Not really. Hart and Dooley both said things in statements that clearly indicated that they had discussed goals and expectations. Now Hart's comments last fall make me think those targets were WAY too low... but that is a different matter.
resources given? check
timeframe*? of course, but with an asterisk.
The governing factor for the time frame could not be just "wins". It had to be the reasonable and minimum amount of time it would take a coach to take the roster that existed then recruit and develop enough good players to have a chance to win against the upper tier. That span regardless of any other factor was 3 years. And again, 3 consecutive recruiting classes dictated that coupled with the new recruiting restrictions. Ten years ago... you cut a bunch of guys and recruit a number of JUCO's. It was legal to recruit almost half of your roster in a single class... I think someone actually signed 35. You could take more risks on guys with marginal talent, grades, or character. The new limits make it much tougher to rebuild a program.
something you left out is *limits. any job i can think of has imposed limits -- you go beyond the limit, and you are out the door. for a tenured coach on a definite downtrend a losing season capped by a home loss to Candy exceeds the limit. for just about any coach but especially one performing like Fooley a loss to that KY team exceeds the limit.
UK was a bad loss. But it was NOT a step beyond the limit. UT was a beaten and battered team both physically and emotionally. UK played way above their heads. Every coach from Lord Saban on down loses games they should have won. Again, knee jerk reactions are no substitute for good management or a good plan/method/process.
it is scary to think that Fooley eventually only exceeded his limit by a finely coiffed hair -- had UT not mailed it in on Candy and sealed its 3rd losing season in a row (i still can't believe that i am saying that about UT), he and his band of idiots would still be on the hill.
This I agree with completely. Dooley had a roster that should have competed for the East. Hart probably felt some responsibility since it is likely IMO that he had as much or more to do with hiring Sunseri as Dooley did. There were times when I felt Dooley was trying to talk himself into being happy with the hire. So for the long run, it is probably best that UT lost to Vandy and Mizzou. I think either game would have preserved Dooley's job.
your posts and thought processes are usually pretty reasonable. i hope that you are not now arguing that CBJ should be kept as coach even if he goes winless in 2013.
Nope. I am arguing that you have to have a plan and process in place then stick to it if you want to go from bad performance to great. It is possible to get from bad to "good" without it... but not to "great".
I have consistently said that his firing should have been made and announced after USCe. That was his last chance to beat a team that mattered... and I really think they are on the lower limit of teams that "matter" for the return of UT to the top. Teams that matter include UF, Bama, LSU, and UGA with USCe a late appearance that likely won't last. Even UGA is a "semi-matters" win.
The season could have been finished by an interim. Dooley quit recruiting anyway no later than mid-season. A coaching search with much less Gruden drama could have been completed with an announcement following the last game if not before. The new coach could have had his staff selected if not announced and be ready to recruit the day after the season ended.
I think Hart's standard was too low which led him to a very poorly timed decision.