sarcasm here in this sentence.

Mexican OSHA and Mexican Workers Comp will be along in a few.
In what way do we have open borders? The post right after the one you quoted specifically says that they don't get to vote.

We will never do away with entitlements. You might as well say "I'll support human rights when the sun explodes"

Open borders can be a solution to funding entitlements.
I couldn't find that post you were referring to, but either way, the ultimate goal is for them to indeed vote.
News flash. Walls work.

CBP wants the wall. Good enough for me.

Walls don't even keep people off White House property. There's probably no other place on the planet more secure. Of course they usually get caught but one wandered around for nearly twenty minutes.
What about personal responsibility, paying your way, paying your fair share of taxes, you know, all the stuff that SOME of the citizens of this country do daily. Or are you just for open borders and do your own thing?

This problem goes away as soon as 100% of the wage earners in this country pay income tax. Until then, you open borders people are fools.

Since the feds see fit to tax my SS, then I think all the other handouts should be taxed, too. Maybe then all people will realize free stuff isn't free ... and the same tax rate for everybody without the funky exemptions and deductions.
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The comparison is that you arent dealing with the issue.

Yes, I am. I don't understand how you can say I am not dealing with the issue. It's like saying decriminalization of marijuana isn't dealing with the drug issue. It's one of the smartest things to do. Want fewer costs associated with the war on drugs? Be accepting of good/tolerable drugs, tax them (turning them into a revenue driver instead of a burden), and then focus resources on the remaining, scary aspects of the existence of drugs. Want fewer costs associated with illegal immigration? Be accepting of good immigrants, tax them (turning them into a revenue driver instead of a burden), and then focus resources on the remaining, scary aspects of immigration.
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Walls don't even keep people off White House property. There's probably no other place on the planet more secure. Of course they usually get caught but one wandered around for nearly twenty minutes.

Do you agree that CBP is apprehending 100,000+ illegal aliens each month?

Would you agree there are thousands more people crossing the border illegally who aren’t being apprehended?

Why can’t your side just be honest enough to admit a wall would dramatically slow the flow of illegal border crossings at our southern border?
Okay looks like this thread took off like wildfire.....Just wanted to touch a base on a few posts.....

* My son is 24, I wouldn't take a "child" to something like this and my son is the one that told me about it...

* Am I going to change anyone's mind by being there? Most likely not, but we are going to show support for the LEO's and ICE officers that will be there at the event.

* We aren't or would I ever take part in a violent protest against any group....Well, okay maybe the ANTIFA douchebags or run over some BLM members blocking a road :)

* Part of our plan is to take the LEO's and other CCSD and jail staff drinks that are outside dealing with these morons. I have no issues with protesters acting responsibly regardless of their opinions or stances. In return I feel like I have every right when they do so to show my support for the opposition.
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I couldn't find that post you were referring to, but either way, the ultimate goal is for them to indeed vote.

My bad, it was on the next page

Probably because the ROI on a wall is horrible.

A fraction of that cost could be used to cut the head off the snake, create an e-verify system that works and severely punish employers who hire unverified workers. Disincentive them from coming in the first place, then the true asylum seekers will get speedy hearings. Not that the caravan of strollers and MS13 raperz was ever a real thing, but a wall ain't keeping them out anyway.

Remember that when a hardened criminal climbs over a prison wall and has a gun aimed at your head. I bet your personal ROI on a fire department doesn't look so good either ... until and unless you really need them. I'm kinda reminded of that by the fact that today I dropped off a check to my fire department ... $150 or so a year for 40 years, and I've never used them ... actually, I add another $100 to cover people less fortunate.
Remember that when a hardened criminal climbs over a prison wall and has a gun aimed at your head. I bet your personal ROI on a fire department doesn't look so good either ... until and unless you really need them. I'm kinda reminded of that by the fact that today I dropped off a check to my fire department ... $150 or so a year for 40 years, and I've never used them ... actually, I add another $100 to cover people less fortunate.

Your fear mongering has no power here. There hasn't been a wall and I haven't had a MS13 try to rape me yet, imma roll the dice.

I also find it amusing that you support a socialist protective when it suits your argument.

I quite enjoy watching those who identify as conservatives step n' fetch when trying to justify the astronomical cost of a border wall.
Do you agree that CBP is apprehending 100,000+ illegal aliens each month?

Would you agree there are thousands more people crossing the border illegally who aren’t being apprehended?

Why can’t your side just be honest enough to admit a wall would dramatically slow the flow of illegal border crossings at our southern border?

I don't know whether to believe the numbers or not. We have entered an era where truth in government is nearly non existent. When caught in a lie now they just double down.

I do know I'd like to see a sustained war on people hiring illegals. As long as they are in demand they will keep coming.
Curious, is the Border Patrol the only Federal Agency you believe in?





Nobody says you have to be stupid about what you put up. Of course, that fence is flawed, and whoever authorized it should be shot for criminal stupidity and abuse of taxpayer funds. It doesn't mean all walls and fences are equally breachable. From a military perspective the space open to infiltration is a huge factor in stopping invaders ... a charge across a plain is very different from a charge over a barrier which is still quite different from plinking people coming out of a tunnel, through a narrow divide, or across a bridge. Nothing's foolproof, but good thought into barriers makes the job a lot easier and maximizes manpower. Prison walls prove it all day and every night.
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Nobody says you have to be stupid about what you put up. Of course, that fence is flawed, and whoever authorized it should be shot for criminal stupidity and abuse of taxpayer funds. It doesn't mean all walls and fences are equally breachable. From a military perspective the space open to infiltration is a huge factor in stopping invaders ... a charge across a plain is very different from a charge over a barrier which is still quite different from plinking people coming out of a tunnel, through a narrow divide, or across a bridge. Nothing's foolproof, but good thought into barriers makes the job a lot easier and maximizes manpower. Prison walls prove it all day and every night.

There a lot of prisons with perimeters of 1,954 miles?
Your fear mongering has no power here. There hasn't been a wall and I haven't had a MS13 try to rape me yet, imma roll the dice.

I also find it amusing that you support a socialist protective when it suits your argument.

I quite enjoy watching those who identify as conservatives step n' fetch when trying to justify the astronomical cost of a border wall.

Not fear mongering ... simply pointing out that your ROI on a lot of stuff isn't very good, but you pay for it nonetheless.
There a lot of prisons with perimeters of 1,954 miles?

Nope, but there are a lot of prisons enclosing extremely toxic people, and I'd bet their combined perimeters add up to a lot more wall than you would imagine.
Not fear mongering ... simply pointing out that your ROI on a lot of stuff isn't very good, but you pay for it nonetheless.

As a fiscal conservative who doesn't think that fiscal responsibility should be used as a buzzword to score political points, I do think the ROI is important.

99% of the "build it at any cost" folks are also the ones who love to talk about the "tax and spend libtards."

Suddenly your sacred cow is more important than the libtards sacred cow of federally funded planned parenthood, for example. Funny, that.

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