Insincere displays of religion by parents leads to atheism in their children's adulthood

You sound like a god who determines right and wrong. I guess you have your own religion in which you're the head guy.

I'm not a follower that's for sure.

If Jesus would have written some of the books I'd be 100% in on the bible without doubts. But please tell me where it says in the bible a man must go to a designated place and listen to someone preach to enter the kingdom of heaven.
I guess the main worry would be relating that back to the creation story--I'm not sure how you get to black hole cosmology from Genesis. It doesn't seem like a simpler explanation for million+ year old fossils either.

That’s fair.

The issue is 6 days in Gods world is not 6 in ours. We are basing our timeline based on our current gravity and closeness to gravity and speed at which we travel compared to light. Hypothetically a day for God could be a billion years for us if he is instantaneous and not held to the speed of light.

I do believe our galaxy is billions of years old based on our current measurement of time. I also believe the 6 days encompasses billions based on our rationale.

So yes, I believe in the BB and possibly the Big Crunch.

I find dark energy absolutely fascinating.
Again, you're unwittingly making my point for me. Non-believers don't "hate" Christianity, they just find it (ad all the others) to be a load bullsh*t.

I'll leave it to you to discern the differences and distinctions in non belief in something and hating something they don't believe in.
And you're making mine. You guys claim to be against all religions, yet only bad mouth Christianity. You may not get out much, but we have millions of other religious folks in this country. Some who in the name of their religion, have committed mass murderers on US soil, and you guys never say a peep. You never show up in threads about it, you never condemn it, yet here you are going to war to make your point to me, a Christian. I've never seen you claim Muslims use their religion as a crutch, yet you do me. Why? You said I'm not accepted, so I turn to religion. Who exactly am I not accepted by? Your whole argument about my beliefs are dead wrong, blanket statements, because I know you don't know me to know any of that about me. It's just a fact, one that you're proving, that you guys are only bothered by the Christian faith. You can say whatever you want, your posts speak for themselves. And look, I know that about you, and no hard feelings on my part.
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You never show up in threads about it, you never condemn it, yet here you are going to war to make your point to me, a Christian. I've never seen you claim Muslims use their religion as a crutch, yet you do me.

Will the Muslims, Sihks, Buddhists, Jains, etc participating in this forum please like/comment so we know you're here?

Guess what, joevol33: you're in a population of convenience. If the others were here and commenting, we'd be just as critical.

And you better believe I'm critical about other people who claim to follow the Christ I worship. A close personal relationship with the Son of God (something not ever mentioned in the Bible; it's always referred to as a community faith) is not carte blanche to do as one pleases.
And you're making mine. You guys claim to be against all religions, yet only bad mouth Christianity. You may not get out much, but we have millions of other religious folks in this country. Some who in the name of their religion, have committed mass murderers on US soil, and you guys never say a peep. You never show up in threads about it, you never condemn it, yet here you are going to war to make your point to me, a Christian. I've never seen you claim Muslims use their religion as a crutch, yet you do me. Why? You said I'm not accepted, so I turn to religion. Who exactly am I not accepted by? Your whole argument about my beliefs are dead wrong, blanket statements, because I know you don't know me to know any of that about me. It's just a fact, one that you're proving, that you guys are only bothered by the Christian faith. You can say whatever you want, your posts speak for themselves. And look, I know that about you, and no hard feelings on my part.

I men, hey, f*** Buddhism too.
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So you followed man instead of Christ and was shocked when man let you down and thus blamed God?

Christ was literally killed by the religious leaders of his time. Christ has warned about religion and false teachers constantly in his teachings.

He literally said he will tell people to flee from him who called out demons in his name.

Kick religion to the curb but have a relationship with Christ. Just my 2 cents.

Ps. I am just as lost as you and probably worst. I am simply a guy saved by grace trying to be better than yesterday.
I agree. I have hard time understanding vast parts of the Bible and generally dislike most Churches. Some Christians might not think I’m one of them, and in most ways I might not be. But I believe Jesus was tortured and killed for us and that he is our savior.
That’s fair.

The issue is 6 days in Gods world is not 6 in ours. We are basing our timeline based on our current gravity and closeness to gravity and speed at which we travel compared to light. Hypothetically a day for God could be a billion years for us if he is instantaneous and not held to the speed of light.

I do believe our galaxy is billions of years old based on our current measurement of time. I also believe the 6 days encompasses billions based on our rationale.

So yes, I believe in the BB and possibly the Big Crunch.

I find dark energy absolutely fascinating.
I’m not trying to tell you that you are wrong, because who am I to truly know? But what if all of the Bible is not meant to be understood as a literal document, what if some of what some consider to be canon truly isn’t. I believe in some of the Bible without reservation, but some of it just doesn’t quite make sense to me. I’m not accusing you of this, but I wish more Christians would quit concerning themselves with extraneous theological issues and instead focus on bringing more people to Jesus. He is the way.
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I’m not trying to tell you that you are wrong, because who am I to truly know? But what if all of the Bible is not meant to be understood as a literal document, what if some of what some consider to be canon truly isn’t. I believe in some of the Bible without reservation, but some of it just doesn’t quite make sense to me. I’m not accusing you of this, but I wish more Christians would quit concerning themselves with extraneous theological issues and instead focus on bringing more people to Jesus. He is the way.

The Bible specifically states Gods days are not the same as ours. It also only says 6 days and never establishes whether it’s ours or his days. I am taking the Bible literally by it. Might I be wrong? Yes. Does it impact my salvation? No. My salvation is based on Christ death and resurrection and my acceptance of him.

What most miss is the timeline matches both creation and science in terms of timeline with man coming after animal and animal after water etc.

I agree with your over arching theme though which in many ways was the original idea for this thread: living like a Christian.

So I agree on most points.
The Bible specifically states Gods days are not the same as ours. It also only says 6 days and never establishes whether it’s ours or his days. I am taking the Bible literally by it. Might I be wrong? Yes. Does it impact my salvation? No. My salvation is based on Christ death and resurrection and my acceptance of him.

What most miss is the timeline matches both creation and science in terms of timeline with man coming after animal and animal after water etc.

I agree with your over arching theme though which in many ways was the original idea for this thread: living like a Christian.

So I agree on most points.

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing: that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
The Bible specifically states Gods days are not the same as ours. It also only says 6 days and never establishes whether it’s ours or his days. I am taking the Bible literally by it. Might I be wrong? Yes. Does it impact my salvation? No. My salvation is based on Christ death and resurrection and my acceptance of him.

What most miss is the timeline matches both creation and science in terms of timeline with man coming after animal and animal after water etc.

I agree with your over arching theme though which in many ways was the original idea for this thread: living like a Christian.

So I agree on most points.
I agree with that first bit. Who knows how God perceives time, it’s really an interesting thing to consider
And you're making mine. You guys claim to be against all religions, yet only bad mouth Christianity. You may not get out much, but we have millions of other religious folks in this country. Some who in the name of their religion, have committed mass murderers on US soil, and you guys never say a peep. You never show up in threads about it, you never condemn it, yet here you are going to war to make your point to me, a Christian. I've never seen you claim Muslims use their religion as a crutch, yet you do me. Why? You said I'm not accepted, so I turn to religion. Who exactly am I not accepted by? Your whole argument about my beliefs are dead wrong, blanket statements, because I know you don't know me to know any of that about me. It's just a fact, one that you're proving, that you guys are only bothered by the Christian faith. You can say whatever you want, your posts speak for themselves. And look, I know that about you, and no hard feelings on my part.

You have a distorted reality that enables you to play the victim. I know plenty of us in here have spent time badmouthing all kinds of religions: Mormonism, Scientology, Catholocism, Protestantism, Jehova's Witness, and {gasp} even Islam. We talk about Christianity the most because we live in the most Christian nation in western civilization. I have stories about Mormons and Christians being hypocrites that I shared ITT because that's what I grew up around. I don't have any relevant stories about Muslims. All I can say on the topic is that I've met some nice people but IDK any of them very well. My closest friend from that world is now atheist.

Literally, the reason we started talking about Christianity ITT is because a Christian started playing the victim when nobody was attacking Christianity, and then he attacked Islam. Let me ask you this...did you get upset about him wrongfully attacking Islam or do you just reserve your righteous indignation for your tribe?
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New psychology research identifies a robust predictor of atheism in adulthood

People who claim to follow a religion but present contrary behavior in front of their children are more likely to find their children reject religion as adults, a new study says.

I guess singing "Rescue the perishing, care for the dying" on Sunday then complaining about helping to rescue the perishing and care for the dying the other six days of the week does actually have an effect.
I understand the intent of your post a whole lot better now that I know that you are also a believer in Jesus Christ as our savior.
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New psychology research identifies a robust predictor of atheism in adulthood

People who claim to follow a religion but present contrary behavior in front of their children are more likely to find their children reject religion as adults, a new study says.

I guess singing "Rescue the perishing, care for the dying" on Sunday then complaining about helping to rescue the perishing and care for the dying the other six days of the week does actually have an effect.
I'm glad there was an academic study on this, but I couldn't help but say, "well, no s***."
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I guess you could say I followed man. I don't know how to follow Christ without following man. Everything we know about Christ came through men. Anyway, I threw out all the books and teachers and have been just going with my gut.

If I might suggest one thing. Get it from the horse's mouth.

In the stillness of your heart, ask "God, if you are real and you love me, I ask you to make yourself known to me in a way that I can understand. I want to believe but I don't know how." If you are sincere, I tell you that God will answer that prayer. It may be long in coming, but He will answer.

Morality - nothing
Religion - nothing
Rules - nothing

All of them are just shadows of the real thing, like a child finger painting the Mona Lisa.

If the Bible is anything, it is a story of God's desire to have a relationship with us, His creation. Until you know HIM, nothing else matters. And when you have had that personal encounter, then nothing will ever be the same again. You can't rationalize Him away, no failure of those who claim to be speaking on His behalf can shake you.

Once you have experienced that Presence yourself, you can trust that He will guide you where you need to go and who to listen to. I can't describe what that is like, words simply are without use but there is a peace beyond understanding, joy and contentment and a sure understanding of your place in this world.

There is a reason the first century Christians could sing with joy as they were being torn apart by lions in the arena - separated in time from Christ's crucifixion by as few years as 9/11 is to us today. You can be sure they were not willing to die merely because of a religion of a dead Jewish rabbi.

Sadly, today there are too many Christians just playing church.

But like Lee Ermey said, Once you've heard the truth, everything else is just cheap whiskey.
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And you're making mine. You guys claim to be against all religions, yet only bad mouth Christianity. You may not get out much, but we have millions of other religious folks in this country. Some who in the name of their religion, have committed mass murderers on US soil, and you guys never say a peep. You never show up in threads about it, you never condemn it, yet here you are going to war to make your point to me, a Christian. I've never seen you claim Muslims use their religion as a crutch, yet you do me. Why? You said I'm not accepted, so I turn to religion. Who exactly am I not accepted by? Your whole argument about my beliefs are dead wrong, blanket statements, because I know you don't know me to know any of that about me. It's just a fact, one that you're proving, that you guys are only bothered by the Christian faith. You can say whatever you want, your posts speak for themselves. And look, I know that about you, and no hard feelings on my part.
My parents were irreligious; I grew up going to Baptist churches with friends. I had a pagan period in high school, then I converted to Catholicism in college. I eventually left the Church; now I'm a Buddhist atheist and that has worked very well for me over the last ten years or so, even though I'm not sure what ever in the hell that means.

TLDR: I've had experience in several different faiths, and I've come to realize all organized religion sucks.
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Men have been altering what is considered the written word of God since Constantine and the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D.
Again with the council of Carthage in 397 where canon was decided.
Yet again in 1611 when the Bible was translated from Latin to English and contained 80 books. The current Bible has only 66 books.
Who decided to remove the last 14 books of the Old Testament? Men did, men decided once again that they knew best concerning the word of God.

Who were these mere men to put themselves above God and determine the validity of the words in the books they deemed unworthy or declared heretical?
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You have a distorted reality that enables you to play the victim. I know plenty of us in here have spent time badmouthing all kinds of religions: Mormonism, Scientology, Catholocism, Protestantism, Jehova's Witness, and {gasp} even Islam. We talk about Christianity the most because we live in the most Christian nation in western civilization. I have stories about Mormons and Christians being hypocrites that I shared ITT because that's what I grew up around. I don't have any relevant stories about Muslims. All I can say on the topic is that I've met some nice people but IDK any of them very well. My closest friend from that world is now atheist.

Literally, the reason we started talking about Christianity ITT is because a Christian started playing the victim when nobody was attacking Christianity, and then he attacked Islam. Let me ask you this...did you get upset about him wrongfully attacking Islam or do you just reserve your righteous indignation for your tribe?

Unfortunately, I don't think joe is really putting in much effort to digest what we're telling him. Since he's a Christian and we don't believe the way he does, he's going to feel attacked. If he's not willing to put in the effort to understand why he shouldn't (after multiple explanations) then his position of playing the victim is more rooted in lazy thinking than in reality. No changing that.

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