Israel vs Palestinians

Wont mention specific races but I have watched at least 2 black incumbents for safe dem seats get taken out in primaries by astroturfed candidates who sprung up seemingly overnight once they said something disparaging about a certain ethnic group or ties to Israel. It makes sense for them to do this btw as the primaries in safe one party seats are the best money spend. Fewest people have to be convinced to win the seat.

Also - IIRC Charlie Rangel is one who fell of the reservation and began to have issues that led to his retirement.
All I can say to this is that if they could help defeat the members of the squad in upcoming elections; the country would owe them an incredible debt of gratitude 😉
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crazy that meeting in person is the safest and even that is bomb fodder

can you put bombs in carrier pigeons?
Swallows work, just make sure you use African Swallows instead of European.

Oh, the US did. experiment with bat bombs during WWII in hope of staring city wide firestorms in Japan. Some of the stories of the failed tests are hilarious.

And the US also tried developing a pigeon guided bomb during WWII. That one as funny too.
Breaking: The new Hezbollah leader who replaced the previous new Hezbollah leader who was eliminated after he replaced the previous leader who was eliminated, was eliminated tonight.

Three Hezbollah leaders eliminated in one week.
Welcome to Hezbelloah. I am here for your onboarding. Here is your new company pager, your new cellphone, and a company shirt
I would like to contrast the crapshow in the ME currently with the whole region and perhaps world on the brink of war under Marxist leadership...

With the aptly named Abraham Accords brokered by Trump to normalize relations and establish lasting peace and goodwill between Israel and the strongest Arab/Muslim nation in the sandbox...the Saudis.

Not to mention the Biden administration STARTING the war in Ukraine, then refusing to accept or help broker the deal for Peace that was on the table and being discussed by both belligerents early on in the war. The ONLY logical conclusion for this being that the Democrats and Politicians in general are 100% bought and paid for by the MIC and their subcontractors. They are owned. Crooked. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dead boys blood stains their crooked hands. Old men, women, and children too. Consecutive generations Ukrainians (and many Russians) have been completely erased from this planet. Many hunted down like animals as they ran in fear from incoming drones and munitions. All for nothing. Predetermined outcome was certain from the start. All so that defense contractors and politicians can get rich.

Shameful and disgusting government in this country.
You’re telling me the press lied?
Well I am shocked. They would never lie about something as important as Hunters laptop or Russian dossier, or…….

So were they lying about the first report or are they lying now about the first reports being inaccurate.
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