Israel vs Palestinians

That's not being upset. You remain very dishonest or very stupid or both.

lol so you thought it was a good thing that they attacked hamas leadership? Seems you were upset about it and accused them of “escalation” for the grave sin of following your advice

Dear God, the NYP is trash.

Imagine championing your people's freedom and fkn priviliged idiots (apparently journalists, even) 10k miles away try to censor your message as hate. Patrick Henry? Would his words fly if we first heard them from Palestinian mouths?

What happened to the town square, NYP?

BTW, Israelis use the phrase too, including Natanyahu this year.
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Dear God, the NYP is trash.

Imagine championing your people's freedom and fkn priviliged idiots (apparently journalists, even) 10k miles away try to censor your message as hate. Patrick Henry? Would his words fly if we first heard them from Palestinian mouths?

What happened to the town square, NYP?
Are the chants "from the river to the sea" and "by any means necessary" often used together? At least here anyway? How do you think they intend those statements?

For those here I think there is a specific meaning behind the chants, they want Israel gone, ceasing to exist, either they leave willingly or by force to the last Israeli.

They aren't asking for a two state solution, they aren't chanting for equal rights within Israel, they are chanting for the destruction of Israel, from the river to the sea.
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Well, what if it is true? We can start there
Depends on the circumstances.

For instance, if she's there at the demonstration or protest on the other side of a barrier and chanting with a group and there is little or minimal violence then obviously it would be wrong if she were shot or targeted IMO.

If she's among a group violently protesting, throwing rocks and otherwise targeting troops and she's shot that would change my my opinion from being wrong to unfortunate. As long as it wasn't like a sniper situation or something assuming she wasn't an imminent threat.
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Depends on the circumstances.

For instance, if she's there at the demonstration or protest on the other side of a barrier and chanting with a group and there is little or minimal violence then obviously it would be wrong if she were shot or targeted IMO.

If she's among a group violently protesting, throwing rocks and otherwise targeting troops and she's shot that would change my my opinion from being wrong to unfortunate. As long as it wasn't like a sniper situation or something assuming she wasn't an imminent threat.

Yeah, I don't think firing into a crowd of protesters is the way to handle some rock chuckers. For all you know, you'll hit an American.
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Yeah, I don't think firing into a crowd is a way to handle some rock chuckers, but that's just me.
Rocks can kill someone as dead as a bullet can.

Since my post I've read some reports and based on the info I've seen there I'd probably have to side on shouldn't have fired but there were enough vague details I won't commit completely.

“We have no higher priority than the safety and security of American citizens.”

(Unless they’re being held hostage by Palestinian Terrorists, then jk…)

Doesn't sound like the brightest of ideas to travel to a foreign country currently in a war and protest something that's none of your business.
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Are the chants "from the river to the sea" and "by any means necessary" often used together? At least here anyway? How do you think they intend those statements?

For those here I think there is a specific meaning behind the chants, they want Israel gone, creating to exist, either they leave willingly or by force to the last Israeli.

They aren't asking for a two state solution, they aren't chanting for equal rights within Israel, they are chanting for the destruction of Israel, from the river to the sea.

Never heard of this.

Yes, Israel is an oppressive regime and there is absolutely nothing villainous about wanting that regime gone. It's not hate speech to protest a government.
Never heard of this.

Yes, Israel is an oppressive regime and there is absolutely nothing villainous about wanting that regime gone. It's not hate speech to protest a government.

The people chanting River to The Sea don’t want the Israeli “regime” gone. They want the Israeli State gone.

But Huff knows this.
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Never heard of this.

Yes, Israel is an oppressive regime and there is absolutely nothing villainous about wanting that regime gone. It's not hate speech to protest a government.
It's not just a government, it's a country, they want it and the people that live in it gone. If you don't see something wrong with that....

And of you've never heard that then you didn't pay attention during the protests.

Edit to add:

Then you must see Hamas as villainous and support the overthrow of Palestine?
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Dear God, the NYP is trash.

Imagine championing your people's freedom and fkn priviliged idiots (apparently journalists, even) 10k miles away try to censor your message as hate. Patrick Henry? Would his words fly if we first heard them from Palestinian mouths?

What happened to the town square, NYP?

BTW, Israelis use the phrase too, including Natanyahu this year.

You should burn yourself about it
Are the chants "from the river to the sea" and "by any means necessary" often used together? At least here anyway? How do you think they intend those statements?

For those here I think there is a specific meaning behind the chants, they want Israel gone, ceasing to exist, either they leave willingly or by force to the last Israeli.

They aren't asking for a two state solution, they aren't chanting for equal rights within Israel, they are chanting for the destruction of Israel, from the river to the sea.

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