I would like for you to explain that statement a little further.
Sorry... I'm saying since most welfare programs are always touted with the general tag line of "think of the children" then basically we are extremely encouraging VERY bad and irresponsible behavior. And the long term effects are huge because basically these people are punching out kids at an alarming rate and the snowball starts, those kids will punch out a ton of bastard welfare babies, who will then punch out the same.
1950s - more fear of nuclear war and annihilation, more subjugation of racial/ethnic minorities and women, more subjugation of homosexuals, more subjugation of religious minorities and atheists/agnostics, more subjugation of political dissidents, etc.; less reports of domestic abuse due to social stigmas (not because they didn't happen but because the stigma of reporting them was stronger and because our legal system was less likely to care even if these incidents did occur), less legal routes for minorities to vote and share a voice in the decisions that also affected their lives, less opportunities for women to support themselves or find a life beyond simply raising children, etc.
You can think I'm ignorant and that's fine. I'm not really going to go back and forth but I believe much of this is overblown by the very same children of the sixties who are desperately trying to justify the absolute putrid lifestyle they want to live guilt free. While not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, the world of the 1950's (outside of racial issues) was a much safer and sane place to live in then today's... by a long shot.