If big daddy Gov shows up at your door to take your guns

If only they had clarified their beliefs many times over in the decades following we might have more insight. Alas, it appears all records have disappeared and we must now rely on luther and others who are so scared they are willing to remove rights just to feel safer again
How old did these guys live to be? 180?
That's my point. At the time it was written, "arms" meant defensive weapons, weapons used in war, weapons possessed by the military. Doesn't "arms" mean the same thing now?

Wait people that weren’t in the military brought their “ military weapons “ from their log cabins, farms and dwellings to join the army ? They brought the firearms they had and used in their lives everyday to survive to use as a tool to fight with . After the war when they went back home do you think they left their firearms with the army because they all of a sudden were “ assault weapons of war” ? Come on man !
Do guns really scare you that much?
Not at all. You guys are the ones living in a constant state of fear.

"They're coming to take your guns"
"You better have a dooms day plan"
"Store a years worth of provisions in your safe room"
"I need an arsenal for when Armageddon breaks out"
lol.......the paranoia
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Not at all. You guys are the ones living in a constant state of fear.

"They're coming to take your guns"
"You better have a dooms day plan"
"Store a years worth of provisions in your safe room"
"I need an arsenal for when Armageddon breaks out"
lol.......the paranoia
Just taking your heroes at their word.

But really the point is this: If I chose to stockpile food water and ammo, why does that bother you so much? What you call 'paranoia' others call 'being prepared'. You might very well be right that it is silly and paranoid. But what if you aren't? You think I am going to share with YOUR family any of what I prepared for? Ahhhh but you are a thieving leftist so you will just come and take it away in the name of 'fairness'. Come right on over Chief. Take all you can get away with.
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Not at all. You guys are the ones living in a constant state of fear.

"They're coming to take your guns"
"You better have a dooms day plan"
"Store a years worth of provisions in your safe room"
"I need an arsenal for when Armageddon breaks out"
lol.......the paranoia

When you were growing up , nobody ever taught you that.. “ it’s better to have it and not need it , than to need it and not have it “ ? One EMP is all it will take to put that adage to the test .
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When you were growing up , nobody ever taught you that.. “ it’s better to have it and not need it , than to need it and not have it “ ? One EMP is all it will take to put that adage to the test .
It's all about how far you take it.
One of these happens on a daily basis the other is a wet dream what if scenario constantly posed by right wingers that've lost far too many brain cells.
It's your situation and your logic, my point was only if it's wrong in one situation it's wrong within the other.

And I'm not a right winger, both parties suck. My brain cells are fine, you on the other hand have an interesting obsession/hatred for law enforcement that is troubling. Though I agree with you that too often law enforcement and the federal government overreach.
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Well we know who luther's hero is:

He never said that.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Pretty big difference. But the propaganda version is so much more impactful.
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He never said that.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

deflection. Why don't you answer my other questions?

And I trust NPR as far as I can throw an aircraft carrier
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Just taking your heroes at their word.

But really the point is this: If I chose to stockpile food water and ammo, why does that bother you so much? What you call 'paranoia' others call 'being prepared'. You might very well be right that it is silly and paranoid. But what if you aren't? You think I am going to share with YOUR family any of what I prepared for? Ahhhh but you are a thieving leftist so you will just come and take it away in the name of 'fairness'. Come right on over Chief. Take all you can get away with.

lol..........You were the one accusing me of living in fear.
You don't care that quote you posted is completely inaccurate?

What's your other question?
First of all it's not 'completely' inaccurate. As a matter of fact, it is essentially correct. You are mincing words. So arguing about it with you is pointless.

My question is why you care if someone stockpiles food water guns and ammo in the event of a calamity. Why. do. you. care? You poo poo someone as being paranoid about whatever... but how does that hurt you or infringe on your rights or liberties?
You don't care that quote you posted is completely inaccurate?

What's your other question?

Well you are responding to a revolutionary wannabe cosplay hypothetical. Accuracy and fact probably don't hold much sway with some of the people who sit around dreaming up scenarios where they will get violently rise up against the tyrrany that is future hypothetical liberal America.
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This post does nothing more than make you look even more stupid. The law is what it is. I'll continue to enjoy all my constitutionally protected arms
He thinks that wins him the argument because he wants to get into the discussion of degrees. I say if John Q can get his hands on a nuke, then he has that right. Pretty sure the only ones that could would be your Bill Gates types, but what do I know.
Well you are responding to a revolutionary wannabe cosplay hypothetical. Accuracy and fact probably don't hold much sway with some of the people who sit around dreaming up scenarios where they will get violently rise up against the tyrrany that is future hypothetical liberal America.
Why don't you answer my question then?

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