If we lose to ____, Butch loses support

How Dooley was given a third year after losing to Kentucky is beyond belief to most Tennessee Fan's - If you do not set expectations and require minimum paremeters for coaches you get anther Dooley Era- If Butch thinks losing to Kentucky or Vanderbilt is OK and he keeps his job another year then I really think there is no hope for Tenneessee Football - Losing to Vanderbilt or Kentucky is a Fireable offense at Tennessee if I am the AD -
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The reality is that Volnation will NOT be happy if he loses to Vandy or Kentucky. Just the reality.

I would definitely be disappointed but I wouldn't think any less of Butch and his ability to turn this thing around. Unfortunately, Volnation as a whole is less reasonable.
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our talent level is better than or on par with 6 teams on that schedule, I expect 6 wins minimum. Otherwise, Butch has been outcoached.
I think a lot of us are just living in fantasy land if we think Vandy is an easy win. Not at the moment or anytime soon. Even when we were "good" Vandy usually played us tough.

They steam rolled us last year and we can use every excuse in the world but the reality lies with the scoreboard. Not to mention we lost all of our offensive skilled position players.

I think KY is a must win always. I also think we will have a much easier time with Auburn than we will with Vandy. 5 wins and I think Butch is safe.
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How Dooley was given a third year after losing to Kentucky is beyond belief to most Tennessee Fan's - If you do not set expectations and require minimum paremeters for coaches you get anther Dooley Era- If Butch thinks losing to Kentucky or Vanderbilt is OK and he keeps his job another year then I really think there is no hope for Tenneessee Football - Losing to Vanderbilt or Kentucky is a Fireable offense at Tennessee if I am the AD -

Vandy is better than us right now a lot dont want to hear that but they are i dont like it but that the way it is right now we would be a underdog against vandy.
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No one this year. But having said that if we lose to any of the powder puff games, he'll take a huge step backwards.

I think we will be one of them powder puff teams this year, this is going to be a very long year we just got to hang in there for 2 years, then you will see the old Tennessee Team is back from the dead.
I'm expecting a tough season this year like a lot of us, however, is there a minimum level of success you'd accept? At what point if any would you lose support for Butch this year?

Or does he get a pass this year no matter what?

I've thought long and hard about this, and wanna hear other people's honest opinions.

I honestly can't say that I am 100% confident that we are gonna beat anybody on our schedule. That's no reflection on CBJ. Just gotta take it 1 game at a time, hell....1 play at a time. He has my full support for 3 yrs al long as I see fight in the team. This isn't gonna happen over night.

Brick by brick!!!!!! Go Vols!!!!!!!
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What are you a fu$kin$ mod?

Not like there is anything else to talk about in the off season? And he is asking a honest question.

And to answer your question OP anything less then 6-6 his first year in unacceptable.

And actually, looking back, GAVOL (a mod) said basically the same thing I did as the first comment after the OP. So please, child, just chill.
With the talent Butch has and the schedule he faces, 6 and 6 is a realistic expectation. If it looks like the kids are being coached and exerting effort, I think the fans will accept that record. If the loses are so noncompetitive that recruiting commitments start bailing (especially to Vandy), Butch's honeymoon will be over.

This. Now can we get back to enjoying the positivity of Tennessee football again? Gotta know someone was going to start a thread like this. All these types of threads do is open up windows for negativity. It will take 3 years for Butch Jones to get this team to elite status, if he can hold on to elite recruits during the first two mediocre seasons. A quick fix is not what Tennessee needs. An overhaul and new foundation is what this football program needs and that takes time.
So, you're saying he gets a pass, got it... It's not a troll thread man, it's asking for other people's opinions.

I've been thinking he should get a complete pass for the year, but the more I think about it, the more I worry about him losing support if we lose to someone like Western Kentucky, or Vandy...

I think anybody that is surprised by anything that happens in year 1 of a coaching tenure is clueless. If Nick Saban can lose to La Monroe, anything is possible in year 1.
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Butch will be fine even if we lose to Vandy this year. But He cannot lose to UK. Thats when the wheels started falling off for Dools
I think anybody that is surprised by anything that happens in year 1 of a coaching tenure is clueless. If Nick Saban can lose to La Monroe, anything is possible in year 1.

I agree GA, and am open to anything happening. But if we went 3-9 like some of our fans are expecting, it would definately cause me to 2nd guess my current feelings.

That would be the worst season in our history. I'm expecting 5-7 to 7-5, and anything above 6-6 should garner him coach of the year awards in my opinion. But if he were to go 3-9, my hopes would definately be shrinking
I think anybody that is surprised by anything that happens in year 1 of a coaching tenure is clueless. If Nick Saban can lose to La Monroe, anything is possible in year 1.

So, your saying we should go ahead and lose to WKY this year so we win a NC in year 2-3. I like it.
Heard this morning on 104.5 that UT has the toughest schedule in the SEC and that the skilled position players are the most inexperienced in the league, not to mention we really don't know who the starting QB is yet. And your asking a question like this SMH, SMH. GO VOLS!!! and COACH JONES!!!!
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If Nick Saban can lose to La Monroe, anything is possible in year 1.

Perhaps. But remember, he won tough rivalry games (TN) in year one and greatly improved recruiting. There were definite signs that the program was turning around.

People here always used Saban's loss to La Monroe to excuse every embarrassing loss of Dooley's tenure too. This time around I hope we can remember that, while one embarrassing loss in year one might not spell doom, an embarrassing loss with no significant upset wins certainly isn't a good sign.
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With the frequent default negativism hovering around the program's fans, I wonder if we will lose every game. Simply because of constant the negative first and positive never attitudes. Volnation, eh? Seems we are loaded with a lot of Joe Btfsplk people.
I'm expecting a tough season this year like a lot of us, however, is there a minimum level of success you'd accept? At what point if any would you lose support for Butch this year?

Or does he get a pass this year no matter what?

I've thought long and hard about this, and wanna hear other people's honest opinions.

If we lose to South Alabama or Austin Peay, it will be as bad as Dooley losing to Kentucky.....
Perhaps. But remember, he won tough rivalry games (TN) in year one and greatly improved recruiting. There were definite signs that the program was turning around.

People here always used Saban's loss to La Monroe to excuse every embarrassing loss of Dooley's tenure too. This time around I hope we can remember that, while one embarrassing loss in year one might not spell doom, an embarrassing loss with no significant upset wins certainly isn't a good sign.

Hard to disagree with this. There will be some downs this year, but there needs to be some ups as well. UT needs to be someone decent this year (Oregon, UF, UGA, USC, or Bama).

I'm afraid if they don't, there won't be a lot in the tank for Missouri, Vandy, Auburn, or UK.
If we lose to Vandy or Kentucky then I will be appalled but the sky won't be falling. If we lose to Western KY, Austin Peay, etc then Jones will have to pull out a 9 win season in year 2 for me to think he's the guy. I don't care how much we suck, we should beat those teams with our walk ons

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