Insincere displays of religion by parents leads to atheism in their children's adulthood

I'm curious whether any of the posters here who have embraced atheism in response to the hypocrisy of the Christians whom they've encountered have engaged seriously with the unspeakable evils perpetrated by atheists in the Soviet bloc, whether in their reading or (much better) in conversation with those whose lot it was to endure those evils.
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Why is carbon dating useless past 6000 years? Carbon 14 has a half life of about 5700 years, meaning that half of the original amount of C-14 in a given sample would still be there 5700 years later.

The carbon breaks down too much to get an accurate read.

It is why the switch to uranium dating as uranium can be dated easily as it goes from 238 to 236 to Raddon 222 to polonium 210.

I do not dispute the rock accuracy as billions of years old. I simply do not believe these rocks have been in our universe that long though.

This is what I believe:

You own a home that is hundreds of years old. You need more space and build an extension.

This extension is brand new which is our current universe.

You then turn on the lights to the new room( bang!) and the new room exist.

You then move the excess furniture from your current home into the new addition ( vibrating strings M theory)

Is the room billion years old? No.

Is the furniture though? Yes.

You then close the door and seal off the original section of the home ( black hole rip in time that flattens time) which will still create an air leak under the door and pull back into the main house.

And boom you have a new universe that is in the same multiverse but not the same time line and is now self reliant.

This is why they are having to use inflation to calculate why the entire universe is the same temperature throughout. If it spun from one explosion the temp would change as it gets further to the edges but it’s not. This fiat means the entire universe came into being within seconds.

This universe is simply a sequel and may/probably collapse within itself eventually and create a whole other universe due to dark energy. Hence, the Big Crunch.
The bible is a good book with a lot of wisdom but it was written and edited by men. Edited mostly by men with an agenda to gain or keep their powerful positions and the privileges that came with it.

Can you cite concrete examples of the Bible "being edited by men with an agenda to gain or keep their powerful positions and the privileges that came with it"?
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The carbon breaks down too much to get an accurate read.

It is why the switch to uranium dating as uranium can be dated easily as it goes from 238 to 236 to Raddon 222 to polonium 210.

I do not dispute the rock accuracy as billions of years old. I simply do not believe these rocks have been in our universe that long though.

This is what I believe:

You own a home that is hundreds of years old. You need more space and build an extension.

This extension is brand new which is our current universe.

You then turn on the lights to the new room( bang!) and the new room exist.

You then move the excess furniture from your current home into the new addition ( vibrating strings M theory)

Is the room billion years old? No.

Is the furniture though? Yes.

You then close the door and seal off the original section of the home ( black hole rip in time that flattens time) which will still create an air leak under the door and pull back into the main house.

And boom you have a new universe that is in the same multiverse but not the same time line and is now self reliant.

This is why they are having to use inflation to calculate why the entire universe is the same temperature throughout. If it spun from one explosion the temp would change as it gets further to the edges but it’s not. This fiat means the entire universe came into being within seconds.

This universe is simply a sequel and may/probably collapse within itself eventually and create a whole other universe due to dark energy. Hence, the Big Crunch.

The entire reason why radiometric dating works is due to the "breakdown" that you cite. I think anyone who actually works in the field would dispute that the method doesn't work after one half life.

I'm not going to say you're wrong about the rest of what you posted but I will say that a lot of important nuance is lost between researching on Google and having a PhD and doing research in the field.
The victim entitlement so many "Christians" exude when some one trots out that they are a skeptic of non believer is fascinating. It's like... it ain't just your flavor that getting side eye here buddy, you're not special.
On one side I get what you're saying, on the other, aren't us Christians the only ones mostly attacked? I mean look at the op, he was asked if this included another religion, said yes, then immediately in his next post went back to making it solely about christianity. Any time, ever, a white person does something certain one's on this board, to the media, bring up christianity. Any time a Muslim does something, first thing out is "radical ", and "they're a peaceful religion ". People rather blame Christians for not giving enough help in countries where their religion is part of the problem. I could go on, but if you all that hate religion showed the same consistency across religion as you do with christianity, then you wouldn't notice that victim mentality.
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King James

So by "Bible" you don't mean the original texts, but translations from them?

And what specifically about the King James Version supports your assertion? What specifically was "edited" in it "by men with an agenda to gain or keep their powerful positions and the privileges that came with it"?
So by "Bible" you don't mean the original texts, but translations from them?

And what specifically about the King James Version supports your assertion? What specifically was "edited" in it "by men with an agenda to gain or keep their powerful positions and the privileges that came with it"?

Even the original texts (remember there were hundreds of them) were written by men. Educated men and back then only the powerful were educated.

Look, I‘ve said that the Bible is a good book with tons of wisdom and if you follow the teachings of the New Testament you really can’t go wrong. But to think for 1 second that if Jesus had said “Ignore Caesar and do not pay his taxes” it would have made it into the Bible is crazy.
On one side I get what you're saying, on the other, aren't us Christians the only ones mostly attacked? I mean look at the op, he was asked if this included another religion, said yes, then immediately in his next post went back to making it solely about christianity. Any time, ever, a white person does something certain one's on this board, to the media, bring up christianity. Any time a Muslim does something, first thing out is "radical ", and "they're a peaceful religion ". People rather blame Christians for not giving enough help in countries where their religion is part of the problem. I could go on, but if you all that hate religion showed the same consistency across religion as you do with christianity, then you wouldn't notice that victim mentality.

You're a victim of your geography, this may come as a surprise but - you live in America where the predominant Abrahamic religion is Christianity. Ironically, if you grew up and lived in the middle east, you'd be deriding the fact that we seemed to only be picking on muslims, because you'd likely be a muslim. Also ironically, you're unwittingly making my point for me, e.g. your religion isn't special - atheists' don't believe in your religion just as much or as feverishly as they don't believe in any of the other hundreds or thousands of other religious flavors.

And to be clear, radicalized islamists may "hate" your religion, atheists' don't hate it. That sort of belief is likely a crutch you've ginned up to help you cope with not being accepted. I don't "hate" a religion any more than I hate the Flying Spaghetti Monster, garden sprites or bridge trolls. Again, my point was that many Christian's think they're special and love to grouse about persecution when a non believer rolls the ball out on to the field.
The entire reason why radiometric dating works is due to the "breakdown" that you cite. I think anyone who actually works in the field would dispute that the method doesn't work after one half life.

I'm not going to say you're wrong about the rest of what you posted but I will say that a lot of important nuance is lost between researching on Google and having a PhD and doing research in the field.

Actually the theory I listed is called black hole cosmology and is widely accepted by many physicist and drawing a larger audience. It is also something I didn’t google but actually listened to while at a science convention at COSI and felt that it made sense.
You're a victim of your geography, this may come as a surprise but - you live in America where the predominant Abrahamic religion is Christianity. Ironically, if you grew up and lived in the middle east, you'd be deriding the fact that we seemed to only be picking on muslims, because you'd likely be a muslim. Also ironically, you're unwittingly making my point for me, e.g. your religion isn't special - atheists' don't believe in your religion just as much or as feverishly as they don't believe in any of the other hundreds or thousands of other religious flavors.

And to be clear, radicalized islamists may "hate" your religion, atheists' don't hate it. That sort of belief is likely a crutch you've ginned up to help you cope with not being accepted. I don't "hate" a religion any more than I hate the Flying Spaghetti Monster, garden sprites or bridge trolls. Again, my point was that many Christian's think they're special and love to grouse about persecution when a non believer rolls the ball out on to the field.
You're entitled to your opinion, but I assure you, my beliefs have nothing to do with being a crutch. It's because I've had a personal experience with what I believe.
On one side I get what you're saying, on the other, aren't us Christians the only ones mostly attacked? I mean look at the op, he was asked if this included another religion, said yes, then immediately in his next post went back to making it solely about christianity. Any time, ever, a white person does something certain one's on this board, to the media, bring up christianity. Any time a Muslim does something, first thing out is "radical ", and "they're a peaceful religion ". People rather blame Christians for not giving enough help in countries where their religion is part of the problem. I could go on, but if you all that hate religion showed the same consistency across religion as you do with christianity, then you wouldn't notice that victim mentality.

No. People have attacked Islam ITT. People have nasty things to say about every religious type, including atheists. Having grown up Mormon in the Bible belt, I can tell you with life experience that Protestants don't get it any worse than others.

I'm almost 100% positive that OP is a devout Christian, so I think you got a really bad read on that one. You're probably too sensitive and/or in an echo chamber on this one and you can't see reality for what it is.
Did this "new study" include islam & muslims as well?
Children seeing their parents actions of beheadings & killings & the rape of others is a good look for them?
Good observation but Islam is not a religion. It is an authoritarian political system masquerading as one. That's why it is so difficult for anyone to get out.
You're entitled to your opinion, but I assure you, my beliefs have nothing to do with being a crutch. It's because I've had a personal experience with what I believe.

Again, you're unwittingly making my point for me. Non-believers don't "hate" Christianity, they just find it (ad all the others) to be a load bullsh*t.

I'll leave it to you to discern the differences and distinctions in non belief in something and hating something they don't believe in.
Even the original texts (remember there were hundreds of them)

Are you asserting that there are hundreds of texts that were at some point widely regarded as belonging to the canon of Holy Scripture? If so, can you list these hundreds of texts for us? Or are you referring to extant manuscripts made directly or indirectly from the respective autographs of the various books contained in the canon(s)? (If the latter, we should be speaking in terms of thousands rather than hundreds.)

were written by men.

Of course -- no book of Holy Scripture purports otherwise (even if they all assert something more).

Educated men and back then only the powerful were educated.

What about the Greek slaves responsible for educating the sons of the Roman aristocracy? Are they to be reckoned among "the powerful"? If so, in what did their power consist? What "powerful positions and privilege" did the apostles and prophets enjoy? That they lived in poverty and persecution before ultimately being killed by order of the government or at the hands of an angry mob? How are we to call "educated" those of the apostles who are expressly described as "αγράμματοι" ("illiterate" or "poorly educated") and whose extant writings betray their lack of education (I think here particularly of the Apostle John)?

For the sake of argument, though, let's posit that the apostles and prophets were men of "powerful positions and privilege." For those of us who aren't disciples of Marx or Foucault (and for whom, consequently, power and privilege are not in and of themselves proof of guilt), what evidence do you present in defense of your assertion that they wrote "with an agenda to gain or keep their powerful positions and the privileges that came with it"?

Look, I‘ve said that the Bible is a good book with tons of wisdom and if you follow the teachings of the New Testament you really can’t go wrong.

That's all well and good, but it's irrelevant to the assertion that I'm contesting.

But to think for 1 second that if Jesus had said “Ignore Caesar and do not pay his taxes” it would have made it into the Bible is crazy.

Is it? The condemnation and prohibition of idolatry (a practice fundamental to the imperial religion and to the cult of the emperor) "made it into the Bible." As a result, Christians refused to make sacrifice to the emperor's genius and, during several periods prior to the Edict of Milan, risked torture and execution in their active defiance of imperial decree. Why, then, is it "crazy" to suppose that your contrafactual "would[n't] have made it into the Bible?"

As for that part of my post that you've left entirely unaddressed , I ask again: "What specifically about the King James Version supports your assertion? What specifically was 'edited' in it 'by men with an agenda to gain or keep their powerful positions and the privileges that came with it'?"
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Actually the theory I listed is called black hole cosmology and is widely accepted by many physicist and drawing a larger audience. It is also something I didn’t google but actually listened to while at a science convention at COSI and felt that it made sense.

I guess the main worry would be relating that back to the creation story--I'm not sure how you get to black hole cosmology from Genesis. It doesn't seem like a simpler explanation for million+ year old fossils either.
To me, it's not about being imperfect or making mistakes. It's about adhering to conflicting ideas, like that we should love one another, especially the least of our bretheren but it's also OK to say legal refugees are not welcome in Oklahoma.

That's a stupid comparison.
For me even as a young child religion never made sense in my brain. It’s not logical to me in any shape or form therefore I just couldn’t believe it I even tried as a kid. You couldn’t pay me 10 million dollars to believe, my brain literally won’t allow it.

You'll believe one day.
I'm not an atheist, I believe in the all mighty but I don't believe what man has written about him (the bible) is the word of the all Mighty. I turned away from organized religion when our preacher told me my dad was in danger of going to hell because he didn't come to church very often. I thought about that for a little bit and came to the conclusion that if a man that hasn't stolen, murdered, raped, rarely drinks, doesn't gamble or done anything remotely wrong is going to hell because he milks and feeds on Sunday mornings so his kids can go to church I have no business being associated with that religion.

You sound like a god who determines right and wrong. I guess you have your own religion in which you're the head guy.

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