Italy Elects Giorgia Meloni As New Prime Minister In Stunning Victory For Feminism Everywhere

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There are degrees of nationalism, to be sure. An approach that refuses to allow others into your country based on the proposition that by the happenstance of place of birth there is some sort of entitlement to a certain life, or inherited trait that others cannot possibly have, would seem to be pretty extreme.

The concept that other races or nationalities are inherently inferior is an offshoot of that. I would think most people would accept such a premise as fascist.

Now, that does not mean that you cannot believe in exceptionalism based on things like national culture or the like. But, I think that when the concept becomes associated with believing that its natural, somehow inherited, that you've gone too far.

That is my own thinking on the subject.
Your definitions rely on those stances applying to your accepted ideology and not some actual "extremism".

By the same argument, a belief that literally everyone should be allowed in, just because they happen to want to be there, is extreme. Especially if you believe the government is owned by the people it represents. They want to lock their doors, control who comes in the front door, and make sure no one breaks in the back door. That's hardly extreme, unless you hold the opposite view. Apparently enough Italians hold the belief, hence her election, so it's not extreme at the national level.

Historically it makes good sense as Italy has seen tons of devastation from outsiders pushing their way in. Like everything migration needs to be controlled, or else it becomes too much and damages the country.

Your fascist argument is laughable. You even use the correct term in your attempt at definition. Nationalism. You can be nationalistic without be fascist. Fascism is just the scarier word. Racist may even be a better fit.

And how is believing you inherent a national culture going too far? I cant just claim Brazilian culture. Just because I spent 2 months there doesnt mean I have a claim to it. Just because they tell me I dont have it, doesnt mean they are extreme.

Your use of vague language is intentional to make your disagreement with another's opinion seem morally, and maybe intellectually, superior in some manner.

It's the same degree of bigotry you are claiming to decry, just applied along different lines.
โ€œSurely it would be a step forward,โ€ said Meloni in a statement to Euronews before the election. "I defined it as breaking the 'glass ceiling', one that still exists in many western countries, not only in Italy, preventing women from achieving important public roles in society.
"It would be an honour for me to be the first to break this taboo in my country.โ€

(Starts a well deserved slow clap)
I'm going to say right now, I would not want to piss her off. She has a really angry mom voice and you will know you're in trouble even if it's a language you don't understand.

If she was a lefty DD would come on here and tell us how she is going to straight up "mom" the Italians.
Are there examples of her displaying any of this in action or words?
I think we will have to wait and see. She describes herself as right-wing, so we can put that "American liberal media freaks out and calls everyone to the right of Stalin far right" talking point to bed. She's forming coalitions with far right and center-right parties. Is she a fascist? I don't know.

Her past involvement with pro-Mussolini groups has raised eyebrows, obviously. Her campaign slogan is ripped straight from him, so that does tend to raise red flags. She claims she has moved past that. We shall see. She is vehemently anti-LGBT, and has made it very clear she will end civil unions in Italy if given the chance. Judging from her remarks and tone, she will go much further than that if she can. She's also anti-choice. And she definitely has issues with all immigrants, that seems to be the centerpiece of her campaign, along with hating on gay folks.

None of this makes her a fascist by definition. She would be a bog standard far-right nationalistic Republican in the US. There is a reason the board is excited for her victory. They want the same kind of policies here, too.

We will have to wait and see if she holds to her pledge of governing for ALL Italians. We will find out soon enough. I have my doubts.

As an aside, has everyone forgotten about Margaret Thatcher? I understand the historical significance for Italy, but news outlets are acting like she is the first PM ever in the West.
I think we will have to wait and see. She describes herself as right-wing, so we can put that "American liberal media freaks out and calls everyone to the right of Stalin far right" talking point to bed. She's forming coalitions with far right and center-right parties. Is she a fascist? I don't know.

Her past involvement with pro-Mussolini groups has raised eyebrows, obviously. Her campaign slogan is ripped straight from him, so that does tend to raise red flags. She claims she has moved past that. We shall see. She is vehemently anti-LGBT, and has made it very clear she will end civil unions in Italy if given the chance. Judging from her remarks and tone, she will go much further than that if she can. She's also anti-choice. And she definitely has issues with all immigrants, that seems to be the centerpiece of her campaign, along with hating on gay folks.

None of this makes her a fascist by definition. She would be a bog standard far-right nationalistic Republican in the US. There is a reason the board is excited for her victory. They want the same kind of policies here, too.

We will have to wait and see if she holds to her pledge of governing for ALL Italians. We will find out soon enough. I have my doubts.

As an aside, has everyone forgotten about Margaret Thatcher? I understand the historical significance for Italy, but news outlets are acting like she is the first PM ever in the West.

I think we will have to wait and see. She describes herself as right-wing, so we can put that "American liberal media freaks out and calls everyone to the right of Stalin far right" talking point to bed. She's forming coalitions with far right and center-right parties. Is she a fascist? I don't know.

Her past involvement with pro-Mussolini groups has raised eyebrows, obviously. Her campaign slogan is ripped straight from him, so that does tend to raise red flags. She claims she has moved past that. We shall see. She is vehemently anti-LGBT, and has made it very clear she will end civil unions in Italy if given the chance. Judging from her remarks and tone, she will go much further than that if she can. She's also anti-choice. And she definitely has issues with all immigrants, that seems to be the centerpiece of her campaign, along with hating on gay folks.

None of this makes her a fascist by definition. She would be a bog standard far-right nationalistic Republican in the US. There is a reason the board is excited for her victory. They want the same kind of policies here, too.

We will have to wait and see if she holds to her pledge of governing for ALL Italians. We will find out soon enough. I have my doubts.

As an aside, has everyone forgotten about Margaret Thatcher? I understand the historical significance for Italy, but news outlets are acting like she is the first PM ever in the West.

So sheโ€™s against choices?

Hmm. Thatโ€™s kinda weird.
Iโ€™m confused about nationalism. Centuries of residence in Italy by the same families and pride in that is bad, and they should invite and yield to immigrants, same for the French, Germans, English and Swedes, but when immigrants took those steps in South Africa thatโ€™s a bad thing and we help the natives โ€œretakeโ€ their country.
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Yeah, the media based its entire evaluation of her solely on that slogan.
I mean sheโ€™s just a patriotic Catholic who wants her country to be strong and retain its Italian ethnicity and culture. Call me when she declares martial law.
Yes, she is very much against a woman's right to have agency over her own healthcare and body.
Oh. Ok.

So she cares about the lives of the unborn. She wants to protect the very human beings the left wants to kill.

The way you stated it, I thought for a minute she just didnโ€™t like the concept of choice.

โ€œAgency over her own healthcare and bodyโ€ is leftist lingo for โ€œLet me kill my baby as itโ€™s none of your businessโ€.
Just so we are clear, no oneโ€™s falling for the lefts word vomit anymore.

Edit: But we can stay on topic. No need to turn this into an abortion debate. The topic is how the left is verbally assaulting Italyโ€™s first female PM. Shameful.
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Yes, she is very much against a woman's right to have agency over her own healthcare and body.
Does she also believe a fetal heartbeat is "a tool of the patriarchy?"

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