If big daddy Gov shows up at your door to take your guns

This is the marriage of liberals and right wingers so extreme they are civil libertarians. It's just anti government sentiment coming from two different directions.

Does anyone claim that the police acted for an improper purpose? No. They responded to a call of a suicide threat. They don't know if it's a legitimate threat. They are reacting to the report. They can't read minds.

Could the guy later get his guns back upon showing no risk? Of course.

If you want to blame someone blame the person who made a false report. Don't fault the cops for doing their freaking jobs, with the information they had available at the time.
No. Hell no even. They confiscated a citizens private property AFTER any apparent danger had passed, lied to the citizens wife to do so, and used some Luther level bull **** “for the public good” excuse to justify their illegal acts. It seems pretty clear to me they violated his forth amendment rights and from the SCOTUS oral arguments transcript they clearly have concerns there also.
I'm all for it, those who choose to fight will either die in a shootout with the feds or live in a prison for the rest of their lives. Either way they'll no longer be a menace to society. Win-win situation IMO.

Irony at it’s best.

Don’t you proclaim to hate cops? And want to defund the police?

Now you only want the police and government to have guns and to unarm Americans by force?

You are going down a very dangerous road. Once the 2nd amendment is taken away what would be next? Free speech? Rights to a trial by jury?
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A better approach is to live in a state where the state and local LEOs won’t enforce such obvious federal over reach and where the state Governor won’t allow fed LEOs to exercise this bull **** gun grabbing. People do have a choice on their exposure to this stuff

I would say a lot of governors and leo would enforce federal over reach once the federal funds stop coming in. The best case scenario is that we never have to know if they would stand up to the feds
I'm all for it, those who choose to fight will either die in a shootout with the feds or live in a prison for the rest of their lives. Either way they'll no longer be a menace to society. Win-win situation IMO.
So BLM don't in this case?
Has there been a consensus as to who @Tastylicks previously/ also posts as?
We liberals are everywhere. We could even be lurking in your family. Can you imagine how unsightly it would be to have a family member who believes no one should die of preventable diseases because they can't afford healthcare or that weapons of war don't belong in Billy Bob's hands?
We liberals are everywhere. We could even be lurking in your family. Can you imagine how unsightly it would be to have a family member who believes no one should die of preventable diseases because they can't afford healthcare or that weapons of war don't belong in Billy Bob's hands?

Or think that they are superior to rural Americans with funny sounding names?
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We liberals are everywhere. We could even be lurking in your family. Can you imagine how unsightly it would be to have a family member who believes no one should die of preventable diseases because they can't afford healthcare or that weapons of war don't belong in Billy Bob's hands?

"Billy Bobs"? You fling around words that are stereotypical and could be construed as racist. But you know what, I doubt anybody cares.
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We liberals are everywhere. We could even be lurking in your family. Can you imagine how unsightly it would be to have a family member who believes no one should die of preventable diseases because they can't afford healthcare or that weapons of war don't belong in Billy Bob's hands?

Spooky stuff 🤪
We liberals are everywhere. We could even be lurking in your family. Can you imagine how unsightly it would be to have a family member who believes no one should die of preventable diseases because they can't afford healthcare or that weapons of war don't belong in Billy Bob's hands?
You think modern wars will be fought with semi auto rifles? Sorry, no one in my family is that dumb
We liberals are everywhere. We could even be lurking in your family. Can you imagine how unsightly it would be to have a family member who believes no one should die of preventable diseases because they can't afford healthcare or that weapons of war don't belong in Billy Bob's hands?

I know what you mean. I’ve got several worthless leftist scum in my family and I avoid them like the plague.
I'm myself. Give it up. I guess new people are not welcomed here
Ok, you were just extremely quick - like day 1- realizing where the lines were and who was on each side as well as what hot buttons to push with posters. If you know math I bet you’re a heck of a poker player
Just because one has an inferiority complex does not mean the other feels superior.
(That seems to be a common misperception)

The other is making fun of the name William Robert. Clearly thinks it’s beneath him to align politically with those people.
We liberals are everywhere. We could even be lurking in your family. Can you imagine how unsightly it would be to have a family member who believes no one should die of preventable diseases because they can't afford healthcare or that weapons of war don't belong in Billy Bob's hands?

Weapons of war ? You mean like sticks , rocks , glass , knives, sand , gas, sharp plastic forks ?

Edit : where was the outrage for banning clubs and hammers?

New report: More people killed with knives, other weapons than rifles
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