Is secession the answer?


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It seems that country who continues to remove God from all aspects of life, get worse when governing. God will not allow a country to prosper when they make polices that directly go against His laws
He doesn't seem too interested by the looks of it
Probably not, to the OP. Secession only works if you are fixing the problem. In our case the removal of some states and cities doesnt fix the inherent problem.

If you keep the same system you will get the same results.
Secession, for it 1,000% This government with the liberals running the majority, against the foundations of our forefathers and for everything that is wrong leaves us with only two choices. Secession or outright war against liberals. Secession!!
First off, when the Pa legislature created the law (whenever that was) about observers, I'm willing to guarantee that COVID social distancing measures were not in the least bit considered. So obviously, there is no minimum distance inserted into the law. Social distancing is a 2020 creation... not some longstanding recognized standard.


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