It's that change thing....women have a right to screw anyone anytime anywhere anyhow just like men do. But the man is the bad guy when the uh oh happens and the woman is the victim. I am sorry, but that is harsh, and realistic. Unfortunately our welfare system is set up for them to literally turn out litters of kids to boost that check.
There's no way you can possibly believe that teen pregnancy or early adulthood pregnancy out of wedlock is just as difficult on the man as it is the woman.
It is much more difficult on the woman. If you look at the situation in depth, you'd understand. The woman has to carry the baby for 9 months. The woman cannot run away, but the man can. And it happens quite often.
If a woman gives birth to a child and the man runs away...yeah! The dude is a bad guy! That is when society calls the father a bad guy...when he runs away.
The problem is, the woman gets all the blame to her face, the man doesn't. There's no evidence (short of a DNA test) that a man got a woman pregnant.
Guys don't have to carry babies in their stomachs. Guys don't have to make sure they eat healthy, avoid caffeine, avoid drinking, smoking, etc. Guys don't have to go to the doctor every month to prevent problems. Guys aren't judged when people look at their stomachs.
Guys have it easy. They have all the fun and the girl does all the work.
This is coming from a guy who got a girl pregnant. I was 22, she was 21. People were constantly giving her the evil eye anytime she went somewhere in public just because she looked young. She was lucky to have me, a guy who made a commitment for her and the baby. We are now successful, married, and have a beautiful 5 year old. Not all girls/women get that.
To blame the woman and say the guy is the victim is just complete ignorance.