If Trump doesn't win in 2020, the church leaders will be murdered.

Didn't realize there were some on here who didn't remember the whole Jim/Jessica/Tammy Faye drama. What about Jimmy Swaggart and his prostitutes?
No politician should be looked upon as a " beacon of morality".
Every public servant: military, police, judge, teacher, politician should be expected to exhibit a respectable/acceptable level of morality. Especially the POTUS.
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Every public servant: military, police, judge, teacher, politician should be expected to exhibit a respectable/acceptable level of morality. Especially the POTUS.
And you're going to determine what a respectable/acceptable level is? It's not that I disagree, luther, but have you noticed the world we live in? Parents need to be the role models that teach kids morals, not politicians, public servants, or anyone else on your list. It needs to start at home, then kids need to learn how to think for themselves and make their own decisions and come to their own understandings. And not everyone is going to rise to your perceived standards. What then?
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And you're going to determine what a respectable/acceptable level is? It's not that I disagree, luther, but have you noticed the world we live in? Parents need to be the role models that teach kids morals, not politicians, public servants, or anyone else on your list. It needs to start at home, then kids need to learn how to think for themselves and make their own decisions and come to their own understandings. And not everyone is going to rise to your perceived standards. What then?
I will help determine it as one individual, but society, as a collection of individuals, will ultimately decide.
That's what we're dealing with now - the placement of the line of "normalcy" and acceptability.
The line is currently placed higher for everyone on my list than it is for our current POTUS. That should not be.
I will help determine it as one individual, but society, as a collection of individuals, will ultimately decide.
That's what we're dealing with now - the placement of the line of "normalcy" and acceptability.
The line is currently placed higher for everyone on my list than it is for our current POTUS. That should not be.
Slice is probably right that you're simply trolling, but if not, I'm becoming more and more convinced you are extremely out of touch with reality.
Biden is my guy? I am glad I have you picking out my presidential hopeful. I haven't even begun to think about who I might vote for in 2020.

I posted this because the televangelists are rabid in their support of Trump which I find hilarious because he is the furthest thing from a christian I have seen in the white house.

And BTW, why do you seem so angry lately?

Obama was the furthest thing from a Christian than any president we have ever had, he was indeed a Muslim that hated everything about this country and did his best to destroy it.
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Obama was the furthest thing from a Christian than any president we have ever had, he was indeed a Muslim that hated everything about this country and did his best to destroy it.

LOL mad
Obama was the furthest thing from a Christian than any president we have ever had, he was indeed a Muslim that hated everything about this country and did his best to destroy it.

Just curious, but do you truly on 100% confidence to the point where you would bet your life on it believe this to be unequivocally true?
Just curious, but do you truly on 100% confidence to the point where you would bet your life on it believe this to be unequivocally true?

You have to understand that hatred like the fury of 1,000 Suns produces irrational thought.
Slice is probably right that you're simply trolling, but if not, I'm becoming more and more convinced you are extremely out of touch with reality.
We certainly have a few differing perceptions of reality.
Trump being the most glaring of those.
You find him normal. I find him far below the norm. (that's pretty much what this is all about)
I'll stick to my reality.
Morality is up to the individual.
It is, as far as luther is concerned, as long as the individual agrees with him. The argument gets a little weird and self-refuting, but it goes something like:

  • Mortality is relative and there is no standard.
  • Morality is decided by society.
    • Yet societal moralities have evolved to improve over time, in that slavery, racism, etc... have been deemed wrong. (Today's American societal morality is far better than Nazi Germany's, but American society has a lot of improvement to do [as judged by the standard that doesn't exist].)
    • Since there is no objective external standard, society is the standard, and anything a society deems moral is moral.
      • Yet, at the same time, Luther and the other socialists are on a mission to improve American societal morality through social justice.
      • That mission has been refined to the point of taking Trump down at almost any cost because Trump is taking societal morality in an immoral direction.
  • Morality is decided by society, so anything a society deems moral is moral (except the direction Trump is taking it).
  • Mortality is relative and there is no standard.

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