Is secession the answer?

So, just for the record, you think laws prohibiting driving under the influence are "bad"?

Yes. What's the difference in and why the disparity in penalties between drunk driving and reckless driving?

If a driver is swerving or otherwise driving recklessly I have no problem with a traffic stop and arrest for reckless driving. Just because a person's BOC is .08 does not mean they were driving recklessly or a danger. The focus should be on severe penalties for crashing, whether sober or intoxicated.
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Why is it each and every time this subject comes up, some idiot brings up the Confederacy? It's like turning on a porch light in the summer. You're going to attract stupid and annoying moths. And before long, some idiot will play the race card.

It certainly can't be because some states just feel like their interests are no longer being served by a bloated federal government that's grabbed far more power than was intended. Or they just see the writing on the wall that our differences will never be reconciled.

I agree we should have an American "Brexit" option if States feel like the federal government no longer suits their needs. But I think we both know those in power will never give up that power voluntarily. We will have another "civil war" and I highly doubt the international community will sit that one out. But this one will be far bloodier than the last one as too much anger, frustration and hatred has been allowed to build and even encouraged by those in power.

It's because they believe in strong central planning and government, until the strong central government is run by someone they do not agree with.
I wonder if the South would have enough sense the second time around to protect the integrity of our currency. Last time we printed it hand over fist and the only time the inflation rate quit growing was after the North conquered the national mint.
That could effect others while riding without a helmet or seatbelt only effects you. Come on be better.

That isn't the answer either. The simple act of driving has the potential to effect others so why do we allow people to drive?
So, just for the record, you think laws prohibiting driving under the influence are "bad"?
I think laws specifically designed to get a cop inside your car, running your license, quizzing you, etc. are bad, yes. Again, you cannot address the issues with policing and not find fault with these self serving laws the state creates. Laws that overwhelmingly negatively impact poor and minority communities, yet left leaning people are eager for them and want more government reach under the banner of "if it saves one life". They are willing to ruin countless lives so they can tell themselves they helped society.
So your choice is fascism?
Lol, you pulled this up from way back. My choice is America. I'll explain to you why Trump will go down in history as one of the best Presidents ever. It's because he exposed that our government has become one of the most corrupt gov's in the history of the world. The FBI is the most corrupt law enforcement agencies we have. The CIA has yet to have all of it's atrocities uncovered. Basically, the intelligence community is pushing an agenda and if you don't comply we'll hurt you. If that's what you support, you're a fascist.
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Lol, you pulled this up from way back. My choice is America. I'll explain to you why Trump will go down in history as one of the best Presidents ever. It's because he exposed that our government has become one of the most corrupt gov's in the history of the world. The FBI is the most corrupt law enforcement agencies we have. The CIA has yet to have all of it's atrocities uncovered. Basically, the intelligence community is pushing an agenda and if you don't comply we'll hurt you. If that's what you support, you're a fascist.
I don't support Trump and most certainly don't agree with your second comment. That is beyond absurd
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The South ain't gonna rise again. Larger federal power has more benefits than drawbacks in today's world. The Earth is shrinking, and we must compete with the China's of the world. How'd fracturing into pieces turn out for the USSR? Mhhhhmmm.
The cultural and political differences right now can't be overcome by mutual commercial benefits right now. The Blue team views life and government far differently than the red team right now.

Well, let me back up... the blue team has the most influence and seems to have more swing in the courts and the media. This advantage helps them to push their agenda on people that simply want to live free.
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No, you missed the point. You being drunk in your vehicle should not be a crime. You wrecking your vehicle while drunk should be the crime.

This shouldn't be Minority Report where we have pre-crime and we arrest people before a crimes occur.
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I wonder if the South would have enough sense the second time around to protect the integrity of our currency. Last time we printed it hand over fist and the only time the inflation rate quit growing was after the North conquered the national mint.
Are you serious or being sarcastic?

What has The Union done to make you think it hasn't done the exact same thing?
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Are you serious or being sarcastic?

What has The Union done to make you think it hasn't done the exact same thing?
Well of course they have now. Our monetary policy is out of control and we are headed for a Venezuela type outcome one day. I was being serious . The Confederacy in the civil war had an uncontrollable inflation rate. I am of the opinion that their unsound monetary system played a huge role in their inability to survive the protracted conflict. Anyway I’d be curious to see if our hypothetical breakaway states would have the good sense to revert to some sort of metallic based standard to ensure that their currency had some stability. Had the South been able to do that things may have ended differently.

The South ain't gonna rise again. Larger federal power has more benefits than drawbacks in today's world. The Earth is shrinking, and we must compete with the China's of the world. How'd fracturing into pieces turn out for the USSR? Mhhhhmmm.
To me it seems that a considerable portion of our country is more content to appease the Chinese than to hold them (compete) accountable for what are doing to us
Secession would destroy the government, not solve the gridlocked partisan divide. If I am presented with a problem in which I am to solve for x and I decide to burn the sheet of paper, I have not solved the problem.

Would secession be better for society? Depends on which generation we are speaking of. For our generation? No. Secession is usually accompanied by bitter and bloody warfare. Would secession be better for the societies of future generations? Maybe. Do I care about the future generations? No.

I am not a fan of this government. But, I am less a fan of secession, especially secession for the sake of secession. If there was a good plan and massive agreement, then sure. However, if that existed, then so too would movements to radically amend the current government.

marxism, communism is being pushed by the dem party. Our founding fathers said that if this gov no longer works, start a new one. When you have politicians making lists of former and current trump officials, to basically get them black balled from working, you have a problem. Our gov will not get any better.
It seems that country who continues to remove God from all aspects of life, get worse when governing. God will not allow a country to prosper when they make polices that directly go against His laws
It seems that country who continues to remove God from all aspects of life, get worse when governing. God will not allow a country to prosper when they make polices that directly go against His laws


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