Israel vs Palestinians

These same tactics were used by the occupy, anti anti fascists and during the BLM riots. I don't condone any of them. But people are fed up on every side.
Not sure why Israel supporters (i.e. the only ones engaging in violence there, shooting fireworks into the encampment, etc.) have much reason to be fed up; they’re getting everything they want except pats on the back for killing 35K people
They should consider themselves lucky - if I were in charge, that encampment would be getting a steady dose of aerosol'd liquid ass sprayed into them. IYKYK

I'd also only allow spicy burritos and sushi from unpermitted, uninspected sketchy ass food trucks as sustenance. No water bottles, only warm, overly diluted red kool-aid served in 70's style pitchers into absurdly small wax paper cups.

Additionally, I'd blare "Raspberry Beret" by Prince and "Cotton Eye'd Joe" on loops at ear splitting levels 24/7.

Let them protest.
Nothing for the people shooting fireworks into the encampment, right? Those are the good guys standing up to the big bad camping students. People’s brains are fried lol
But it’s okay because they are oppressed some would argue.
What pisses me off is that these “protesters” who have a number of causes that they are always on the lookout for are choosing to bury their head in the sand over something that is a huge hot button topic. Women’s rights is at the forefront of this election. The Democrats are pretty much putting all their eggs in this basket. Rightfully so. I get. However, to ignore and have disregard what has occurred is completely hypocritical.

And just so no one can accuse me of the same, I do not support the violence taking place at UCLA. This has to stop or else more events like UCLA will occur all across the country . This is a powder keg and it needs to stop before there is massive unrest. Some actual leadership needs to emerge and squash this.
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One could draw a parallel between those events in Westwood and the real Middle East. One side was demonstrating and basically minding their own business while another faction brought violence into play by attacking those demonstrating. Meanwhile the powers who would be able to prevent and stop the violence apparently had no interest in doing so and favored the aggressor by letting it proceed unimpeded.
No doubt the Westwood violence by the pro-terrorist groups is terrible. One side just trying to go to the library in support of their studies at a university.

Nothing for the people shooting fireworks into the encampment, right? Those are the good guys standing up to the big bad camping students. People’s brains are fried lol

Growing up, we'd fire bottle rockets and roman candles at each other for fun. I was doing that at 11 years old for entertainment, I can't imagine 19-year-old me being outraged over it.
No indication it was provoked which makes it neither of those things. The violence was in one direction
This was making the rounds yesterday. Easily could have been what incited this. That does not mean I support them being attacked. I do not

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Growing up, we'd fire bottle rockets and roman candles at each other for fun. I was doing that at 11 years old for entertainment, I can't imagine 19-year-old me being outraged over it.
Shooting fireworks toward flammable materials is just harmless fun, while chants are an absolute emergency. Like I said, people’s brains are fried
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Additionally, I'd blare "Raspberry Beret" by Prince and "Cotton Eye'd Joe" on loops at ear splitting levels 24/7.
You've got grit, there's no denying that. But still, don't just rush in guns blazing. The mean streets of private universities are tough to keep up with.

Are your certain your audio can offset the opposition?
a large force is the best way to minimize the potential for violent resistance. protestors were given every chance to cease their unauthorized occupation of buildings and areas.
They’ve been to Columbia before and there was no “violent resistance,” so they would know better than anyone that that was unnecessary
This was making the rounds yesterday. Easily coils have been what incited this. That does not mean I support them being attacked. I do not

ssshhhhh - she must have been beaten unconscious by the chants of peaceful protesters
No doubt the Westwood violence by the pro-terrorist groups is terrible. One side just trying to go to the library in support of their studies at a university.

Which side is pro-terrorist? Wouldn't unprovoked violence by either side be terrible?
Nobody should have had their access blocked, and I hope they deal with those who did that. That happened during the day.
The mentioned aggression against the protesters happened at night. Is that to be condemned? Those attacking were wearing masks. Are they cowards?
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Oh yes we love when the state sends a giant and unnecessary army of riot cops at unarmed students

good grief they had every opportunity to vacate the building/premises and refused. At some point whiny children have to be put in their place and now allowed to run amuck.
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they were sent to remove people - did they remove people before?

what happened to no one is above the law?

Columbia President Nemat Shafik, in her request for NYPD assistance on Wednesday, wrote that she had "determined that the encampment and related disruptions pose a clear and present danger to the substantial functioning of the University.” But after the arrests, NYPD John Chell appeared to contradict that assessment, saying later Thursday that "the students that were arrested were peaceful, offered no resistance whatsoever, and were saying what they wanted to say in a peaceful manner."

The "acts of violence" by Hamas were not false or exaggerated, as many Hamas supporters would like for people to believe. In fact, the Hamas attackers had handbooks on them instructing them about rape, murder and hostage taking. These were found on the bodies of dead Hamas raiders. Accounts by the people that responded to these attacks describe some of the most disturbing violent acts in human history. Individuals that deny the facts of the Hamas attacks are clearly either motivated by a terrible agenda or truly delusional. Either way, nothing said by those individuals is worthy of consideration.

You're on his block list for support of genocide or reasons. These kind of posts are invisible to him, even though sometimes he can see your content in non related threads he agrees with.

His super power is he gets to have all the superpowers he wants. Don't even ask about playing tag, he's never been "it".
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Yeah, I condemn Columbia sending a billion cops there to beat up its own students

But these protesters aren’t students. They are operatives paid by Trump and his super-pacs for the sole purpose of creating chaos to make Biden look bad. With a roaring economy, inflation and interest rates at an all time low, peace all around the world, Biden has led humanity into a literal utopia therefore Trump has to do something and this is it.
Shafik's really rattled and is overreacting.

I don't disagree she's rattled but I don't see the clearing of an occupied building and encampment as overreacting. I think it's odd to think it's okay to just let that happen without consequence along with the corresponding total disruption to university operations. There is zero justification to let it continue. Protest can occur without occupation and the disruption. There is zero right to occupy, obstruct or disrupt.
Not sure why Israel supporters (i.e. the only ones engaging in violence there, shooting fireworks into the encampment, etc.) have much reason to be fed up; they’re getting everything they want except pats on the back for killing 35K people
Who said they even support Israel? I'm sure many most do. But maybe some are countering protesting in general. People all over the country watched as people broke the law and cause chaos and disruption around the country in the name of protesting a number of different causes.

I'm sure some are hurt that family or friends or people of their faith were killed (if they were lucky that day just to be killed) or kidnapped, tortured and sexually abused as a weapon to hurt Israel.

One doesn't forgive the other but let's not act like Israeli's don't have a reason to be upset..........
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You're on his block list for support of genocide or reasons. These kind of posts are invisible to him, even though sometimes he can see your content in non related threads he agrees with.

His super power is he gets to have all the superpowers he wants. Don't even ask about playing tag, he's never been "it".
I'm not sure if I understand the "block list for support of genocide" thing you are speaking about. I was just pointing out that some people are so misguided that no one should pay attention to any of their spouted drivel.
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