Israel vs Palestinians

Since Bibi and Puddinhead aren't even talking, I would say the handcuffs are pretty much non existent. As a matter of fact, I think Bibi gave Puddinhead the middle finger. Especially now.

Biden's administration is a complete failure.

I have always found people who believe pro wrasslin' to be real, fascinating.

Anyone who believes Biden or anyone in the US State Dept is placing any sort of limits on Israel, has fallen for an act.
Appreciate it. Especially when dander is elevated.

you are Head and Shoulders above most.

Was waiting on this like it was Christmas for some strange reason haha. Whenever McD is involved I am conditioned to look for the joke/pun I guess. Pavlov would be thrilled. 😃
Zone. It's a @Orangeslice13 it is a LOT less fun than it sounds.
Zone is the 1st place I ever really posted on VN after lurking for a couple months or more. Some funny folks there, where I met Slice originally so thankful for that. Then i kinda settled in the PF with the regulars here and havent really paid the Zone any attention for close to a decade now maybe? Long time. Theres some funny stuff and good guys over there though. Might have to check in again. Thx bud.
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Yes, it’s in a city. Surely even you are smart enough to tell the difference between that and intentionally placing missiles under apartments, schools, and mosques, right?

And when Ukraine turned schools and hospitals into military installations? I seem to remember the western propagandists screaming that Putin was targeting civilians.

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