Israel vs Palestinians

If, say, Rashida Tlaib compared anything to 20 9/11s people here would never stop talking about it. Israel does it and we get this "you know this, I mean obviously it's 20 9/11s" ass kissing hahaha
We have gone beyond the first level of ass kissing and reached the "say it's 20 9/11s or you're downplaying death" level lol
"Hell yeah kill everyone, if a bunch of civilians die who cares" part 900. Let's hear for the 57th time about a "generational mark" next, need to hit your quota of 50 posts a day about FAFO and cheering on death
It’s war
Welcome too it.

If you’re too weak for it then turn the channel.
Don’t start one and their won’t be one.
You know what I don’t hear from anyone on here or in any of the protests?
Pleading with Hamas to release the hostages so it will stop.
Pleading with Hamas to surrender so it will stop.
Pleading will Hamas to repent in any way.

When the Palestinians reject Hamas then things will change. Until then the bombing continues and they have nobody to blame but themselves
Very convoluted way of saying "Yes, I would roast her for saying this exact same thing I'm defending" lmao. At least own it
Man you’re confused over this.

Tlaib would get roasted for mentioning 9/11 in any context, at any time, for any reason. Period. Would have nothing to do with using a ratio, or not.

But if she wants to frame something else using ratios that would be perfectly reasonable. 4,237 Nakba’s - have at it.
This is good news ...

Over a dozen state attorneys general signed a letter directed toward media outlets like the New York Times and CNN, encouraging them to "follow the law" when it comes to coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict and putting them "on watch" to ensure they don't give "material support to terrorists abroad."

The same scumbags who ignore Hamas on 10/7 and ignore Hamas shooting their own people when they try to escape, and then pretend to cry about the innocent are in favor of criminal activity in New York.
I guess it depends on what your party tells them to think.
And ignore the barbaric, and blatant, mass rape of Israeli women.

Silence. Nothing but silence. How are we to interpret that?

US State Department spokesman - The Hill

“The fact that it seems one of the reasons they don’t want to turn women over, that they’ve been holding hostage, and the reason this pause fell apart, is they don’t want those women to be able to talk about what happened to them during their time in custody,” Miller said, referring to sexual violence against women.

Apologists will likely question the veracity of these claims, or simply seek to downplay the mass rape of women.

Hamas has denied its militants committed sexual crimes against women.
I believe them!
- Apologists

Israeli officials believe Hamas still has roughly 18 women in custody, most of whom were kidnapped from an Oct. 7 music festival near the Gaza border, according to Axios. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller

Gee, why aren’t they releasing the women taken captive?

“A survivor from the Nova rave party testified, ‘Everything was an apocalypse of corpses, girls without any clothes on, without tops, without underwear, people cut in half, butchered, some were beheaded,’”

Just barbarous, animalistic behavior from these monsters. And there are those that cast doubt and “yea, but”.
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Unreal …

ELISE STEFANIK: And there have been multiple marches at Harvard with students chanting quote, "there is only one solution, intifada revolution."

Only one solution

I’m sure that’s perfectly benign and reasonable in the eyes of the Apologists.
Then keep killing Hamas till they learn

Exactly, then send the fifteen or twenty leftover Gazans someplace else, and Israel can redevelop some nice beachfront property for Israelis. Until the Muslim/Arab world accepts Israel and Israel's right to exist, there will be no peace in the region.

Even with the West Bank and Gaza folded into Israel, it would be a country at most half the size of TN with ocean on one side and surrounded on the rest by hostile countries the size of the US. Not much choice about meeting force with force and more resolve, and having the means (developed military and stockpiled weaponry) to do so. The way it stands, Israel has no choice except to make believers of the Arab world from time to time, and that means giving them a whole lot more than the Arab world bargained for. If it's not extremely painful, the message won't last. In the end "Palestinians" seem incapable of learning, so maybe best just to eradicate them and the word ... solves a bunch of problems.
You know what I don’t hear from anyone on here or in any of the protests?
Pleading with Hamas to release the hostages so it will stop.
Pleading with Hamas to surrender so it will stop.
Pleading will Hamas to repent in any way.

When the Palestinians reject Hamas then things will change. Until then the bombing continues and they have nobody to blame but themselves

Eradicating Hamas isn't enough; the sympathizers will simply conjure up something else in its place. Removing people doesn't solve a problem as long as the ideal stands; it just comes back in another name.
Claudine Gay & Harvard are an absolute train wreck.

Dead last in protecting free speech. Unless you’re calling for the annihilation of a people - then say whatever you want.

Notice she could not answer this simple question:

ELISE STEFANIK: A Harvard student calling for the mass murder of African-Americans is not protected free speech at Harvard, correct?
Claudine Gay & Harvard are an absolute train wreck.

Dead last in protecting free speech. Unless you’re calling for the annihilation of a people - then say whatever you want.

What do we think Claudine’s qualifications were other than the box checking? It’s rare that being stupid actually manages to cost a company BILLIONS. Harvard made a really poor decision and I hope it nearly bankrupts them.

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