Israel vs Palestinians

What do we think Claudine’s qualifications were other than the box checking? It’s rare that being stupid actually manages to cost a company BILLIONS. Harvard made a really poor decision and I hope it nearly bankrupts them.

Not a chance.
What is your recommendation for removing Hamas?
You conduct a special military operation.... a counterterrorism campaign.

No reasonable person expects to not have some civilian casualties. But it is clear that this campaign that the Israelis are conducting is intended to collectively punish the civilians as well as Hamas. And like was mentioned earlier, 100k of their lives is worth one of theirs.
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Just stop
Is Ehud Barak a liar now? This is widely known and understood in Israel.

How Netanyahu's Hamas policy came back to haunt him — and Israel

Yuval Diskin, former head of Israel's Shin Bet security service, told the daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth in 2013 that "if we look at it over the years, one of the main people contributing to Hamas's strengthening has been Bibi Netanyahu, since his first term as prime minister."

In August 2019, former prime minister Ehud Barak told Israeli Army Radio that Netanyahu's "strategy is to keep Hamas alive and kicking … even at the price of abandoning the citizens [of the south] … in order to weaken the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah."
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What do we think Claudine’s qualifications were other than the box checking? It’s rare that being stupid actually manages to cost a company BILLIONS. Harvard made a really poor decision and I hope it nearly bankrupts them.
She’s a walking, talking poster for Identity Politics.

Now who's idea is this? Is Wile E. Coyote going to get some Acme pumps and spend several weeks trying to pull this stunt? And just how long do the Israelis think they will be able to run those pumps unmolested? Hamas won't target them?

I thought I heard a bunch of wild ideas, but this one is up there.
Exactly, then send the fifteen or twenty leftover Gazans someplace else, and Israel can redevelop some nice beachfront property for Israelis. Until the Muslim/Arab world accepts Israel and Israel's right to exist, there will be no peace in the region.

Even with the West Bank and Gaza folded into Israel, it would be a country at most half the size of TN with ocean on one side and surrounded on the rest by hostile countries the size of the US. Not much choice about meeting force with force and more resolve, and having the means (developed military and stockpiled weaponry) to do so. The way it stands, Israel has no choice except to make believers of the Arab world from time to time, and that means giving them a whole lot more than the Arab world bargained for. If it's not extremely painful, the message won't last. In the end "Palestinians" seem incapable of learning, so maybe best just to eradicate them and the word ... solves a bunch of problems.
Ethnic cleansing...
Now who's idea is this? Is Wile E. Coyote going to get some Acme pumps and spend several weeks trying to pull this stunt? And just how long do the Israelis think they will be able to run those pumps unmolested? Hamas won't target them?

I thought I heard a bunch of wild ideas, but this one is up there.
I’m not saying IDF should. But you don’t believe IDF could?
You conduct a special military operation.... a counterterrorism campaign.

No reasonable person expects to not have some civilian casualties. But it is clear that this campaign that the Israelis are conducting is intended to collectively punish the civilians as well as Hamas. And like was mentioned earlier, 100k of their lives is worth one of theirs.

It’s not clear at all. You can’t name a single military that has done as much to save civilians. The difference is they’re dealing with a population that overwhelmingly supports hamas and allows Hamas to imbed themselves with them
Now who's idea is this? Is Wile E. Coyote going to get some Acme pumps and spend several weeks trying to pull this stunt? And just how long do the Israelis think they will be able to run those pumps unmolested? Hamas won't target them?

I thought I heard a bunch of wild ideas, but this one is up there.

Breaking News : Rasputin Vol smarter than the engineers the US turns to when they can’t solve problems. Update at 11!!
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Crazy theory here: Israel knew that this attack was coming, and didn't stop it for two reasons:

Reason 1: If they acted to stop the attack then it may not give them enough ammo to totally wipe out Hamas. The outside pressure may have been to great for them to greatly limit their actions. This would have allowed Hamas to stay in control, and another attack like this would have been planned in the future...maybe even a worse one.

Reason 2: If they would have stopped this attack, and Hamas would have remained, then that means Hamas remains in power with Iran likely developing nukes soon. A heavy deterrent, plus Iran could give Hamas a nuke and they would be crazy enough to use it in the future.

Israel might have just wanted to just go ahead and rip that band aide off.

Crazy theory here: Israel knew that this attack was coming, and didn't stop it for two reasons:

Reason 1: If they acted to stop the attack then it may not give them enough ammo to totally wipe out Hamas. The outside pressure may have been to great for them to greatly limit their actions. This would have allowed Hamas to stay in control, and another attack like this would have been planned in the future...maybe even a worse one.

Reason 2: If they would have stopped this attack, and Hamas would have remained, then that means Hamas remains in power with Iran likely developing nukes soon. A heavy deterrent, plus Iran could give Hamas a nuke and they would be crazy enough to use it in the future.

Israel might have just wanted to just go ahead and rip that band aide off.


It sounds like an absurd conspiracy without any evidence.
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Crazy theory here: Israel knew that this attack was coming, and didn't stop it for two reasons:

Reason 1: If they acted to stop the attack then it may not give them enough ammo to totally wipe out Hamas. The outside pressure may have been to great for them to greatly limit their actions. This would have allowed Hamas to stay in control, and another attack like this would have been planned in the future...maybe even a worse one.

Reason 2: If they would have stopped this attack, and Hamas would have remained, then that means Hamas remains in power with Iran likely developing nukes soon. A heavy deterrent, plus Iran could give Hamas a nuke and they would be crazy enough to use it in the future.

Israel might have just wanted to just go ahead and rip that band aide off.

It sounds like an absurd conspiracy without any evidence.
It is. Like I said, crazy theory. But, what if? I could totally see than angle, and it would be smart on the Israelis part.
Now who's idea is this? Is Wile E. Coyote going to get some Acme pumps and spend several weeks trying to pull this stunt? And just how long do the Israelis think they will be able to run those pumps unmolested? Hamas won't target them?

I thought I heard a bunch of wild ideas, but this one is up there.
Egypt's idea.

They flooded the tunnels at their border years ago. I think they used sewage and sea water.

Hamas has stated the tunnels are for Hamas use only. Paraphrasing here - "its the UN's job to provide shelter for civilians". This Acme plan, that seemingly has a proven degree of success at the Egyptian border, might be the most humane way to limit civilian casualties while achieving the objective of eliminating Hamas.
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Crazy theory here: Israel knew that this attack was coming, and didn't stop it for two reasons:

Reason 1: If they acted to stop the attack then it may not give them enough ammo to totally wipe out Hamas. The outside pressure may have been to great for them to greatly limit their actions. This would have allowed Hamas to stay in control, and another attack like this would have been planned in the future...maybe even a worse one.

Reason 2: If they would have stopped this attack, and Hamas would have remained, then that means Hamas remains in power with Iran likely developing nukes soon. A heavy deterrent, plus Iran could give Hamas a nuke and they would be crazy enough to use it in the future.

Israel might have just wanted to just go ahead and rip that band aide off.

Did they know Hamas would slaughter babies and family dogs?
I think there are elements of wickedness in some of the Israeli governments actions. And I would say the same of Hamas.

Can both sides be evil or am I supposed to pick a side?
I couldn't care less what you do. But you ARE doing some serious gymnastics to place any blame on the Israelis for this particular flare up. The so called "Palestinians" elected a terrorist group as their leadership and watched as they murdered over a thousand Israelis in cold blood. The Israeli SDF bends over backwards to give warning to inhabitants of incoming attacks. Hamas rapes and kills women. The SDF does not. Which side took hostages again? And which side releases ****ing criminals to retrieve children and women. **** Hamas and the so called "Palestinians". They are getting a lot less than they deserve. Bibi should clear everybody out and turn it into glass.

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