Well yeah, but let's just agree that Tennesee's willingness to fight is a long and storied tradition.
War was actually already over by the time the battle of New Orleans was fought. Correspondence took a while back then.
And I think someone already mentioned King's Mountain during the Revolution.
One of the things that USU has I wish we had. They seem to have access to Polynesian players in noticeable numbers. Before you VN'ers pooh pooh that, you'd be surprised at how many such players are in the pros. That bushy haired guy that play(s)(ed) for Pittsburg comes to mind quickly. Maori and Samoa guys come combat ready and that's no joke. I once sent an email to the Doo trying to encourage him to recruit such players. Wonder of wonders, I got a response. He said it had been tried before. The hindering factor was distance. There were no easy flights back to their island homes for family visits and it was very costly to boot. The claim was that western states had more success because there were nonstop flights that actually served these islands. But Tennessee was just too far and too costly for that.
A shame because from what I've read and been told and to some degree seen, these guys are tough and take their tasks very seriously. Something to do with the actual warrior training still very much part of their culture despite Euro-American influences. Want to talk about being nasty? These dudes invented it. They tend to be big, barrel chested and born with a mean streak. A shame we can't get them.
Well yeah, but let's just agree that Tennesee's willingness to fight is a long and storied tradition.
War was actually already over by the time the battle of New Orleans was fought. Correspondence took a while back then.
And I think someone already mentioned King's Mountain during the Revolution.
Does it have to do with they have a high population of Mormons? Serious question. :hi:
RockyTop, I'm no expert on this but here's what i honestly believe. The Mormon missionary force is widespread and aggressive. My belief is they are a major force on these islands and so have a serious inroad to getting such players into Utah.
It's not that direct. The Mormons have had missionaries out in the islands for years. At least a couple of generations. Over time a lot of those people move to Utah to be near other Mormons. Almost all of the Poly kids on USUs roster live on the mainland before coming to school in Logan.
So basically, my guess is correct in regards to the connection of LDS missionaries and access to Poly players.
Yes you are correct. It does have a lot to do with the Mormons, but it's not like the missionaries are out there recruiting kids to go to school in Utah. I was trying to clarify that most of these kids grew up in Utah, California and Texas.
I'm excited to watch USU play against UT for the opening game this year. I have to convince the gf to head to Tennessee over Vegas this year if I'm going to get to go to the game. (I'll be in Vegas) I don't know how many of you are on Reddit, but last season there was a bunch of good threads to introduce each other to the university that you love. Here is the one about Utah State. http://http://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1jyihp/132_teams_in_132_days_the_utah_state_university/
Just in case you didn't catch it last year, here is the one for Tennessee
Hoping for a great game. Go Aggies!
Come to Knoxville. Vegas will always be there. You will probably never have another excuse to come to Knoxville. You will have a good time.
Yes you are correct. It does have a lot to do with the Mormons, but it's not like the missionaries are out there recruiting kids to go to school in Utah. I was trying to clarify that most of these kids grew up in Utah, California and Texas.