Italy Elects Giorgia Meloni As New Prime Minister In Stunning Victory For Feminism Everywhere

Oh. Ok.

So she cares about the lives of the unborn. She wants to protect the very human beings the left wants to kill.

The way you stated it, I thought for a minute she just didn’t like the concept of choice.
She cares about control, power, and punishment by using her religiosity as a hammer against anyone that disagrees with her. That is all it is.
Oh. Ok.

So she cares about the lives of the unborn. She wants to protect the very human beings the left wants to kill.

The way you stated it, I thought for a minute she just didn’t like the concept of choice.

“Agency over her own healthcare and body” is leftist lingo for “Let me kill my baby as it’s none of your business”.
Just so we are clear, no one’s falling for the lefts word vomit anymore.

Edit: But we can stay on topic. No need to turn this into an abortion debate. The topic is how the left is verbally assaulting Italy’s first female PM. Shameful.
And no one is falling for your word vomit about "killing babies" anymore either. So yes, let's stay on topic. Verbally assaulting seems like a pretty strong accusation. I haven't seen anyone calling the new PM a whore on a daily basis as happens on here with VPOTUS. Save your outrage.
I mean she’s just a patriotic Catholic who wants her country to be strong and retain its Italian ethnicity and culture. Call me when she declares martial law.

Retain its Italian ethnicity....

How does that translate to USA? What are we retaining?

An ethnicity? A culture?

Sounds like you are saying government ought to control demographics. The Chinese say hi.
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Retain its Italian ethnicity....

How does that translate to USA? What are we retaining?

An ethnicity? A culture?

Sounds like you are saying government ought to control demographics. The Chinese say hi.

In a recent poll 1 in 5 democrats believe some men can get pregnant. Even if you cut that number in half, and add in all the crap this administration is spewing at us daily, I argue we are just trying to retain our sanity.
Actually “Federalism” as applied to how we were planned is not a strong centralized unitary government. Rather a minimal powers central government with strong decentralized local governments at the state. Thus our “constitutional republic”

Exactly, and the original planners even include a phrase about "all other things" being left up to the states. The problem is federalists always usurp power ... because they want it and because they can.
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She cares about control, power, and punishment by using her religiosity as a hammer against anyone that disagrees with her. That is all it is.

you've gone from discussing some policy views she has to ascribing the worst intentions to her - which is kind of the point about laughing at the media coverage of her.
And no one is falling for your word vomit about "killing babies" anymore either. So yes, let's stay on topic. Verbally assaulting seems like a pretty strong accusation. I haven't seen anyone calling the new PM a whore on a daily basis as happens on here with VPOTUS. Save your outrage.

killing babies is the pro life version of women's healthcare decisions and agency - neither is an accurate description of the situation; particularly as the pregnancy advances.
Correct, he does not. He also said it was a state's rights issue until he lied through his teeth and floated a federal ban.

so a ban on abortion at some point in the fetal development = not believing in the right to manage one's health decisions?

if that's the standard then anyone who supported a vaccine mandate does not believe in the right to manage one's health decisions.
The Nazi party were know that label you apply to the right, but push daily on this nation. National Socialist German Workers' Party.

This is where luther's continuum works. If you wrap the political spectrum around to form a circle, look at it from above, and note the 12 o'clock position as a moderate, disciplined, self governing people with left and right tendencies as you move from the center. The opposite side of the circle is totalitarianism (the realm of imaginary numbers to a mathematician), and it doesn't matter much whether you approach from the right or left because the state is the totality and the individual is nothing. Given a choice (and without intending to offend anyone), Nazi Germany was preferable to Soviet communism - both even practiced genocide throughout their reigns of terror. The Nazis sold ultranationalism, and the commies just sold everybody not of the ruling class a bill of goods and a life of nothing with no hope for anything ... unless you consider where there's death, there's hope.

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