If Georgia fires their coach, are you worried about Dooley leaving?

Dan Mullen more likely. CDD I don't think would leave, but you never know.
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I've never understood the cause for worry behind this. Why would UGA pursue Dooley in the first place? He had a less than stellar record at La Tech and just came off a 6-7 record in his first year at TN. I don't mean that in a negative fashion, rathar just stating the facts. The only thing he has going for them as far as Georgia's concerned is the blood line.
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I never post much but thought I would add my two cents! I feel as though LSU would be more attractive to Coach Dooley than Georgia! Seems like he made a statement last year that said Georgia was just another SEC school and he felt more loyality to LSU due to his years there. Plus it is closer to the home he made at La Tech. Just my two cents!
I never post much but thought I would add my two cents! I feel as though LSU would be more attractive to Coach Dooley than Georgia! Seems like he made a statement last year that said Georgia was just another SEC school and he felt more loyality to LSU due to his years there. Plus it is closer to the home he made at La Tech. Just my two cents!

Great post, I agree.
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Dooley isn't that type to just leave after commitment...if he has a good season im sure a pay raise will make him forget the possibilty of going to UGA. But......never say never....I just don't think he will.
No Dooley will ever go back to work for UGA as long as Michael Adams is their President. The second anything happens with Richt, they'll be talking to the usual suspects and coordinators like Kirby Smart.
I'm not worried about Dooley. My guess is they go after Brian Vangorder DC for the Falcons and former UGA DC.
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I think Dooley would stay but I believe we should start collecting mattresses to get ready just in case.
Michael Adams got fired a while back. Got busted for DUI with a Hooker in the car and red panties on his head. I'm not worried about Dooley though. My guess is they go after Brian Vangorder DC for the Falcons and former UGA DC.
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Damon Evans
UGA is not going to go after CDD, not yet at least.

I know everybody likes to throw out Kirby Smart and all, but that would divide our fanbase immediately. Some fans think highly of him and some of our fans can't stand the guy. Everybody will point out that he turned down the DC job, but that's not the real reason. The guy recruits our state very hard, TOO HARD sometimes if you know what I mean.

The guy I want as our HC is on the Falcons staff.
Hell yes im worried.The law firm of Ogle Elrod and Barill might try to hire him away.He is a lawyer....stupid thread.
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