Is secession the answer?

Secession, for it 1,000% This government with the liberals running the majority, against the foundations of our forefathers and for everything that is wrong leaves us with only two choices. Secession or outright war against liberals. Secession!!
Not sure if serious. Trump is doing real damage to this country right now. He’s acting like he’s a king. He lost popular vote, electoral college, and hasn’t brought any real lawsuits of fraud. I really do feel for our country for believing this con man that cares nothing for them. He is literally out playing golf while our hospitals are at capacity around the country and ppl are dying. He has no leadership and his ego is so big that he doesn’t care if he brings down the country. I thought he was for America First. Right now he is putting himself first.
Secession, for it 1,000% This government with the liberals running the majority, against the foundations of our forefathers and for everything that is wrong leaves us with only two choices. Secession or outright war against liberals. Secession!!
You guys are hilarious.

Where is your 20% of the country going? You all moving to Wyoming and the Dakotas? That is about the only area that would be amicable to secession. The South has too many minorities. All of the revenue producing centers in each Southern state are in liberal cities.

The rural part that would leave would be third world.
Not sure if serious. Trump is doing real damage to this country right now. He’s acting like he’s a king. He lost popular vote, electoral college, and hasn’t brought any real lawsuits of fraud. I really do feel for our country for believing this con man that cares nothing for them. He is literally out playing golf while our hospitals are at capacity around the country and ppl are dying. He has no leadership and his ego is so big that he doesn’t care if he brings down the country. I thought he was for America First. Right now he is putting himself first.

Nothing can be done about this virus, masks DO NOT WORK. Lock downs will not work. The country needs to stay open, stop buying in the Propaganda.
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If its mutually agreeable to all sides and nonviolent, then sure.

This would be a fairly significant downgrade to quality of life in the south. Seems foolish to want such a thing now with such relatively small ideological matters separating us from the rest of the country.
They are not small matters. The left clearly wants a strong centralized state controlling every aspect of our lives.
They are not small matters. The left clearly wants a strong centralized state controlling every aspect of our lives.
Our forefathers did not agree to this. I think secession is something that needs to be looked at. When the President of the United States (was not elected) stands up and states that the.opposition party are domestic terrorists then it is time to consider.removing ourselves from the Union which we have every right to do.
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They are not small matters. The left clearly wants a strong centralized state controlling every aspect of our lives.
That's a mischaracterization of the left. Mostly the left wants to ensure people aren't entirely left behind or denied basic resources necessary for life, and think society has a basic moral responsibility in that regard.

If anything, I'd say the right's fondness for strong, paternalistic leaders is much more likely to lead to the authoritarian state you contemplate.
That's a mischaracterization of the left. Mostly the left wants to ensure people aren't entirely left behind or denied basic resources necessary for life, and think society has a basic moral responsibility in that regard.

If anything, I'd say the right's fondness for strong, paternalistic leaders is much more likely to lead to the authoritarian state you contemplate.

Haha...most prosperous nation in humanity and if someone cant survive here then that is a personal problem. The dang safety net in this nation is huge at that and Trump growth policies led to advancing people,,,indisputible gov statistics. Comparing the poor of this nation to what is out there with an alternative structure is is so ****ing naive and frankly..SAF.
That's a mischaracterization of the left. Mostly the left wants to ensure people aren't entirely left behind or denied basic resources necessary for life, and think society has a basic moral responsibility in that regard.

If anything, I'd say the right's fondness for strong, paternalistic leaders is much more likely to lead to the authoritarian state you contemplate.
You are naive if you believe that. Under our Constution this is not the federal government's responsibility. Under our Constitution this would be left to the states.
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That's a mischaracterization of the left. Mostly the left wants to ensure people aren't entirely left behind or denied basic resources necessary for life, and think society has a basic moral responsibility in that regard.

If anything, I'd say the right's fondness for strong, paternalistic leaders is much more likely to lead to the authoritarian state you contemplate.
Dude, you guys are mandating people wear masks and shutting down businesses where people can't feed their families. Plus, you all show a clear hypocrisy with regards to rioting this summer vs the riot two days ago.
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While I think this entire idea is absolutely absurd, I don't think folks have considered the logistics of how this would work. People seem to have this image of a romanticized "aggressor" North vs "valiant" South kind of thing. The divide is urban and rural. It ain't 1860. There is just no way this would work.
While I think this entire idea is absolutely absurd, I don't think folks have considered the logistics of how this would work. People seem to have this image of a romanticized "aggressor" North vs "valiant" South kind of thing. The divide is urban and rural. It ain't 1860. There is just no way this would work.

I don’t think folks have digested this either, this ain’t gonna be one shot and hand to hand combat.
That's a mischaracterization of the left. Mostly the left wants to ensure people aren't entirely left behind or denied basic resources necessary for life, and think society has a basic moral responsibility in that regard.

If anything, I'd say the right's fondness for strong, paternalistic leaders is much more likely to lead to the authoritarian state you contemplate.

No those who try to do things that are in "your best interest" are the biggest threat.
Opinion piece. I like the simplicity of it, not 5K page fed bills

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people".
If by opinion piece you mean summary of Supreme Court opinion(s) piece. It's a basic primer of how the 10th Amendment works in reality, not how you wish it worked.
While I think this entire idea is absolutely absurd, I don't think folks have considered the logistics of how this would work. People seem to have this image of a romanticized "aggressor" North vs "valiant" South kind of thing. The divide is urban and rural. It ain't 1860. There is just no way this would work.
Exactly. If you look at a map many northern states are just as red geographically as southern states. As you said it’s and urban/rural division.
Exactly. If you look at a map many northern states are just as red geographically as southern states. As you said it’s and urban/rural division.
Yep. Look at a map of GOP v Democrat counties in any recent election, especially presidential elections.
Our forefathers did not agree to this. I think secession is something that needs to be looked at. When the President of the United States (was not elected) stands up and states that the.opposition party are domestic terrorists then it is time to consider.removing ourselves from the Union which we have every right to do.

Good riddance. But sorry, you can't stay in US territory. So have fun in I'm guessing Africa. Surely you'd love it there.
People laughed win I stated this could lead to civil war. You're newly elected dictator is right now waging war on those that are not willing bow down and kiss his ring.
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