Insincere displays of religion by parents leads to atheism in their children's adulthood

I believe the Bible is the word of God so we are on separate paths there.

The word of God is the word of God; the Bible as we have it is a man-altered attempt to collect the teachings together. God has intervened through inspiration, but we still treat our favorite translations in an idolatrous manner.
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And I think a major tenet of Christianity is to at least recognize that there is an inconsistency there.

Two points here:

(1) you are 100% right that the bad ideas/behavior of some/all people in religious group X does not mean the religion does not have truth.

(2) I think the correct interpretation of the study and my point is that in practice, this is a gateway to becoming an atheist for good reason. It leads to more critical thinking, and in general, if we do more critical thinking, it's going to lead to the abandonment of some preconceived ideas.
What do people think about the King James version of the bible with its thees thous and other unintelligible 500 year old language vs the new translation that uses more modern language?
There's a difference between "I am forgiven and and trying my absolute best to not be a dick," and "I am forgiven, so I can be a dick all I want and God has my back."

One is regenerative Christianity, the other is carnal Christianity. One is based on scripture, the other is based on personal desire.
Agree. Personal desire should never go against God’s Word. Homosexuality for example
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I don't know about you all, but I started to suspect there was a little gamesmanship afoot when they tried to tell me two of every animal on earth literally walked up to and fit on a boat.
The bible is a good book with a lot of wisdom but it was written and edited by men. Edited mostly by men with an agenda to gain or keep their powerful positions and the privileges that came with it.

This is a King James vs Septuagint vs Hebrew Bible debate.

I agree the KJ Bible was modify such as thou shalt not kill from shed innocent blood to help mirror with law but this honestly is an OT debate and rarely a NT debate regarding Christ words unless you get into the gnostic gospels which almost every scholar agrees were blasphemy and designed on purpose to change the meaning.

Either way, there is historical data that Christus did live and was executed by Pilot. Tacticus who was anti Christian gained nothing from documenting this in their written history.

This is not the point of this thread though.

The point is anyone who follows a human man will find fault in that man.
I don't know about you all, but I started to suspect there was a little gamesmanship afoot when they tried to tell me two of every animal on earth literally walked up to and fit on a boat.

Doesn’t really say that.

It says two of every original kind.

From there micro evolution took place.

Try harder.
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Yes, because the fossil record really supports that.

You a young earther, friend?

Define young earth and time and we will go there.

Do you understand time is not as you perceive it? The world can be both 8,000 years old and 8 billion years old at the same time. If I move at the speed of light and you move at 65 mph we are both in the same time line but I am moving through it at a different rate and will age much less. Once I stop my timeline will catch up to yours but I will only have physically aged mere seconds compared to your years. This isn’t marvel crap it’s basic quantum physics.

I believe in string theory and the concept that our universe was created by that and is a finite fragment splinter line. The universe is much older than 8 billion years though as it existed prior than this line of continuation.
There's a difference between "I am forgiven and and trying my absolute best to not be a dick," and "I am forgiven, so I can be a dick all I want and God has my back."

One is regenerative Christianity, the other is carnal Christianity. One is based on scripture, the other is based on personal desire.

Sadly I think "Christianity" as a whole has just gotten so watered down with "Christians" just simply going through the motions and completely missing the part about having a relationship with Christ and sharing His love with others. We are all imperfect sinners who need God's grace every day. It is only through this realization that our lives can be changed.
Define young earth and time and we will go there.

Young earthers generally believe the planet is thousands of years old instead of, you know, the truth.

Do you understand time is not as you perceive it? The world can be both 8,000 years old and 8 billion years old at the same time. If I move at the speed of light and you move at 65 mph we are both in the same time line but I am moving through it at a different rate and will age much less. Once I stop my timeline will catch up to yours but I will only have physically aged mere seconds compared to your years. This isn’t marvel crap it’s basic quantum physics.

Explaining (a liberal use of the word) the theory of relativity does not really address the issue of the age of the planet. We have fossil records going back millions of years, dismissing that as a relative value is not a scientific or rational application of the theory. It's a bunch of mumbo jumbo nonsense. We have actual evidence giving us the general timeline of when the bible was written, it's not some grand Interstellar mind****.

I believe in string theory and the concept that our universe was created by that and is a finite fragment splinter line. The universe is much older than 8 billion years though as it existed prior than this line of continuation.

What does string theory have to do with two of every "original" animal fitting on a boat, then evolved into the millions of species that exist today within a few thousand years, and the blatant discrepancy between that idea and established fossil record?

I think you're trying too hard to rationalize miracles with scientific theory that you may not completely grasp. If you believe it happened, more power to you, but it's best just to take the "anything is possible with god" path than to try and shoehorn in the theory of relativity to explain away the irrationality of the scenario. Or the tried and true, "they're all just parables", I'm good with that.
What do people think about the King James version of the bible with its thees thous and other unintelligible 500 year old language vs the new translation that uses more modern language?

It is one of my favorite retorts, in particular to Evangelicals who try to use the Bible as a weapon, to point out to them that what they are reading is not original text, is in a different language, has been translated about a half a dozen times from the original, and that 1000 or so years after it was written (or parts thereof were written) a group of men voted on what parts would be kept and what parts dispensed with.

Young earthers generally believe the planet is thousands of years old instead of, you know, the truth.

Explaining (a liberal use of the word) the theory of relativity does not really address the issue of the age of the planet. We have fossil records going back millions of years, dismissing that as a relative value is not a scientific or rational application of the theory. It's a bunch of mumbo jumbo nonsense. We have actual evidence giving us the general timeline of when the bible was written, it's not some grand Interstellar mind****.

What does string theory have to do with two of every "original" animal fitting on a boat, then evolved into the millions of species that exist today within a few thousand years, and the blatant discrepancy between that idea and established fossil record?

I think you're trying too hard to rationalize miracles with scientific theory that you may not completely grasp. If you believe it happened, more power to you, but it's best just to take the "anything is possible with god" path than to try and shoehorn in the theory of relativity to explain away the irrationality of the scenario. Or the tried and true, "they're all just parables", I'm good with that.

You asked two different questions which I answered separately.

You know this.

Sting theory explains the carbon data issue in many aspects.

People seem to think that the bang is the beginning and fail miserably there.

It was not the beginning

This universe is simply a continuation of a previous universe now broken into a separate timeline and string.

The Big Bang has multiple issues such as flat universe which cannot completely be explained with inflation and creates fiat.

Fiat is the mother of all scientist issues and yes it exist within the BBT.
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I believe the Bible is the word of God. Yes, men wrote it, but they were inspired by the Holy Spirit.

The point is that you/NEO/everybody else arrived at this conclusion only through following man to get to that point. You could not arrive here without that component, unless you are a prophet.
You asked two different questions which I answered separately.

You know this.

Sting theory explains the carbon data issue in many aspects.

People seem to think that the bang is the beginning and fail miserably there.

It was not the beginning

This universe is simply a continuation of a previous universe now broken into a separate timeline and string.

The Big Bang has multiple issues such as flat universe which cannot completely be explained with inflation and creates fiat.

Fiat is the mother of all scientist issues and yes it exist within the BBT.
I think I'm going to call you Sheldon from now on.
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The word of God is the word of God; the Bible as we have it is a man-altered attempt to collect the teachings together. God has intervened through inspiration, but we still treat our favorite translations in an idolatrous manner.

You are debating cannon vs non cannon.

Scholars may still debate the authenticity of certain books such as the Gnostics gospels or the books of Enoch but they would really not debate why they were not included. It is very clearly historically speaking that the Gnostics were on a mission to take the early church in a much different direction and used false books to do so. This isn’t a theological debate, it’s a historical established fact now.

We also have enough of the sepuagint and masoretic text to compare and contrast to make a valid conclusion of the words intents of the OT whether it be Hebrew or Greek comparison as LG eluded to.
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You asked two different questions which I answered separately.

You know this.

Sting theory explains the carbon data issue in many aspects.

People seem to think that the bang is the beginning and fail miserably there.

It was not the beginning

This universe is simply a continuation of a previous universe now broken into a separate timeline and string.

The Big Bang has multiple issues such as flat universe which cannot completely be explained with inflation and creates fiat.

Fiat is the mother of all scientist issues and yes it exist within the BBT.

Whether or not you believe in the big bang theory has literally nothing to do with the fact that the fossil record completely disproves the story of the ark. If you want to talk to someone else about the origin of the universe be my guest, but I'm not here for that. I'm just pointing out things we can observe and measure that objectively counter this silly story.

I really did not want to get into a biblical arguement. You couldn't have just let my snarky comment go, man? I am bowing out before this goes any further. I haven't argued about religion on this forum in years, and I want to keep it that way. God forgive me for I have sinned, it has been 3 years since my last argument with Orange_Crush.

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