If Georgia fires their coach, are you worried about Dooley leaving?

Not worried about Dooley getting offered the GA job if it comes open at all. I am, however, worried that Smart or worse Dan Mullen will get the job.
He was not forced out. The writing was on the wall. When your athletic dept. embarrasses your school to the point that your school is ridiculed nationally, heads have to roll. Remember that?

I remember........ it happened just a year and half ago..... blond bimbo, red panties, DUI....... remember that?
The guy I want as our HC is on the Falcons staff.

His name is getting thrown around, but I'm not sure he plays well with others. People I know down at Ga Southern were not real fond of him during his one year as head coach.
Since we are talking about DUI's. I wanted to ask you guys a serious question. It has to do with your favorite coach Lane Kiffen. I figure it does not matter anymore since he left for his dream job.

I once heard from a very reliable guy that Lane was busted for a DUI while in K-ville. According to the guy who told me this, he claims that the UT bosses took care of this and helped cover the whole thing up. I swear to God that I'm not making this up and am very curious if any of you guys have ever heard about this. Thanks.
I had that same attitude about Lane Kiffin. You never know how desperate an AD will get.
Except that Kiffin made it plain on the front end that he viewed this as an interim type deal. He was clear that he was headed back to the NFL at some point.
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His name is getting thrown around, but I'm not sure he plays well with others. People I know down at Ga Southern were not real fond of him during his one year as head coach.

You're right about that but the man is one he!! of a coach. I have heard a few things about him while at Southern.
if they fire "they" coach. You said "there" coach and I was just correcting it to the proper street English.

I see that the old school marm is back at it again cranky as ever so for the last time....this is football you old battle ax...!
Except that Kiffin made it plain on the front end that he viewed this as an interim type deal. He was clear that he was headed back to the NFL at some point.
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I don't know how clear he was being when he said "I'm not going back to the NFL."
....I see Dooley as a lot of different things but a fool is not one of them and only a complete fool would leave UT for UGA........
Since we are talking about DUI's. I wanted to ask you guys a serious question. It has to do with your favorite coach Lane Kiffen. I figure it does not matter anymore since he left for his dream job.

I once heard from a very reliable guy that Lane was busted for a DUI while in K-ville. According to the guy who told me this, he claims that the UT bosses took care of this and helped cover the whole thing up. I swear to God that I'm not making this up and am very curious if any of you guys have ever heard about this. Thanks.

Anyone that believes this is a fool. If it got out to your source, how did the national media miss out on it? Use the common sense test before believing things. If he was "busted" there would have been a report filed. Unless the arresting officer was in on the conspiracy. But why would he tell your source?
I see that the old school marm is back at it again cranky as ever so for the last time....this is football you old battle ax...!
I'd check around before saying ignorant to the point of stupid stuff, but maybe we approach things differently. You gotta go with works for you, regardless of how rational people operate and I understand that.
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His public commentary was obviously a load of crap. He proved that regularly.
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Fair enough, but I always expected Kiffin was going to leave after a few years. I just didn't think anyone was going to be scrambling for a guy who went 7-6 in his first year, especially not Southern Cal, and I was dead wrong.
Fair enough, but I always expected Kiffin was going to leave after a few years. I just didn't think anyone was going to be scrambling for a guy who went 7-6 in his first year, especially not Southern Cal, and I was dead wrong.

Everyone was wrong. I assumed a professional wouldn't leave a storied team in that type of position. He did. Eff him and move on.
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This thread sucked until I read some of UGA Insider's input. Thanks. It's appreciated. I don't think CDD will leave, especially after one season as a big-time HC going 6-7. I also think he wants to make a legacy of his own at UT. He just seems like that type of guy to me.
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Nothing against Dooley, but GA doesn't want him... GA would want someone with a big name that could bring them back. GA wouldn't just go after Dooley just because of his last name...

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