Islam, is it a religion of peace or war?

We've managed to interpret Christianity in a way to justify capitalism, you can interpret any religion to fit your desired perspective.
Not correctly. Keynesian influence. I think you need to connect the dots here. The old, “you can justify anything by your interpretation” is just that, old.
What do you mean? Are you saying this isn't in the Bible or that the moral of the story isn't horrific?
Why don't you watch those videos I posted and then take you up for Islam.

The Bible teaches that we should love our neighbors and nowhere teaches we should murder people. To say otherwise it's just false.
Why don't you watch those videos I posted and then take you up for Islam.

The Bible teaches that we should love our neighbors and nowhere teaches we should murder people. To say otherwise it's just false.

It does teach murder. It also teaches peace. Just like the Quran. Have you even read the Bible?
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Nah, you are mistaken. No religion that sends billions of people to Hell is of my god, and when they made up their prophet, their supposedly holy book, and corrupted His Word, they became a religion of antiChrists, or those against Christ. God is the Word. The great I AM. Their god and my God are not the same entitity. Billions will go to Hell because of worshipping allah and muhammed, as we are commanded in the 10 that " we shall have no other gods before Him."

My dad graduated from Carson Newman BTW, and he disagreed with you. What are the last words in the Bible? A solemn warning, not to add to or change the Word of God, lest anyone be led astray. When muslims added to and changed the Word, they became heretics and antiChrists. It is very sad, as many are very devout and disciplined. Christians would do well to take their faith as seriously as the muslims generally do, myself included.

I graduated from The University of Chicago. Did you look it up on the net or are you still spewing lies that it is not the same God. Denial is a shameful thing.
Who here has actually sat down with a Muslim one on one and talked religion and came away from the experience feeling "troubled"?

I think you were likely troubled just to be sitting down with a Muslim. I have worked with about ten and spoken to many others about faith. They were gentle and loving people.
I think you were likely troubled just to be sitting down with a Muslim. I have worked with about ten and spoken to many others about faith. They were gentle and loving people.
This is the same cognitive dissonance that pervades Hinduism. A well educated Hindu can believe his god (one of millions) is ACTUALLY a wooden idol and has real powers and yet be a superb engineer. A Muslim can be nice, friendly, and charitable all the while believing in and praying for the caliphate.
Sure, they are so similarl. You can hardly tell Jesus and Muhammad apart.

Do each of the books both teach violence and peace, or not?

Stop deflecting. Nobody has said Jesus and Muhammad are similar. If the Bible were just the teachings of Jesus, then it wouldn't be the Bible. Jesus is great. The Bible, not so much.
Do each of the books both teach violence and peace, or not?

Stop deflecting. Nobody has said Jesus and Muhammad are similar. If the Bible were just the teachings of Jesus, then it wouldn't be the Bible. Jesus is great. The Bible, not so much.
You should know me well enough to know I’m not deflecting.

The Bible is a library written over 1500 years in multiple countries by around 40 authors. Context much?? It’s the Islam that claims sentence by sentence perfection and completion of the Quran.

But, no, the Bible does not teach hate, or political domination. Your attempt is pathetic. You made a claim, support it, and stop trying to shift the burden.
You should know me well enough to know I’m not deflecting.

The Bible is a library written over 1500 years in multiple countries by around 40 authors. Context much?? It’s the Islam that claims sentence by sentence perfection and completion of the Quran.

But, no, the Bible does not teach hate, or political domination. Your attempt is pathetic. You made a claim, support it, and stop trying to shift the burden.

I don't know you at all, and yes, you were deflecting. What claim am I not supporting? I already pointed to a verse where the moral of the story was violence against infidels is justifiable. There are plenty more. God killed virtually the entire world because of sin, so there's that. Should I go on?
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Joe, just offhand, do you know any Muslims, and if so, have they tried to kill you? Radical Islam is a problem, but not all Muslims are violent killers. To suppose that is silly. This shouldn't be a battle of Christianity vs. Islam vs. Judaism, which one is best? Everyone is entitled to their own spiritual beliefs. Being Muslim does not make someone automatically a bad person.
I'm not arguing which is best, or anything. I only know one well, and she converted and her brothers said they'd kill her if she ever came back to Chicago. My whole point isn't necessarily the Muslim, it's the hypocritical liberals in here who only show up in threads when it's a white person, and never comment, or condemn Mullins when there's a story. Let it be a white guy, and they show up throwing the word Christian around.
I don't know you at all, and yes, you were deflecting. What claim am I not supporting? I already pointed to a verse where the moral of the story was violence against infidels is justifiable. There are plenty more. God killed virtually the entire world because of sin, so there's that. Should I go on?

You are claiming the Bible teaches violence.
Pointing to a verse and ignoring the context, setting and realities of the ANE is NOT teaching what you are attempting to claim. Your argument is one of personal incredulity. Everyone believes that violence is justifiable given the right circumstances, even you.
Is a mother bear justified in killing something that is a potential threat to her cubs? Yup. Yes God judged the world. The difference is that I can examine the greater meta narrative and see that God’s actions are justified. You’ve failed to establish otherwise.

You’re proof texting as an antagonist and it’s pretty pathetic.
You are claiming the Bible teaches violence.
Pointing to a verse and ignoring the context, setting and realities of the ANE is NOT teaching what you are attempting to claim. Your argument is one of personal incredulity. Everyone believes that violence is justifiable given the right circumstances, even you.

Is a mother bear justified in killing something that is a potential threat to her cubs? Yup. Yes God judged the world. The difference is that I can examine the greater meta narrative and see that God’s actions are justified. You’ve failed to establish otherwise.

You’re proof texting as an antagonist and it’s pretty pathetic.

God is justified in killing and commanding the death of infidels in the Bible, but not the Quran. Got it.
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We're talking miniscule minorities either way. If you want to use the difference as justification for condemnation, I guess buddhists should be putting Christians on blast.

Make sure you post the link the next time the FBI raids a extremist Christian compound training little kids to kill people.
I graduated from The University of Chicago. Did you look it up on the net or are you still spewing lies that it is not the same God. Denial is a shameful thing.

...and you claiming the degree before, and now the university, is an appeal to authority...a logical fallacy. Its not the same God. The moment they added a slew of new commands that are hate and lying, rape and murder, they quit praying to the same God as Christians do. If you have a theologu degree, then you know that God is immutable, unchanging. He also never, ever tells man to sin...such as lying and deceiving the "infidel", God will not dwell where there is sin, He hates sin and makes that clear. If, and thats a big if...IF a god told all muslims to lie and deceive anyone besides muslims in order to conquer was a different god, not God Almighty, the great I AM.

What is the very 1st verse in the Bible?

God says that He IS the Word. Thats how important it is to him. When the muslims changed the word of god, by adding all those suras about lying and killing the infidel, when they added anything that isnt the OT, they changed the word of god and changed gods.

What is the last verse in the Bible?

A solemn warning not to do exactly what they did. Jesus is foretold many times in the OT..there is no mention at all of muhammed, anywhere in either testament. Because he was a false prophet.

Any religion that teaches that the followers of Jesus Christ are the enemy, also leading them to reject Christ as Messiah, is a tool of satan and will lead its followers to damnation. There is a reason that the 1st and last verses of the Bible both mention Gods word. It is how He and his nature, His will for our lives is revealed to mankind.

FTR, I am not a "king james only " bible thumper or legalist. Christianity is about a relationship, not a religion. It is a mans relationship with Christ that gives salvation, and his relationship with his fellow man is how one lives out their faith. I would love to learn enough to be able to translate the textus receptus myself, as well as other pld texts in the original language they were recorded. I have read all of the apocrypha that i know of, and many other texts. I dont know that the KJ version is perfect, but i believe it is certainly the Word of God, and is consistent in showing His character. Context is always very important.

The quran is clearly very much opposed to the teachings of Christ, and God the father. It is nothing like the Word of God, because it is about some god of wrath and lies, or is complete fiction that is a tool of the devil. Regardless, it is not the Word of the God of the Bible, and thats all that matters.

Its content and commands do not and will not ever mesh with the western world or the US, which has a society based on democracy, equality, personal freedom, etc
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...and you claiming the degree before, and now the university, is an appeal to authority...a logical fallacy. Its not the same God. The moment they added a slew of new commands that are hate and lying, rape and murder, they quit praying to the same God as Christians do. If you have a theologu degree, then you know that God is immutable, unchanging. He also never, ever tells man to sin...such as lying and deceiving the "infidel", God will not dwell where there is sin, He hates sin and makes that clear. If, and thats a big if...IF a god told all muslims to lie and deceive anyone besides muslims in order to conquer was a different god, not God Almighty, the great I AM.

What is the very 1st verse in the Bible?

God says that He IS the Word. Thats how important it is to him. When the muslims changed the word of god, by adding all those suras about lying and killing the infidel, when they added anything that isnt the OT, they changed the word of god and changed gods.

What is the last verse in the Bible?

A solemn warning not to do exactly what they did. Jesus is foretold many times in the OT..there is no mention at all of muhammed, anywhere in either testament. Because he was a false prophet.

Any religion that teaches that the followers of Jesus Christ are the enemy, also leading them to reject Christ as Messiah, is a tool of satan and will lead its followers to damnation. There is a reason that the 1st and last verses of the Bible both mention Gods word. It is how He and his nature, His will for our lives is revealed to mankind.

FTR, I am not a "king james only " bible thumper or legalist. Christianity is about a relationship, not a religion. It is a mans relationship with Christ that gives salvation, and his relationship with his fellow man is how one lives out their faith. I would love to learn enough to be able to translate the textus receptus myself, as well as other pld texts in the original language they were recorded. I have read all of the apocrypha that i know of, and many other texts. I dont know that the KJ version is perfect, but i believe it is certainly the Word of God, and is consistent in showing His character. Context is always very important.

The quran is clearly very much opposed to the teachings of Christ, and God the father. It is nothing like the Word of God, because it is about some god of wrath and lies, or is complete fiction that is a tool of the devil. Regardless, it is not the Word of the God of the Bible, and thats all that matters.

Its content and commands do not and will not ever mesh with the western world or the US, which has a society based on democracy, equality, personal freedom, etc
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all claim the same God. Differences seem to lie in what God told them. So in the context of origin, it is the same God.

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