Is secession the answer?

Ah, secession. When you don't get your way and just want to take your toys and go somewhere else.

Since it's not a geographic issue, you'd have to find a way to get everyone of certain political persuasions convinced to move. And how would it be divided up?

Take a cue from the super-divided and horribly obstinate Founding Fathers. Those sons of bitches hated the hell out of each other. But when it came down to it, they all listened. They all learned. They all compromised. And they set up a system that can only continue to exist by listening, learning, and compromising.

And before you say "How can we compromise with that filth?" Just remember that was how we ended up with the Electoral College.
While I think this entire idea is absolutely absurd, I don't think folks have considered the logistics of how this would work. People seem to have this image of a romanticized "aggressor" North vs "valiant" South kind of thing. The divide is urban and rural. It ain't 1860. There is just no way this would work.
You are generally correct. But there are clear distinctions between the coastal states and flyover country. Sorting out how to handle the large cities in flyover country would be something that would definitely need to be sorted out.
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Anyone who promotes succession is a traitor. Pure and simple. Don't try to call yourselves patriots when you advocate the break-up of the country. You only believe in democracy when your side wins.

Putin loves you guys so why don't you go live win Russia. He's now President for life, isn't that the kind of government you want?

I served in the military through 5 different Presidents. I didn't do it for the person who was President, I did it for my country, as did my brother, my father (WWII and Vietnam), my grandfather (WWI) and my great-great grandfather (the Civil War on the side of the Union).
Ah, secession. When you don't get your way and just want to take your toys and go somewhere else.

Since it's not a geographic issue, you'd have to find a way to get everyone of certain political persuasions convinced to move. And how would it be divided up?

Take a cue from the super-divided and horribly obstinate Founding Fathers. Those sons of bitches hated the hell out of each other. But when it came down to it, they all listened. They all learned. They all compromised. And they set up a system that can only continue to exist by listening, learning, and compromising.

And before you say "How can we compromise with that filth?" Just remember that was how we ended up with the Electoral College.
Well, they don't like the electoral college now either. We have to accept that some just refuse to compromise. When people scream take our country back, they're not willing to compromise.
Well, they don't like the electoral college now either. We have to accept that some just refuse to compromise. When people scream take our country back, they're not willing to compromise.
People screaming "take our country back" are basically saying "make it to where my side can never lose again" and its kind of sad.
Would secession solve our gridlocked partisan divided government and in general be better for society?
NO!!!!!!!!!! 1. Put in term limits 2. Stop their special health care and retirement, so they don't think they are better than us. 3. Have line item veto and stop the pork These things will go a long way toward getting reality back
Anyone who promotes succession is a traitor. Pure and simple. Don't try to call yourselves patriots when you advocate the break-up of the country. You only believe in democracy when your side wins.

Putin loves you guys so why don't you go live win Russia. He's now President for life, isn't that the kind of government you want?

I served in the military through 5 different Presidents. I didn't do it for the person who was President, I did it for my country, as did my brother, my father (WWII and Vietnam), my grandfather (WWI) and my great-great grandfather (the Civil War on the side of the Union).

Who should we be loyal to, the government or our fellow citizens? Is the government traitorous when it goes against the will of it’s citizenry?
Ah, secession. When you don't get your way and just want to take your toys and go somewhere else.

Since it's not a geographic issue, you'd have to find a way to get everyone of certain political persuasions convinced to move. And how would it be divided up?

Take a cue from the super-divided and horribly obstinate Founding Fathers. Those sons of bitches hated the hell out of each other. But when it came down to it, they all listened. They all learned. They all compromised. And they set up a system that can only continue to exist by listening, learning, and compromising.

And before you say "How can we compromise with that filth?" Just remember that was how we ended up with the Electoral College.
Not in favor of it at all but if the founding fathers saw the laws our government has subjected us to at this moment in time they may very well have been in favor of it.
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Anyone who promotes succession is a traitor. Pure and simple. Don't try to call yourselves patriots when you advocate the break-up of the country. You only believe in democracy when your side wins.

Putin loves you guys so why don't you go live win Russia. He's now President for life, isn't that the kind of government you want?

I served in the military through 5 different Presidents. I didn't do it for the person who was President, I did it for my country, as did my brother, my father (WWII and Vietnam), my grandfather (WWI) and my great-great grandfather (the Civil War on the side of the Union).
I absolutely want to split. I have nothing in common with you people. I will not unite and come together with you people. I despise you all and hate everything you stand for.
While I think this entire idea is absolutely absurd, I don't think folks have considered the logistics of how this would work. People seem to have this image of a romanticized "aggressor" North vs "valiant" South kind of thing. The divide is urban and rural. It ain't 1860. There is just no way this would work.


When the cities run out of food and water, they'll understand the situation perfectly.
NO!!!!!!!!!! 1. Put in term limits 2. Stop their special health care and retirement, so they don't think they are better than us. 3. Have line item veto and stop the pork These things will go a long way toward getting reality back

4. Stop the sun from rising
I absolutely want to split. I have nothing in common with you people. I will not unite and come together with you people. I despise you all and hate everything you stand for.
u mad bro?

Grab your bb-gun and head on up to DC for the inauguration. Or, better yet, just GTFO of the country if you don't like it.
Who should we be loyal to, the government or our fellow citizens? Is the government traitorous when it goes against the will of it’s citizenry?
The will of it's citizenry?
How in the world to you measure that?
I always knew you were a majority rule kind of guy.
I absolutely want to split. I have nothing in common with you people. I will not unite and come together with you people. I despise you all and hate everything you stand for.
I want to live in your sounds swell.
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