If big daddy Gov shows up at your door to take your guns

Why don't you answer my question then?
Because they're both cowards is why.

To add: they're going to dance around pretending 93 million Americans die each day at the hands of firearms then demand guns are banned so they can 'fEeL sAfE' despite the US having a miniscule firearm homicide rate (largely perpetuated by certain elements in society that for their sake I hope they don't associate with) and over half the world's privately held firearms.
What am I afraid of?
You tell me. You are the one that is refusing to answer a simple question. My guess is that you believe inanimate objects are things to be feared because you also believe humans can be controlled completely. I really have no idea though.

It is proven that luther is too afraid to answer it. Show us some cajones.
You tell me. You are the one that is refusing to answer a simple question. My guess is that you believe inanimate objects are things to be feared because you also believe humans can be controlled completely. I really have no idea though.

It is proven that luther is too afraid to answer it. Show us some cajones.
That's a funny expectation.
You tell me. You are the one that is refusing to answer a simple question. My guess is that you believe inanimate objects are things to be feared because you also believe humans can be controlled completely. I really have no idea though.

It is proven that luther is too afraid to answer it. Show us some cajones.

I've gone back two pages and I dont even know what your question is. I think the hypothetical revolution, secession, civil war talk that goes on around here is silly and that was the point of my comment. Tell me what your question was and maybe I'll have an opinion on it.
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That's a funny expectation.
My question really isn't all that hard, nor for that matter rife with any controversy. What I don't understand is why none of the lefties will answer it.

And for those that aren't following the discussion, this is my question: Why are you so afraid of someone that chooses to prepare for whatever calamity they so choose to prep for? If someone wants to hoard food water guns and ammo, while you might call that 'paranoid', they might see it differently. How does their preparedness hurt you in any way whatsoever?
luther calls people that do this 'paranoid', yet he is all in for taking guns away from law abiding people under the guise of safety. IF I had any guns, I can guarantee you that they would not kill anyone that didn't deserve it.
My question really isn't all that hard, nor for that matter rife with any controversy. What I don't understand is why none of the lefties will answer it.

And for those that aren't following the discussion, this is my question: Why are you so afraid of someone that chooses to prepare for whatever calamity they so choose to prep for? If someone wants to hoard food water guns and ammo, while you might call that 'paranoid', they might see it differently. How does their preparedness hurt you in any way whatsoever?

Doesn't hurt me in any way whatsoever and I don't care what you do or how you prep. Keep as may cans of beans in the storm cellar and load up with as many rounds as you want. I think the idea that the government is gonna have enforcers coming through door to door to take our guns is highly unlikely. But at some point I may be proven wrong.
Doesn't hurt me in any way whatsoever and I don't care what you do or how you prep. Keep as may cans of beans in the storm cellar and load up with as many rounds as you want. I think the idea that the government is gonna have enforcers coming through door to door to take our guns is highly unlikely. But at some point I may be proven wrong.
Do you feel that it would be acceptable for the .gov to do anything of the sort? luther obviously belittles people that want to do such things. How do you feel about that?

And it is the leadership of YOUR government that is talking about doing just this.
So how then can you support this administration? Because this is exactly what they are saying they want to do.

They said they're going to send armed men door to door to take our guns?

Edit: I'm not a huge fan of Biden or the direction of the Democratic party. I think abortion and guns are issues that neither party actually want to win. If they did they wouldn't have anything to argue about. We'll be sitting at status quo for awhile.
They said they're going to send armed men door to door to take our guns?

Edit: I'm not a huge fan of Biden or the direction of the Democratic party. I think abortion and guns are issues that neither party actually want to win. If they did they wouldn't have anything to argue about. We'll be sitting at status quo for awhile.
Mass shootings are not a gun issue. If guns were never invented, some other means of killing would be used. Since the government don't really care about its people, they use things like guns and race to divide the populous. If anyone is stupid enough to support our government and what it has become, they have little value to our society
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They said they're going to send armed men door to door to take our guns?

Edit: I'm not a huge fan of Biden or the direction of the Democratic party. I think abortion and guns are issues that neither party actually want to win. If they did they wouldn't have anything to argue about. We'll be sitting at status quo for awhile.
Real evil will not send armed men to your door. Evil men will do it thru the rule of law. And they will create these laws by first gutting the protections of the Constitution that give a minority a voice. Zero and Xiden are both on record supporting the filibuster as a method of preventing EXACTLY what they now propose. Fast tracking gun control should scare the hell out of you.

I agree with you regarding abortion. It is settled law. I don't think moderate republicans want to overturn that anyway.
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What fantasy world do you live in where this is even remotely possible? There's been hundreds of children murdered at school and the government does nothing, why would they start now?
Exactly... a lot of noise will be made, but ultimately nothing ever changes. This time will be no different. And the same idiots who cry over government overreach when it comes to gun control... will say nothing about the state of Georgia banning water bottles from being handed out to people waiting in line to vote (even if those people are on public property at the time).
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